Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thankful Thursday- January 24

On this cold Thursday, I am thankful for many things including......

an awesome Chemistry program with fun experiments

a Kiddo who decided herself to make sugar cookie dough

and her brothers who happily joined her to make cookies

for animal cookie cutters found in the clearance aisle at the local market

for a fun and delicious activity on a cold winter's afternoon.....

Linking up with ,Lisa at The Army Chap's WifeNOBH,Miscellany MondayRaising Homemakers and Modest Mom and Raising Mighty Arrows,, Spilled Milkshake,Crafty Spices Mom's Monday MingleMonday Mingleand Just the Stuff Ya Know


Unknown said...

Looks like you had much to be Thankful for! :) Thankful for you sharing your activities with us!

Unknown said...

I agree - perfect for a cold day :)

Debbie Jones said...

Such fun and learning! Thanks for sharing your week!

Lisa said...

The looks on your daughter's face are just priceless! It's great that your kids can work together on baking projects like that.

Enjoy your weekend my friend!

Jan Hatchett said...

You have a lovely family! Nice to see such happy faces all getting along together.

Unknown said...

Indeed a lot to be thankful for Lisa! You have a wonderful family.

Kay said...

Aw man, now I want to make animal shaped cookies!!! Rats. I only have a pig shape too :-( You have a find cookie team there :-)

XmasDolly said...

Thanks for joining us over at Naila-Moon's Thankful Thursday (Just the stuff you know). Love how your boys helped out there baby sister. That's the sweetest thing I've seen in a very long time. Thanks for sharing. Already following. have a great day!