Showing posts with label Pandora. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pandora. Show all posts


Sunday, November 25, 2012

It haz been ages since I made an update. I blame it all on that doggy Benny, he takes up all Herz times and attenshunz.  However when I duz get attenshunz it is teh wrong kind.

We did put up our Chrispmouse tree today an I wuz just checking to make sure efurrything wuz done pawperly.  Then the pawparazzi started in and things went downhill from there.

Checking out the tree, is that a speck of dirt?
Talk to the tail
Ramses says hello

Mr. Boots says howya doin?
Benny is decked out

Big Prize!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

OMC! I did win a speshal prize at the grand kick-off #Nipclub Monthly pawty an I haz been holding mai breaths (not really) waiting for it to arrive.

Well yesterday it did get to our howse and here it is - a Kindle Fire!  Look how overjoyed I is.  I is trying to figure out how to turn it then I has to learn how to read. Oh who am I kidding?  That's what humans is for right?

I want to say a huge thank you to @ShibberingC an #Nipclub for a fantastik pawty and my wonderful prize - THANK YOU!!!

Feeling Better

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thanks you fur all your kind words of encouragement.  I wanted to let you know that I iz feeling better.  I had one asthma attack yesterday an I fighted the inhaler but I probably got some of the medisin.  Today I haz not had any attacks so far.

We iz hoping that the antibiotics iz making me better an I won't haz any more attacks.  I feel good but I iz taking lots of naps so I can get all better again. I haz to keep taking that medisin fur 8 more days.

Thank you for stopping by to visit an give me encouragement to feel better.  It iz working!    Purrs, Pandy


Monday, April 23, 2012

Hai furrends, it haz been a long time but I finally got sum attenshun arownd here. Too bad it wuzn't the good kind of attenshun.

I haz been having trubble breathing again. Like last year wen we think I had pneumonia.  Well I wuz just taking a nap today wen suddenly grabby hands stuffed me in a bag and put me in the car!  I yelled an meowed pritty lowd but I ended up at that vet.

I wuz skard but I wuz brave. They did give me a shot but it didn't even hurt.  Now I haz medicine to take  in case its an infekchun an I haz a inhaler. It comes with a mask to go over my noze so I can breath in teh medisin.  I hope I duzn't need that inhaler now I got thoze shots.

 Praktising camoflaj, they won't find me next time

I will take a lil nap an I think soon I will be feeling all better but if you could send some purrs my way I wud be furry happy - thanks you furrends.

Welcome Lulu

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Allow me to introjoos mai noo sisfur Lulu! Isn't she pritty?  She came all teh way from teh UK in a cozy box.  It wuz shipped air mail from mai dear furrend Kolo hoo iz a baboon an so iz Lulu.  Lulu iz a African name cuz baboons iz from Africa, an it means 'precious' or 'pearl'.  I thinks its a purrfikt name fur Lulu cuz her iz preshush to me.



 Kissing Lulu

 Wispurring sekrits


 Cheking owt teh cat tree

 Climbing up




Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I iz nawt a modelcat.  I haz a dear furrend Daisy hoo iz a topcat model. Her iz gorjush of corss, an extreemly fotojenix.  That meenz her looks grate in pikchurez an nows lots of pozes.  

Well you iz probly aksing yerself, but Pandora iz so gorjush, why izn't her a modelcat?  Well I thinks I haz menchuned preeveeyusly that I duz nawt care fur teh pawpawrazzi an they flashy box.  It terns owt that modeling rekwires pozing in front of teh flashy box fur moar than sekonds at a time.  Once I lerned this distressing fakt I new I wud nevar be a topcat model. An now I shows you wat happens wen teh pawpawrazzi strikes.  

Herz lerned of sum stoopy hoomans thing called Inbread Cat meme an this iz wat went down this meowning:

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