Showing posts with label Kokeshi doll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kokeshi doll. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


I have just spent the last three days solidly on the computer updating the website. My hands have cramps from using the mouse so much!
Dolls, Handbag Doorstops, Cottage Children, Accessories and Cushions, have all been given a makeover.
Pop on over and have a look at the new look "Our Shabby Cottage".
Kathryn. XX

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Market Countdown is on......

Yep, only ten more sleeps until the very first "Buninyong Makers Market".
The sewing room at Our Shabby Cottage has never seen such a frenzy!
I have just finished these cute little framed Kokeshi's
Everything has been tagged and labelled,
"The Handbag Doorstops" have been well and truly "stuffed"
and I think I can safely say that I will have enough stock.
That's always the worry isn't it. Now, bring on the customers!!!
Can you come and visit me at the market on the 11th?
Hope you can, Kathryn. XX

Friday, July 23, 2010


Konnichiwa everyone!
I have been busy making some more Kokeshi dolls for the Etsy shop and my website.
The "dolls" section of the website is looking a bit dismal so I had better get sewing and do some more Matryoshkas too.
Harumi, Kichi and Mieko are in my Esty shop now along with a couple of the "TUTU cute" lavender sachets.
I had no luck lokking for soccer fabric yesterday (which I thought would be the case) so I will have to resort to the internet once more. I would love to be able to shop "local" but when there isn't anything to choose from, and I can get it half price on the internet, what incentive is there?
I have found a few pieces for the soccer quilt here. Check out their web specials, here and here...need I say more?
Have a happy Friday.
Kathryn. XX

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

More ticked off the list....

Last year, I stupidly decided to make something for everyone for their Christmas gifts. I nearly drove myself mad at the sewing machine and consequently didn't go near the thing for a month!
This year, however, I have bought everything.
And, I am well under budget and stress free!
I popped into Spoils (a local discount variety store) the other day, just to see what they had, and I found these cute little Kokeshi dolls. They were only $4.50 each! So, I bought 10!
Lots ticked off the list now - only two more to go.
I am off to my craft Christmas dinner tonight which will be fun. I have missed the last few catch up's with the girls. I must remember to take the camera!
Kathryn. XX

Friday, August 14, 2009

Finally finished.....

It's taking about 4 times as long to finsih anything lately. Hubs and I were up at the house until late last night up on scaffolding finishing off the last bit of insulation on the upper roof ceiling. I know, more insulation, when will it end?....not anytime soon because then it's the lower floor ceiling to be done. I can see light at the end of the tunnel though. The plasterers have done an amazing job so far and it is really starting to look like our home now.
Anyway, these pretty Kokeshi Dolls have finally been finished and are now in the shop.
A couple have already been given new homes, thanks to a couple of girls from my craft group for having birthdays recently. Can you spot one of them in the bottom of this photo? Hee hee, i think she liked hers! One was sickly, I hope she is OK.
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend.
Kathryn. XX

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Dad makes little wooden Kokeshi Dolls and when he said he was making a fresh batch I was excited. He must have realised I was hinting, so on Saturday when Mum and Dad visited to help on the house he presented me with a little package. What could be inside? Not one, but 4 beautiful little Kokeshi dolls in pretty colours just for me! He usually makes them in reds, bottle greens etc.. but I guess he thought I would like the "girly" ones. He was right! Aren't the gorgeous?
It was a happy coincidence that I had started making my own on Friday! I hadn't made any for AGES so I thought I had better get cracking and restock the miserable "Doll" section of the shop! (more Matryoshka's coming too)

They still have to have their "bottoms" sewn shut and hair accessories added.
But not today, I will be back at the house trying to finish off the insulation!
Kathryn. XX

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Mum and Dad

Today was spent with my Mum and Dad. They have been away on their "last trip" overseas and had been gone for 6 weeks. They are world travellers and have just about conquered every continent. This time they went to Croatia, Hungry, Austria, Belgium, England and the USA. They have only been home a few days and only just recovering from jet lag. it was great to see them and they brought some lovely goodies with them. I shall show you tomorrow....

Here is Mai. She is my lateset Kimono Kokeshi doll. She will be added to my Etsy shop soon...

Lovely KIKI is packaged and ready to fly off to California in a few days time. I hope she enjoys
her new home...

Here are some more girls for my Etsy shop.
