Showing posts with label mom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mom. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tea Tray

Today I am taking a moment to show off something that was made by my mom.  She made this for me, a little while ago.  It hangs in my daughter's room right now.  She originally made it for my guest room, when I had one.  But, when we moved I wanted to hang it again and thought it would be nice in my daughter's room.  I walked by it today and thought I would share it with you today. 

My mom always says she isn't creative, but she is where I got all of my creative genes from.  I am very thankful for them. *smile*  We use to live less then a mile from one another, then about five years ago we both left the comforts of Indianapolis our home and moved across the country.  She moved to California and I moved to Arizona.  We were six hours apart and the farthest apart we had been in years.  Now, my parents still live in Cali and my family lives in the DC area.  We are now a 5 hour plane ride apart.  Some days are harder then others.  But, I love that this hangs on my wall in every place I move to no matter what.  I like that it makes me smile and think of my mom when I see it on the wall.

I hope you enjoy it.