Showing posts with label Ramses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ramses. Show all posts


Sunday, November 25, 2012

It haz been ages since I made an update. I blame it all on that doggy Benny, he takes up all Herz times and attenshunz.  However when I duz get attenshunz it is teh wrong kind.

We did put up our Chrispmouse tree today an I wuz just checking to make sure efurrything wuz done pawperly.  Then the pawparazzi started in and things went downhill from there.

Checking out the tree, is that a speck of dirt?
Talk to the tail
Ramses says hello

Mr. Boots says howya doin?
Benny is decked out

Guest Blog: Ramses

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hello furrends I'm taking over Pandora's blog today. She said it was ok because she has been too busy packing up and getting ready to come join me and mom in Tucson.


I want to tell you how this moving adventure has been going so far. First I came on a huge airplane all the way from Boston to Tucson about elebenty hundred days ago. Mom brought me on the plane in my Sherpa case and it was horrible. There was lots of jerking me around and stuffing me into dark corners and it took days and days to get here.

Since we've been here I have to live in a single room with mom. The door is open but I stay in my room most of the time even though mom is always going out. I do have a great window with bird tv on all the time and mom plays fun games with me, but I'm lonely. I miss Mr. Boots and Panda soooo much. Mom keeps saying they will be coming here with us and finally she says tomorrow is the day!
Getting settled in the Sherpa carrier

I sure hope Mr Boots and Pandora like the way I have decorated the room for them.  I have lots of balls for us to play chase and I've been breaking in Pandora's new da bird toy. I only sort of nommed on the feathers just enough to make them taste gooder for her.

I'm getting ready to give purrs and snuggles to help them feel better. I hope it works so they will play games with me!

P.S. I love Wee Heidi *blush*

Happy Purrday Ramses

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Oh dear! Ramses turned 2 yearz old on Munday an nocat remembered! Pore baby Rammy, so tooday we did haz a nice pawty fur him.

We had nip-tea wiv lil tiny toona sammiches an lots of delishush teensy nip-treatz. It wuz a purrday teapawty.

 After we nommed we wuz feelin frisky an we played chase an run. We had balloons floating arownd an nip wuz efurryware. Teh pingpong balls wuz batted an teh wigglerz wuz wiggled.

After all teh nomming an playing we did haz a tired. Today wuz cold n rainy so we terned teh fire on an teh eyez off. We all had teh nicest snooozes an dreamed of nip an turning 2.

Happy Gotcha Day Ramses

Monday, December 27, 2010

One year ago baby Ramses came to live wiv us. Him iz a funny guy. Hims almost az big az me in hims long body but hez still skinnier than me cuz him iz still growing, but hims head iz teeny tiny (compared to mine). I say that meanz hims brainz iz smaller than mine. MOL Maybe that iz why Her calls him her baby all teh time. I duzn't think he iz evar growing up so Her can just keep him az a baby furever. See what I mean?

Why iz hims tung always sticking owt?

Can you see hims tiny head under this pink bonnet?

Well, Ramses iz teh kitten of teh fambly an I haz to admit him iz a pritty nice little guy an Iz duzn't mind him living with us at all. Happy Gotcha Day Ramses. If you wants to read abowt Ramses story you can here.

You Lookin at Me?

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Cokie teh cat iz having a photo hunt, Iz just a little late but here we go!




A Speshul Guest Post from Ramses

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Note from Pandy: Ramses dansed and dansed with mai BFF Emmythecat's sisfur wee Heidi at the #dudefest last weekend. Evur since him not stop meowin abowt wee Heidi. He did write a powem for her an him did give me a treetz soz I wuld put it on mai bloggy for him. Soz here it iz.

Ode to Wee Heidi
By Ramses

Eyez of bloo an pricky earz. Lil tiny noze wat iz pink like a rose.
Four little pawz wiv sharp sticky clawz.
Twirly tail, tiger stripes, efurrything I seez I likes.
The End.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Hai frendz! Iz haz not said much abowt Ramses cuz mostly we just leaves each other alone, an that's rilly good. Most days we do have a friendly noze-tap. Ramses is kinda shy of me, I rilly haz no idea why. Sumtimes he duz ask me to play but I think if I did play wiv him he wud run away an hide.

So today I wuz checkin stuff owt arownd teh howse and I did think it wud be intresting to sniff on Ramses. He lay down an then he raised a paw an gave me a "thwack*. It wuz a tiny *thwack* but I wuz so surprised I did run away. But I wuz laffing!

Sunpuddle Sunday

Sunday, January 10, 2010

We can haz sunpuddles today
Ramses gets some too
Hey, dats mai scratcher

Mr Boots an Ramses iz pals.

Sleepy Saturday

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Ramses gets cozy in teh middle of all teh pillows, him smart!
I'z on mai henry blankie, keeping up with grooming.
And there is Mr Boots, in one of our beds under the window. We'z all cozy an sleepy today.


Saturday, January 2, 2010

I haz to would likes to introdoos mai new brofur. Hiz name iz Ramses an he iz almost 1 year old. He haz some Maine Coon an maybe Siamese too cuz he haz a pointy noze an he talks lots.  

Hiz arrival came az a complete shock to me. First She left us over teh holiday, then She iz only home one day an this kitten shows up.  Mr Boots an I were not happy abow this introoder, even tho She promised us we would like he.

Well, here iz teh story dat reskew ladee told us. Dis lady wuz walking in a field an she fownd a box an it wuz full of kittens. They kittens wuz covered in filth an had burns from teh amonia an infextions too.  But the kittens gotted reskewed an fixed up to be healthy an go to foster homes until they fownd furever homes. Can you imagine someone who could do such a thing?

Since he came I haz been keeping a close eye on this kitten. He's not dumb an he may be planning something nawty. 

I haz already caught Ramses playing wiv mai plague ratsies, as a matter of fact he iz playing wiv all of mai toys! He claims to come from a long line of royal cats but he better learn dat I iz teh Queen of mai domayne.  

Also, he iz not allowed to take over mai puter. I iz having to guard it sinse I caught him trying.
Mr Boots haz been his ushual grayshus self an buddy'd up to Ramses. He is akting like they iz frendz. But that kitten is skareded of me, so I know something isn't kwite rite. I shall continue to watch he until I figure owt wat hiz game iz.

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