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Showing posts with label Letters: Ken Lopez. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Letters: Ken Lopez. Show all posts

Monday, 6 February 2012


Writer: Steven T. Seagle
Artist: Mike Allred
Inks: Philip Bond
Lettered by: Ken Lopez
Colored and separated by: Laura Allred
Publisher: Vertigo Comics

What’s it about?
Vertical is a little original project from the minds of Steven T. Seagle and Mike and Laura Allred.
Part conceptual project, part life segments.

It is quite an innovative comic, which doesn't really to innovate as much as simply exploring the format.
It is a fun experience all in all. Telling a simple enough and straight forward story/content and having fun with its form.

Vertigo's story focuses on Brando Bale, artist and daredevil living in the city during the Cold War era.
It's the struggling life of young artists trying to get a sense out of live will tension, economics and war loomed over new generations.
Brando makes art by putting his life in danger, doing public stunts-happenings.
One day, he meets Zilly Zane, aspiring actress.
The forces behind his life's goal and dreams will finally meet a stop, as Brando will ponder at this crossroads of life.
He needs to either cease to put his life in danger and embrace life, or continue this useless quest...

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

Supergirl: Wings

Writer: J.M DeMatteis
Artist: Jamie Tolagson
Colourist: Sherilyn Van Valkenburgh
Letterer: Ken Lopez
Seperator: Digital Chameleon
Publisher: DC

What's it about?
A human so self willed.. so drawn to darkness..
                              that her soul stands on the brink of damnation...

It is her purpose to life rebels up..
               to bring them to the light...
      If only she didn't hate them so....

So states the blurb on the back of the book.

This is one of DC's Elseworld's titles.  The term Elseworlds refers to books where the characters are "taken from their usual settings and put into strange times and places, some that have existed, and others that can't, couldn't or shouldn't exist".

This is the story of a Supergirl - not Clark Kent's younger cousin, but a character called Linda Danvers who bonded with a creature called Matrix.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Superman: Red Son


Writer: Mark Millar
Penciller: Dave Johnson and Killian Plunkett
Inker: Andrew Robinson and Walden Wong
Colourist: Paul Mounts
Letters: Ken Lopez
Publisher: DC Comics

Apologies for the delay in posting.  It turns out that accurately predicting the future is not my forte.  That said, enjoy the review.

What's it about?
This is one of DC's Elseworld's titles.  The term Elseworlds refers to books where the characters are "taken from their usual settings and put into strange times and places, some that have existed, and others that can't, couldn't or shouldn't exist".  In this story Superman's rocket from Krypton lands on a Ukrainian Collective farm in the Soviet Union, not a Kansas farm in America.  Subsequently he is brought up as a faithful Communist instead of the more familiar American icon.

His 'S' shield is substituted for a sickle, the Cold War takes a sharp new turn and America becomes the last bastion of capitalism.  Lois Lane never marries Superman and Lex Luthor becomes an American hero.

Friday, 15 January 2010

Young Justice - A League of Their Own

Writers: Peter David and D Curtis Johnson
Pencillers: Todd Nauck and Ale Garza
Inkers: Lary Stucker and Cabin Boy
Colours: Jason Wright and Tom McGraw
Letterers: Ken Lopez and Comicraft
Publisher: DC Comics

What's it about?
A new team of teenage superheroes - named Young Justice - similar in concept to the Teen Titans, but from the next generation.  The line up is as follows:
Robin - Batman's third protege to bear the name.  No powers.
Superboy - Young clone of Superman with variant powers.
Impulse - A speedster from the Flash family.
Wonder Girl - Granted powers by the Greek God Zeus, her mentor is Wonder Woman.
Arrowette - Ace female archer.
Secret - A girl made out of mist.
Red Tornado - An android who acts as babysitter to the team.