Showing posts with label 1pg. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1pg. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Newpa Layout

Today I am bringing you a layout that I did recently of my grandpa, Jay and I.  Jalyn as two grandpa's and a great grandpa still alive.  She doesn't call any of them grandpa and as her own name for them all.  Her great grandpa she calls newpa.  This came from me in a way.  She doesn't get to see her great grandpa that much so sometimes it is like meeting a whole new person over again with her.  We see him about once a year maybe twice.    In her short life she as seen him about 4 times.  When I was trying to explain to her who we were going to see she kept asking if we were going to see my dad.  I kept saying no we are going to see a new grandpa.  Then she finally started to understand and said we are going to see a newpa.  I said yes a new one.  So the name stuck.  Now she as a 'newpa'.

There is my long random story about the title of my layout.  One thing that doing project life as taught me this year is that it is ok to do things in my own handwriting and have it out there for the world to see instead of always doing hidden journaling.  While in some cases I will always love hidden journaling, I'm embracing seeing my own handwriting on my LOs.

Hope you enjoy looking!

Sunday, February 5, 2012


I know it has been a long time since by last post.  I have let life, unfortunately, get in the way.  In the last few months, I have gone back to work full time, moved and found out I was pregnant with our second child and just generally enjoying our life.  After all of my scrappy stuff being in boxes for the last few months I have finally gotten everything unpacked and I am ready to return to this hobby I so love.  I hope that you will still enjoy looking at my creations as much as I love creating them.

A couple weekends ago I went to a crop in order to get back in the swing of things.  This is one of the layouts I completed.  It is about my daughter's first time dressing up for Halloween.  I was thrilled with how well she did.  I selected a couple different costumes for her to select from and she went with Tinkerbell.  She was really shy while we were trick-or-treating but afterwards she was so upset that it was time to go home.

I cut the two Tinkerbells out of a patterned paper that was full of different sizes of Tinks.  It is a simple layout but I love it the smiles on my little girl's face.

Hope you enjoy looking.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Wonderful Life LO

This year for my daughter's birthday we went down to South Carolina to see my husband's parents.  The weather was beautiful the whole weekend.  The three of us spent one day outside just walking around the neighborhood.  Of course, it made for a great picture taking opportunity.  Don't you just love those random days?  I just love those random days!

For this layout, I used Basic Grey papers and embellishments.  I think it is the Green at Heart line.  My journaling is hiddened underneath the top left picture.


Sunday, July 10, 2011

Love Me, Love My World LO

Unfortunately in the summer, my scrapbooking time becomes even more limited then normal.  Therefor, I love fast simple layouts.  I have had this picture for awhile and knew what I wanted to do, I just hadn't found the time to scrap it.   Altering my letter stickers to become the color I need is quickly becoming my favorite thing to do.  It also adds glitter to every layout and that is definitely my fav!

Hope you enjoy!

Friday, May 20, 2011

I heart being your sunshine

I am sharing a layout today I did about my husband and I.  I don't do a lot of LOs with just the two of us.  Mainly because so much of our life involves our sweet baby.  But, I had these pictures from a couple of months ago that I wanted to scrap. 

My husband calls me sunshine.  He started calling me that in college.  I never thought to much of it, I just always loved that he called me that.  It made me smile.  One day one of his friends asked why he called me sunshine, and very matter of fact like he said because she brightens my day like the sun.  He said it just like it was the most obvious thing in the world.  Almost like he didn't understand why someone couldn't understand that.  So to this day it still makes me smile and I thought it would be a great LO.

The little heart is a tag that pulls out with my journaling.  Very similar to what I wrote above.

Hope you enjoy!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Praise Jesus

I put this little layout together this weekend.  I was sorting through some pictures trying to get my photo albums organized and came across this picture.  It made me smile, so I had to scrap the story behind it.  Jay use to get startled and throw her arms up in the air.  We use to always joke that it looked like people in church throwing their hands up yelling Praise Jesus.  It got to the point that when she would do it we would giggle and yell Praise Jesus. 


Thursday, March 17, 2011

ET Phone Home

I have had this picture of Jay and my husband for a while.  I went back and forth with whether to scrap it or not because Jay was really smiling in it.  But, it is the best picture I have of when she learned 'ET' that I felt the story was more important to tell than having a fantastic picture.

I tried something a little different on this layout.  I wanted to use purple letter stickers, but didn't have the right shade.  I didn't want to take the time to get my cricut out, which is probably why it doesn't get used as much as it should.  So I used some fabric thickers that I had, put CTMH bond glue on them and added the glitter to the top of them.  They turned out pretty good if I do say so myself.


Friday, November 12, 2010

30 Thankful Days-Days 1-5

I wanted to take a moment and post some of my completed pages for the 30 Thankful Days album I'm working on.  So far, I have finished days 1-5 completely.  I have pictures printed and tags made for the next couple, just need to assemble.  I will be working on that this weekend.

I love this project so far. It has been a lot of fun putting it together.  Plus, it is preparing me for December Daily.  Which I was more nervous about until I started this journey.  Now, I'm excited about it.  You will probably start seeing some posts about that soon also.

Ok, on with the photos.

For Day 5 I did a two page spread...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Dream a little Dream

I combined two challenges into one this week.  The first challenge was for Scrap Whispers Challenge #80.  The challenge was to use the word wish, dream or journey.  I selected dream.  When I saw the challenge I had the perfect title pop in my head to use with a picture of my daughter sleeping.  Unfortunately, I wasn't having a lot of scrap mojo to complete it with.

This morning I came across the new challenge on Sketchabilities.  It was just the mojo I need to crank out both challenges.  I used Sketch #34.

For this layout I used CTMH Emporium level 2 paper pack.  I thought the colors complimented the photo nicely.  I also tried something a little new for me which is stamping directly on my layout.  I don't normally do this because I, one forget and two am scared to mess up the LO!  I used the CTMH stamp set Playful Flourishes.  First I stamped the image directly onto my LO and then I stickled over the top of it in green.  I really like how it turned out.  I then used the little words that come with the set to add some additional detail to my LO.

My Entry:

Sunday, October 10, 2010


I did this quick LO while my baby was sleeping the other day.  I really wanted to use this Bo Bunny paper.  I wanted to use multiple papers on the same page.  It only took me about twenty minutes which is fast for me.  I tend to take a long time to do one LO. 


Friday, October 8, 2010

Pure Joy and Scrap Whispers Challenge

I came across this new blog called Scrap Whisper.  The lady, Georgina Hefferman, that started this blog was recently featured on Bo Bunny's Blog, which is how I found her.  I am a faithful reader of Bo Bunny.  I spent an hour looking at and reading both of her blogs.  Her blogs provide a great amount of inspiration.  This week she has a challenge up that I decided I would participate in. 

I had so much fun creating this layout.  I created this layout for my daughter's month to month album of her first year.  When I read this challenge was to create a layout about being happy, I new I wanted to scrap this picture.  It is the first family picture that was taken in the hospital when Jay was born.  We were so tired, but so happy at the same time.

I did this layout using about 85% Close to My Heart products.  I love Close to My Heart products!  The best thing is that when I use them I don't have to think about picking papers that go together and so forth.  I can just sit down and create!  These papers are all from the Bella line at CTMH.  I am using the line for Jay's month to month album.  I think it will be cute once I'm done.  I'm sure you will see more layouts for it in the future.

It is hard to tell in the pictures, but I added liquid glass to all the flowers.  I felt like they needed a pick me up.  I like how liquid glass gives things that little bit of pizazz.

Enjoy the pics!