Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Wordless Wednesday/Thankful Thursday- January 30/31

Another combo post.  :-)  It has been a busy and productive couple of days and I just didn't get on the computer.

I am trying to look for and be grateful for the little things; the things that would slip by as "ordinary," yet are very special like...

a great Italian lesson this week

animals whose antics really make us laugh

delicious, warm, homemade bread, especially when its made by one of the kiddos

and a kiddo who not only made his grandfather and grandparents a wonderful birthday/anniversary cake, but who knows what the requirements are for his Civil Air Patrol and works diligently to fulfill them.

What are you grateful for this week?  I am sharing with these lovely ladies:

Judy H-J's ThoughtsMama to 4 BlessingsCreate with JoyNOBHMusings from a Stay at Home MomTina's Wordless Wednesday,Judy @ CoffeeJitters and Wordless Wednesday at Wordless and  Living Well WednesdayFavorite ThingsModest Mom Homemaking Wednesdays and Crafty Spices,Lisa at The Army Chap's WifeNOBH,Miscellany MondayRaising Homemakers and Modest Mom and Raising Mighty Arrows,, Spilled Milkshake,Crafty Spices Mom's Monday MingleMonday Mingleand Field Trip Friday and Just the Stuff Ya Know and Do Small Things with Love and Mondays with Countrified Hicks

Monday, January 28, 2013

Try a New Recipe Tuesday- January 29

Last week was another spectacular linkup.  If you haven't gotten a chance to go back and see all of the recipe that were shared, you can find them here.

Yesterday (Monday) was my dad's birthday and my parents' wedding anniversary (yes, he still says that she was the best birthday present he ever got.  isn't that sweet?).  Kiddo #1 baked them a cake using his own recipe that he has tweaked from various sources over the last couple of years.  We all look forward to it on special occasions.  :-)

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 1/2 cups sugar
2/3 cup unsweetened baking cocoa
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1 1/2 cups buttermilk
1/2 cup shortening
2 eggs
2 1/2 teaspoons vanilla

Heat oven to 350.  Grease and flour baking pan.  Measure all ingredients into large mixer bowl.  Mix well.  Pour into pan.

Bake oblong 35-40 minutes, layers 30-35 minutes or until wooden toothpick comes out clean.  Cool.

1/3 cup soft butter or margarine
3 cups confectioners' sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
About 2 tablespoons milk

Blend butter and sugar.  Stir in vanilla and milk.  Beat until desired consistency.  Spread onto cake when cool.

Linking up with the Gathering SpotKids in the Kitchen, Tasty TuesdayTempt my Tummy TuesdayDomestically Divine Tuesday, Raising Mighty Arrows,Addicted to RecipesHomemaking Wednesdays, Living Well Wednesday,NOBH, Judy H-J's ThoughtsWisdom Wednesday , Favorite ThingsModest MomFull Plate Thursday and Melt in your Mouth Monday and Show Off Friday and Tuesday's Table and Look What We Did and Titus 2sday Mom's Monday MingleMonday MingleCrafty SpicesBetter Mom,Create with JoyThursday's TreasuresTasty Thursdays and Wonderful Food Wednesday and Mondays with Countrified Hicks

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Make Life Meaningful Monday- January 28

How incredibly meaningful to see 650,000+  men, women and children converge on Washington, D.C. and brave the cold to speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves.  Aren't photos like this absolutely breathtaking?

I was very disappointed that I could not join in because I wasn't feeling well, but my children and I watched it live on EWTN.  We were with our good friends from church in spirit!

Something that really affected me was seeing the women and men of "Silent No More."  Holding their "I regret my abortion" and "I regret lost fatherhood" signs before almost three-quarters of a million people, the leader of the group's words really were touching.  She said that no one understood her hurt, her grief and her sadness in the days, months and years following her abortion until she met those in the pro-life movement who welcomed her with love and told her about Christ's love and forgiveness.  It was only then that she could begin the journey of forgiving herself.  Wow.

What saddened me was the complete blackout from the mainstream media.  They covered the anti-gun rally of 5,000 people as opening story and front page material, but the pro-life rally with upwards of 3/4 of a million people goes virtually unmentioned, perhaps with just a single mention or a blurb, if anything at all.  The obvious bias of media bothers me.  Cover everything equally and let intelligent people make up their minds.  What they have done and continue to do is nothing short of censorship.  I digress.  I am not here to down the media.  I am here to say how this march and all of the young people who participated in it has made this a very meaningful Monday post.

