Friday, April 27, 2012

WITL 2012- Thursday

Dear Thursday,

You had very little going on. It was rainy and cold. Everyone seemed to be a little cranky today. I didn't even reach for my camera all the much today. It just wasn't in my thoughts today.

My work day was extremely busy and fast paced. The best part was getting to come home to Jalyn and John. Some how seeing the two of them just makes things all better. Jalyn and John beat me home from work because I had to stay late. When I walked through the door, Jalyn started jumping up and down on the couch screaming mommy, I missed you. I just relaxed and smiled.

John surprised me and had dinner waiting when I walked through the door. As we set down for dinner, Jalyn asked if we could say grace. I heart that about her. She always wants to say it herself.

While John left to go workout, Jalyn and I cuddled up on the couch and read three different books. I would read a few pages and then she would tell me what was going on in the pictures with her own side little story. She would laugh at her story in parts and then smile at me and say mommy keep reading please. We got to bed a little late but it was a good evening.

*I'm participating in Week in the Life 2012 with Ali Edwards. You can read more about it here. This week I'm documenting and linking up to Ali's blog each day. I will then put everything into an album another day. I haven't come up with my plan of attack for that yet. 

WITL 2012- Hump Day

Oh Wednesday,

Normally, I find you to be a rough day. Today you surprised me and it was a great middle of the week day.

Today I am thankful...
~for answered prayers and the reminder to keep faith
~for the ability to sleep in and snuggle time with my little goose
~for getting to see my husband in the middle of the day
~for an impromptu dinner date just the two of us
~for Jaleesa's constant kicking to let me know she is still ok in there
~for the path that I see my family on right now
~for the tear in John's eye when Jalyn woke up long enough this morning to whisper in his ear that she loved him

Today I am thankful for so much and my cup is overflowing.

John loves to take these shots from above.

Sweet tea. His and Hers. Lemon and No Lemon
(I saw this idea on Elise's blog. Thought it would be something cute to start doing every now and then.)

Our goose...

Doing Scarlet's hair...

*I'm participating in Week in the Life 2012 with Ali Edwards. You can read more about it here. This week I'm documenting and linking up to Ali's blog each day

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

WITL 2012- Welcome Tuesday

Dear Tuesday,

Tuesday you were a long day. You brought a lot of cuddle time, time with old friends, joy and laughter. It was a beautiful day outside with clear blue skies. We were up way past every one's bedtimes but it was well worth the it. Thank you for this great day.

These trees make me want to curl up under them and read a book or take a nap. I love great shade trees.
Jalyn told me she loved me so much for parking in this particular spot the garage. Such a silly girl.

Clear blue skies, today.

I will always take some cuddle time!

My loves!

Good times with old friends.

Throwing pennies in the fountain.

You wouldn't let us leave the water until you had a picture taken with your horse, Scarlett. She goes everywhere with us. Who would have known mommy's $5 dollar buy in an airport would have resulted in you becoming obsessed with horses.


*I'm participating in Week in the Life 2012 with Ali Edwards. You can read more about it here. This week I'm documenting and linking up to Ali's blog each day. I will then put everything into an album another day. I haven't come up with my plan of attack for that yet. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

WITL 2012- Welcome Monday

Welcome Monday. It was a little slow starting today. We stayed up a little late the night before, which is a normal Sunday night happening around here in an effort to soak up every last minute of the weekend. It was a cold and rainy day. Today John and I were off to work and Jalyn was off to school.

This evening we had a quick dinner of soup and sandwiches. Jalyn ate some french toast. After dinner, John studied for the GRE, I did some reading and Jalyn played with various toys. We also talked to Nonna on the phone to thank her for the new clothes she sent for Jaleesa and Jalyn. Jalyn was very talkative on the phone today, telling Nonna all kinds of stories. John spent some time working on writing numbers with Jalyn, she is really coming along with them. We also had a no television evening, which was fabulous.

Thank you Monday for the sweet smiles, hugs, kisses and a wonderful ordinary day.

*I'm partcipating in Week in the Life 2012 with Ali Edwards. You can read more about it here. This week I'm documenting and linking up to Ali's blog each day. I will then put everything into an album another day. I haven't come up with my plan of attack for that yet. 

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Me and Nonna Picture frame

Today I'm bringing you another picture frame that I made for my mom.  It is a 12x12 frame.  I actually didn't enjoy creating this size.  I don't know why you would like that it is the same size as a layout so it should be simple.  I just felt really restricted with it for some reason.  My mom loved it, so I guess that is what matters!

Hope you enjoy!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Newpa Layout

Today I am bringing you a layout that I did recently of my grandpa, Jay and I.  Jalyn as two grandpa's and a great grandpa still alive.  She doesn't call any of them grandpa and as her own name for them all.  Her great grandpa she calls newpa.  This came from me in a way.  She doesn't get to see her great grandpa that much so sometimes it is like meeting a whole new person over again with her.  We see him about once a year maybe twice.    In her short life she as seen him about 4 times.  When I was trying to explain to her who we were going to see she kept asking if we were going to see my dad.  I kept saying no we are going to see a new grandpa.  Then she finally started to understand and said we are going to see a newpa.  I said yes a new one.  So the name stuck.  Now she as a 'newpa'.

There is my long random story about the title of my layout.  One thing that doing project life as taught me this year is that it is ok to do things in my own handwriting and have it out there for the world to see instead of always doing hidden journaling.  While in some cases I will always love hidden journaling, I'm embracing seeing my own handwriting on my LOs.

Hope you enjoy looking!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Family Picture Frame

I am really loving creating picture frames!  They are such an easy gift to create for someone.  I also love that they can be crazy detailed or super simple.  This is one I did for my sister.  It is very simple but I love the elegance of it.  I used the My Mind's Eye paper for the base.  Then added my own glitter to some plain white thickers, add some ribbon, few rhinestones and you are done.  The longest time was waiting on the mod podge to dry. 

Thank you for looking!  Hope you enjoy.