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How many unhappy people do you know? Take a moment and think about it. I betcha there are loads of peeps, right?
Now, how many happy people do you know? Take a moment... is it harder to come up with names of happy people that you know? For most people it is. Why is it easier to come up with a list of unhappy people that we know of? Mainly because unhappy people tend to express their unhappiness more loudly, whether that expression of unhappiness is through verbal or physical means. An article in The Star recently about a young couple who outwardly write on their relationship tiffs in facebook attests to this notion. We see and hear what seems to be a lot of unhappy people in the course of a week. They complain, they tell you the sad story of their life, perpetually rant and rave via every possible means of communication or media, they go around offending people with rudeness and expect others to understand their unhapiness, they walk and hold themselves in an unhappy way. They often frame their face with unhappiness to let the whole world know, I am not happy! Unhappy people seem to want to spread their contagious virus of unhappiness.
Now, this is not true of all unhappy people. There are also many unhappy people who withdraw from the world, they don't complain or tell you sad stories of their life, matter of fact, they have little personal interaction with others, if at all. We may not recoginize these people as outwardly unhappy, however we would not classify them as happy either.
Interesting enough, people who are happy don't often express their happiness out loud. Some happy people may even feel guilty for being happy in what seems to be a sea of unhappy people.
Happy people when they do express their happiness outwardly often are criticized by other people with things like, "This person is nuts, nobody can be that happy", "Are you really that happy or too dumb to know better", "What are YOU so darned happy about?". These types of onslaughts may cause a person to keep their happiness to themselves. They may become quietly happy and keep their happiness to themselves.
Happiness, like unhappiness is contagious. To be outwardly happy is too give off positive vibes, which effect those around us and cause a cascade of happiness throughout the world. Gautama Buddha never intended to harp on suffering when he expounded the 4 Noble Truths, but rather, was trying to provide the antidote to eliminating suffering and its causes which ultimately leads to happiness. My late-Dad's wish for a movie producer to for once, give a surprise ending whereby heroes as well as villians perish altogether...... never quite came through, since even the producers always seemed to follow the path of eventual happy endings, probably with the hero and damsel locking in a passionate embrace. Happiness sells!
When you are happy, let the world know it, let the world see it in your face, your walk, your style. As Danny put it, "be in vogue!". If some grumpy person questions your happiness, understand where they are coming from and reaffirm your happiness, be happy to be happy! And if their bad vibes persists, we could choose to offer helping advise or just walk away from them when the efforts are in vain.
Please note, I am not suggesting that you live with rose colored glasses on or that everything will always be as you want it to be. Happiness is a state of being that trancends the daily problems that may befall us. You can choose to be happy instead of wallowing in self-pity, and you can choose to allow your happiness to shine through and light up the world!
As the song says, “If you are happy and you know it, clap your hands”.
Go on, pamper yourself a bit more from now onwards. Put on a flashy smile and allow yourself to dwell in a lil' happiness. I'm sure you deserve it! ^_^
"Walk on a trail of loving kindness
Walk on a path of compassion
And all else around you will be beautiful."
Every Blessing