Those young people are the next generation.  They give me hope for the future of this nation and the world.  They will be the voices of truth and the media will not be able to silence them.  God bless them for standing up for what is right, for speaking up for those who cannot speak for themselves, and first and foremost, speaking of Christ's unending love and forgiveness.  We are all sinners.  We all make mistakes, but God will and does forgive us if we confess our faults to Him and ask.  That in and of itself provides me with so much hope and comfort!  :-)

"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves."-- Proverbs 31:10

Linking up with:  On, in and around Mondays in addition to Wisdom WednesdayLiving Well WednesdayMom's Monday MingleMonday MingleModest MomCrazy Mama, Homemaking Wednesdays and Raising Mighty Arrows and Titus 2sday and Clever Chicks Blog Hop and Memoir Monday

Friday, January 25, 2013

Homeschool Mother's Journal/Weekly Wrap-up January 25

Sigh.  We were supposed to be on the buses from our church going to Washington, D.C. for the March for Life today, but I have come down with a bladder infection.  We will definitely be with them in spirit.  My kids are disappointed, as am I.  My hubby said he will do his best to take off from work next year and join us.  I will look forward to that, going together as as family.  :-)

In my life/homeschool this week:

Monday was the holiday.  We enjoyed having my husband home with us for the day.  He and I ran to the fabric store when they opened to get Kiddo #4 the materials she needed for sewing class at 10:30.  We made it just in the nick of time!  :-)  We also got the Christmas tree and the rest of the decorations down. (better late than never!)

On Monday, I joined my friend Chris and posted Memoir Monday.  You can read the post here.

It was so bitterly cold this week, that we didn't venture out of the house, so there was much going on here, whether it was viewing the sun through Kiddo #1's homemade pinhole box on Tuesday

or baking cookies  or doing Chemistry experiments on Wednesday (click to see more photos!)

we were busy.  :-)

Also on Tuesday, I hosted my weekly recipe linkup.  It was another one with a huge turnout!  Stop by and see 50 recipes that have been shared in addition to my Shipwreck Casserole.

On Thursday, Kiddos #1 and #2 had their online class and Kiddos #3 and 4 learned double digit by double digit multiplication!  (actually, it is at Kiddo #3 grade level, but Kiddo #4, who is 2 years younger, wanted to learn it and she did!  That is a benefit of having older siblings, I guess!)  They both did great with it.  They made their mama proud.  :-)

What I'm praying for: our nation and its leaders, our military, those who are mourning, ill, or suffering, those on the march in D.C.......

What I'm reading: "I Surrender! Thoughts on Making Christ the Center of Your Daily Life," several really good books with the kids, and literally about a dozen other books and novels that I've started that I read bits and pieces of when I get the chance.  :-)

A quote or photo to share:

Kiddo #4 with her big brothers, and the amazing pajama pants that she made each of them for Christmas.  She also made a stuffed animal elephant for Kiddo #3.  I will show that next week.  :-)  She is so talented!  :-)

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Thankful Thursday- January 24

On this cold Thursday, I am thankful for many things including......

an awesome Chemistry program with fun experiments

a Kiddo who decided herself to make sugar cookie dough

and her brothers who happily joined her to make cookies

for animal cookie cutters found in the clearance aisle at the local market

for a fun and delicious activity on a cold winter's afternoon.....

Linking up with ,Lisa at The Army Chap's WifeNOBH,Miscellany MondayRaising Homemakers and Modest Mom and Raising Mighty Arrows,, Spilled Milkshake,Crafty Spices Mom's Monday MingleMonday Mingleand Just the Stuff Ya Know

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wordless Wednesday- January 23

Although it was in the 20s on Tuesday, it was bright and sunny, so the kiddos were finally able to use the pinhole solar viewer that Kiddo #1 made.  There was also someone else who was quite interested in what was going on, lol.  :-)  I've also included a photo of one of Kiddo #4's 3D Perler bead creations.  She was able to have one of her Calico Critters go for "a ride."  :-)

Linking up with: Judy H-J's ThoughtsMama to 4 BlessingsCreate with JoyNOBHMusings from a Stay at Home MomTina's Wordless Wednesday,Judy @ CoffeeJitters and Wordless Wednesday at Wordless and  Living Well WednesdayFavorite ThingsModest Mom Homemaking Wednesdays and Crafty SpicesLook What We Did and Do Small Things With Love

Monday, January 21, 2013

Try a New Recipe Tuesday- January 22

Wow!  What an awesome turnout there was for last week's linkup!  It was the most I've ever had.  :-)  I hope this week's will be just as successful.

I am sharing my Shipwreck Casserole.  It is a relatively easy recipe and a good hearty meal for these cold winter evenings.

1 pound ground beef
1 medium onion chopped
5-6 large potatoes, sliced or cubed
1/2 cup shredded cheddar cheese
1 can baked beans
1/2 cup tomato soup

Cook beef, season to taste and put in baking dish.
Sprinkle a layer of onion.  Make 3 layers of potatoes, cheese, beans and soup

Cover tightly and bake at 350 degrees for 1 1/2 hours.

Enjoy!  :-)

Linking up with the Gathering SpotKids in the Kitchen, Tasty TuesdayTempt my Tummy TuesdayDomestically Divine Tuesday, Raising Mighty Arrows,Addicted to RecipesHomemaking Wednesdays, Living Well Wednesday,NOBH, Judy H-J's ThoughtsWisdom Wednesday , Favorite ThingsModest MomFull Plate Thursday and Melt in your Mouth Monday and Show Off Friday and Tuesday's Table and Look What We Did and Titus 2sday Mom's Monday MingleMonday MingleCrafty SpicesBetter Mom,Create with JoyThursday's TreasuresTasty Thursdays and Wonderful Food Wednesday

Memoir Monday- January 21

I am happy to be linking up with my friend Chris from Campfires and Cleats for her first Memoir Monday.

