Showing posts with label Vintage and Beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vintage and Beauty. Show all posts

Monday, April 7, 2014

A Spread for Love Songs

Last weekend I got inspired by latest It's All About Vintage -challenge.

The theme of 65th challenge is Music.

At first I gathered materials for a card. Then I happened to find two music-themed pictures I have been keeping safe. They gave me an idea to add a new spread for my scrap/deco book. Some songs have a way to move you and find a place in your heart. Especially love songs tend to do that. That is why this spread fits in greatly with other pages, showing things I love.

/ Viikonloppuna sain yllättävän inspiraation, kun vierailin It's All About Vintage -haasteen sivuilla. Teemana on nyt musiikki.

Löysin korttitarpeita etsiessäni huolella säästämäni musiikkiaiheiset vintage-kuvat. En ole halunnut luopua niistä, ja siksi ne ovat odottaneet oikeaa käyttötarkoitusta. Onneksi muistin kuvia katsellessani scrappays/deco-vihkon, jota olen tehnyt itselleni. Siinä on kaksi aukeamaa aiheista, jotka ovat minulle läheisiä. Koska monet musiikkikappaleet ovat nekin löytäneet tiensä sisimpääni, sopi tämäkin teema mukaan decoon.

Here's one of my favourite love songs from Sting:

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Waiting for Spring

Taking part to It's All About Vintage and Beauty's latest challenge "Dreams of spring with lace".

I personally welcome warmth and light of Spring.This thought made me choose a warm colour palette for my card:

What a lovely family photo! The picture is one from Vintagearkku. Thank you! :) The big crocheted circle and earth-coloured round buttons are from recycling centre, orange lace I dyed myself years ago and white fabric ribbon I bought few days ago.

Thank you for looking!

Sunday, March 10, 2013

ATC Cards in Vintage Spirit

I was surprised about the new challenge of It's All About Vintage and Beauty - they encourage us to make ATC cards! Hooray, I say! ;-)
More specific subject is children, and of course the vintage spirit is essential!

In my ATC cards the children sail to marine adventures and enjoy about summer days. :-)

Edit: Just went through some of the other beautiful cards posted for this challenge. Seems like ATC cards have inspired especially Finnish craft bloggers, and some of them made their first ATCs. Hopefully we'll see more from them... I have been making ATCs for about five years and have got somewhat fond of the concept. :-)

By the way: Just two weeks ago I found a new challenge that focuses on ATCs. It's Fun With ATCs.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Happy New Year to all paper craft fans

I hope your year has started well. I'm happy to say that things are going well here. I started working in new job after New Year, and so far it's been great! It really makes a difference to be able to use professional skills and educational background.

I think all you crafty bloggers find this blog candy interesting - personally I think it's irresistible!

In December I hardly had any time for hobbies, but somehow managed to send Christmas greetings plus make a baby card for a gift we gave to our fellow employee. A good friend of mine also had her first child lately. I can't wait to travel to see their little one! :) Meanwhile I plan an awesome card...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Pssst! You might want to know that...

It's time to celebrate! It's all about Vintage and Beauty -challenge is one-year-old! Congrats! By clinking the picture of their yummy blog candy below you're gonna find more details of the birthday party. :)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Tired but looking forward to this weekend!

I'm glad it's almost Friday!  I have to share exhausting tidings so you might understand my relief. Hope you won't mind...

In Tuesday morning I happened to spill some hot tea all over my keyboard and pile of craft things... What a mess! Luckily the keyboard now works, whew. It just needed a day to get dry. The craft things I had to throw away were only left-overs and few paper flowers, which was not so bad.

Back to Tuesday! Somehow I got in time to work but there were bad news waiting. A new exhibition of our project lacks the person keeping it open. So it's up to us to keep the exhibit open for citizens. It's not so bad but the days are getting longer than office hours.

And, naturally, we have to carry our current tasks along, blah... Well, enough about that. I'm happy that this will be over in few weeks.

Now some good news... This weekend I can compensate the lack of hobby time by going to a craft event! It's Passion for Crafting. Yay! :)

To get to right mood, let's put some pics at the end. Here are some old challenge cards from my other blog. I thought you might enjoy seeing them here because I continue to participate on this blog.

Here is my interpretation of Sunday Postcard Art's theme "Shabby Chic". Made in November 2011.

This one, made also in November 2011, is my first card for the It's all About the Vintage.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Here's my entry for It's all about the Vintage and Beauty -challenge. The theme was to use doilies.

I used a piece of blue doily along with background papers and quite a stripe of white doily when I made the big rosette. The edges I coloured with Vintage Ink.

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Mixed up Vintage

Here's my entry to It’s all about the Vintage and Beauty -challenge #23: Kaikki käy / Anything goes.

I started doing this card thinking a friend of mine who loves fine arts and all vintage. I thought it would be interesting to mix up different vintage items. The experiment turned out well, I think. The Mona Lisa tag and the label of old perfume go together surprisingly well.

Thank you for looking!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Dreaming of new clothes...

In my Finnish blog I just took part to It's All About the Vintage's challenge: Dreams, brown, cream, pink.

While making this card I got carried away by my art critic -side... It was absolutely necessary to use pink with brown tint as a paper colour. Luckily I found the right shade from a craft store. I think it was worth the trouble. ;)

Thanks for looking!