Friday, January 25, 2013

Homeschool Mother's Journal/Weekly Wrap-up January 25

Sigh.  We were supposed to be on the buses from our church going to Washington, D.C. for the March for Life today, but I have come down with a bladder infection.  We will definitely be with them in spirit.  My kids are disappointed, as am I.  My hubby said he will do his best to take off from work next year and join us.  I will look forward to that, going together as as family.  :-)

In my life/homeschool this week:

Monday was the holiday.  We enjoyed having my husband home with us for the day.  He and I ran to the fabric store when they opened to get Kiddo #4 the materials she needed for sewing class at 10:30.  We made it just in the nick of time!  :-)  We also got the Christmas tree and the rest of the decorations down. (better late than never!)

On Monday, I joined my friend Chris and posted Memoir Monday.  You can read the post here.

It was so bitterly cold this week, that we didn't venture out of the house, so there was much going on here, whether it was viewing the sun through Kiddo #1's homemade pinhole box on Tuesday

or baking cookies  or doing Chemistry experiments on Wednesday (click to see more photos!)

we were busy.  :-)

Also on Tuesday, I hosted my weekly recipe linkup.  It was another one with a huge turnout!  Stop by and see 50 recipes that have been shared in addition to my Shipwreck Casserole.

On Thursday, Kiddos #1 and #2 had their online class and Kiddos #3 and 4 learned double digit by double digit multiplication!  (actually, it is at Kiddo #3 grade level, but Kiddo #4, who is 2 years younger, wanted to learn it and she did!  That is a benefit of having older siblings, I guess!)  They both did great with it.  They made their mama proud.  :-)

What I'm praying for: our nation and its leaders, our military, those who are mourning, ill, or suffering, those on the march in D.C.......

What I'm reading: "I Surrender! Thoughts on Making Christ the Center of Your Daily Life," several really good books with the kids, and literally about a dozen other books and novels that I've started that I read bits and pieces of when I get the chance.  :-)

A quote or photo to share:

Kiddo #4 with her big brothers, and the amazing pajama pants that she made each of them for Christmas.  She also made a stuffed animal elephant for Kiddo #3.  I will show that next week.  :-)  She is so talented!  :-)


Unknown said...

Oh, no! So sorry to hear about your infection and missing your DC trip! Health has to come first though, even if it's disappointing. They'll be another opportunity! Hang in there! Awesome on the double digit multiplication! Wow! She made the PJs? Good going!

Debbie Jones said...

A bladder infection...yuck. Been there, done that...multiple times. Rest and drink LOTS of cranberry juice. Sorry you have to miss the March for Life, but just know that you are LIVING for life every day and that is even better than MARCHING for life. Looks like you have had a great week!
P.S. I was thinking this week that one of these years, I am going to join in one of the March for Lifes. It is something I feel strongly about! Have a good weekend and get feeling better.

Harvest Moon by Hand said...

Looks like you did some very interesting activities this week! The pajama pants look like they would be comfortable and warm...especially during the cold spell you're having there. (We are too in Minnesota.)

Jen said...

Aw Lisa I hope you feel better soon!! I love the pj's! She is definitely one talented little seamstress already. I hope you feel better and can have a wonderful weekend ahead!

Kay said...

Your boys just tower over your daughter ;-)

If we were still in DC, I would be walking with you guys. Too far from here. I also get nasty UTI's, so I will pray for you. Those are so horrible :-(

Unknown said...

I hope you will fully recover real soon Lisa. Lovely pictures and as always an interesting post. Your daughter is so talented.

Unknown said...

Wow, your daughter is a great sewer for someone so young! I'm impressed with that.

Hope you feel better soon.

Carrie said...

I hope you're feeling better soon, Lisa! There's only one news station here that actually covers the March of Life and it looked amazing, but cold, brrr! Tell your daughter I love the pj pants!

Unknown said...

I hope your feeling better! I hate it when we have to miss big events like that because of health!

Savannah McQueen said...

Thanks for linking up to Its a Wrap. I hope you'll return this week.