I never really gave it much thought that our blogs are truly a memoir. "Through the alchemy of writing about the self, you emerge.  I might say, by writing memoir you become yourself." writes author Elaine Orr.  Elaine continues to say that "There are 'views' of yourself and your place in the world that you have not gotten yet and you will never get from the mirror or the photograph.  You can get them on the page, in memoir."

I know if I were asked about "writing my memoir," even just a few years ago I would have laughed.  What stories would I tell?  Who would be interested in reading them?  It would seem daunting and overwhelming task.

I tell my children when they free write like I do on the blog, do not think of writing "rules;" write from the heart; think of things that have happened that you want to remember and share.  Special moments.  Describe them so you will never forget.  How I wish I had my blog from when my children were small.  There are so many of those precious, once in a lifetime moments that I know I have forgotten that could have been preserved by my written word and photographs.

Like a rare mild day in January watching my older boys play a game of football

or my younger two making beautiful creations in the driveway

These are the fleeting moments, the ones that when remembered and shared, make the meat of a memoir; and that memoir, coupled with what we hold in our hearts and minds, will allow those memories to be cherished and remembered for a lifetime....

Also Linking up with:  On, in and around Mondays in addition to Wisdom WednesdayLiving Well WednesdayMom's Monday MingleMonday MingleModest MomCrazy Mama, Homemaking Wednesdays and Raising Mighty Arrows and Titus 2sday and Clever Chicks Blog Hop

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Homeschool Mother's Journal/Weekly Wrap-Up January 18

I'm a bit late in getting this post up, but I guess it's better late than never!  :-)

Yesterday (Friday) was one of those school days that I know I wish came everyday (where lightbulbs are just going off left and right and the kids are enthusiastic and cooperative).  But, I'll start with the beginning of the week and work up to Friday, lol.  :-)

Monday was our back to the grind day after our fun week in Washington, D.C.  You read all about it here and see more photos.

On Tuesday, it was another day of getting back into the kiddos' various subjects.  Kiddo #1 made a solar eclipse as well as a solar viewing box as part of his Astronomy studies.

I hosted my weekly linkup, "Try a New Recipe Tuesday" and this week has had 50 recipes shared so far.  Wow!  :-)  You can see my homemade hot chocolate recipe, as well as the others here.

On Wednesday, Kiddos 3 and 4 got to practice "shopping" and counting change with a new math game I found, as well as all of us attending a wonderful program at our local library.  It was on the history of the Lenape Indians here in Pennsylvania.  It was a great, hands-on program.  I shared a lot of photos about it here.

Kiddos 1 and 2 also had their new semester begin with their online class.  It is the same teacher they had last term and they liked him a lot.

On Thursday, Kiddo #1 watched a chemistry series on video that I found to supplement his studies.  He said it was "awesome," so I guess that's a good thing.  :-)

Friday was a great day.  One of those "I wish everyday were like today" type of days.  The kids' lightbulbs were going off all day like with Kiddo #3 and his fraction "pizzas:"

Kiddo #4 made some more of her "bead works" with her Perler Beads.  This weekend, she has graduated to three dimensional ones.  That kid is so creative!  :-)

Hope everyone had a great week, as well!  Glad I was finally able to get this post done and up!

Linking up today with:  Homeschool Mother's JournalWeekly Wrap-UpNOBHShow-Off FridayLearn and Link and It's a WrapFriendship Friday and Friday Connection

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wordless Wednesday/Thankful Thursday- January 16/17

Yes, it's been a busy couple of days, so I'm combining posts.  :-)  I've never been very wordless anyway, lol.

The first photos are from Tuesday and Wednesday, with Kiddo #1 making a solar eclipse as part of his astronomy study.  Thought it was too cool not to share.  He also made a solar viewing box, but since we have had clouds and rain yesterday and today, he hasn't been able to use it yet.  Maybe in a few days.  :-)  The others are of a game I have with money cards.  The kiddos go "shopping" and have to buy their items with the correct change.

The rest of the photos are from a homeschool program at the library.  I am very grateful that such wonderful programs are offered and at no cost.  The kids got to learn in a hands-on way about the history of the Lenape Indians that live here in Pennsylvania.  The kiddos knew quite a few of the children that were there, so that was a bonus, as well.  :-)

Linking up with: Judy H-J's ThoughtsMama to 4 BlessingsCreate with JoyNOBHMusings from a Stay at Home MomTina's Wordless Wednesday,Judy @ CoffeeJitters and Wordless Wednesday at Wordless and  Living Well WednesdayFavorite ThingsModest Mom Homemaking Wednesdays and Crafty Spices,Lisa at The Army Chap's WifeNOBH,Miscellany MondayRaising Homemakers and Modest Mom and Raising Mighty Arrows,, Spilled Milkshake,Crafty Spices Mom's Monday MingleMonday Mingleand Field Trip Friday and Just the Stuff Ya Know