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Animals Australia: the voice for animals
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Showing posts with label Rum. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rum. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

The flaming Bundaberg Omelette and Beer Soup

The Old Foodie has to be everone's favourite foodie. To-day, though, she has a post to be remarked upon. Alcoholic beverages defining some unique foods. Beer soup reminiscent of Babette's Feast. But the one I am going to tuck away for future implementation is the Rum Omelette.
Miss Eagle is a bit surprised though, dear Old Foodie. As a Queenslander, you did not take the opportunity to specify WHICH Rum. This Queenslander-in-exile-in-Melbourne will rectify the matter: Bundy, of course.
And wouldn't this make a wonderful Queenslander State of Origin breakfast?
