Monday, December 17, 2012

Hampir 2 Tahun Berlalu

Kisah lampau.
Tak faham pun artikel yang mereka tulis.
Guna juga khidmat Encik Google, gelak terkekeh-kekeh baca. Lawak.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

If only... and Big Bad Wolf

내가 운전을 할수 있으면 다시 갈게요 지금! 하지만 못해 ㅠㅠ 불쌍해.

I will go again now (12.53am) if I can drive but I can't. Pity me ㅠㅠ.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

10 bulan

Bulan depan cukuplah 10 bulan bekerja. Kebetulan pulak tajuk entri kali ni boleh 2 in 1 padahal nak mengeluh perihal lagi 10 bulan sebanarnya. 

Mampukah nak tunggu lagi 10 bulan?

Bertahankah nak hadapi pekerjaan yang tidak menggenbirakan tu selama lagi 10 bulan? Wah,macam confident akan stay situ sampai Ogos/ September tahun depan. Nampak macam dah ada planning lain selepas bulan-bulan tersebut. Insyaallah... 


10 bulan pejam celik pejam celik tak lama kan sebenarnya. 2 bulan hampir berlalu...See...Masa itu terbang.

자자 씨 힘내!! 홧팅!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Korean food, bukan yang pertama kali.

Kali kedua, made in Malaysia. Previously, makan yang made in Korea almost 2 years ago. Hahaha....
Sedap? Ok, tak adalah tak sedap. Teopokki adalah rasa macam Yong Tau Foo. Nice... nice... Next time boleh order Bulgogi dengan Pancake dia pula.

Oh, makan di Dubu Dubu Midvalley.

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Friday, September 14, 2012


Jeng jeng jeng....
Ini ialah oppadeul...
Anda mungkin tidak kenal mereka kerana mereka ialah 1st generation idol.
Selalu jealous dengan diorang punya 14 years friendship.

Sejak comeback diorang, Running Man no more.
Sibuk tengok Shinhwa Broadcast.
Gelak guling-guling tengok keletah diorang.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Tujuh bulan dah bekerja. Kehidupan semakin tidak menggembirakan. Rasa macam nak gila. Kesimpulannya, saya tak suka kerja saya. Kepada sesiapa yang nak ambil QS tu sila fikir berjuta-juta lemon ya.

Sebenarnya nak tulis...

Bila nak dapat peluang pergi ke sana lagi?
Dah nak masuk 2 tahun dah.

Ya Allah, permudahkanlah apa yang aku inginkan ni.


Monday, August 20, 2012


Bila raya tak pergi mana-mana.... ini yang berlaku di hari raya kedua.

Source: Online Intermediate College Korean
Clare You & Eunsu Cho

V. + 지 알다 =>"to know if/whether"
V. + 지 모르다 => "not to know if/whether"
알다 and 모르다 verbs use -지 to mean "how to" or "if/whether," as illustrated in the examples below. When a question pronoun, such as 언제, 어디, 왜, 누가, 어떤, 무슨 or 무엇, precedes this construction, the speaker is inquiring when, where, why, who, which, what kind, or what, respectively.
동사 VerbWith D.V.With A.V.With N.
Present Tense
V. + ㄴ/은지 알다/모르다.V. + 는지 알다/모르다.N. + ㄴ/은지 알다/모르다.
톰이 얼마나 큰지 모르니?톰이 무엇을 읽는지 알아.짐이 학생인지 몰라요.
Past Tense
V. + 는지 알다/모르다.V. + 었/았는지 알다/모르다.
N. + (이)었는지 알다/모르다.
톰이 얼마나 컸는지 모르니?톰이 무엇을 읽었는지 알아.짐이 학생이었는지 몰라요.
Future Tense
V. + ㄴ/은지 알다/모르다.V. + ㄹ/을지 알다/모르다.N. + ㄹ/일지 알다/모르다.
톰이 얼마나 클지 몰라.톰이 무엇을 읽을지 알아.짐이 학생일지 몰라요.
With a descriptive verb
  • 그 비행기가 얼마나 넓은지 아세요?
    => Do you know how wide the airplane is?
  • 어떤 선물이 좋은지 몰라요?
    => Don't you know which gift is appropriate?
With an action verb
  • 요즘 창수가 무슨 책을 읽는지 아니?
    => Do you know what books Changsu is reading?
  • 친구가 오늘 밤에 올지 몰라요.
    => I don't know whether my friend is coming tonight.
With a noun
  • 그 사람이 누군지 알아요?
    => Do you know who the man is?
  • 그 사람이 학생인지 모르겠어요.
    => He may be a student. / I don't know if he is a student.
In the past and future tenses
  • 그 분이 한국에서 왔는지 알아요?
    => Do you know whether he came from Korea?
  • 언제부터 서울이 수도였는지 몰라요.
    => I don't know how long (from when) Seoul has been the capital.
  • 내일 경주가 그 책을 살지 몰라요.
    => I don't know if Kyung-ju is going to buy the book tomorrow.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Fun Korean Lesson Trip 6N7D

Menarik bukan!~

I am soooo tempted to try this but NO cheap ticket from Air Asia during that time (as I aim for winter class, 4th session) T____T. If there is, I don't mind to spend some money on this just to experience studying in one of Korea university although only for a very short period and enjoying their culture and lifestyles while staying with Korean family.

Anyone......... interested?

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Apps Belajar Tajweed

Salam Ramadhan everyone!~

Just want to share with you especially smart phone users about this apps - Belajar Tajweed. Such an easy way to recall back all those lessons we had learnt years ago. Each hukum tajweed is provided with simple explanations. A very simple one indeed! For detail clear explanations books are still preferred. Heheh... Anyhow thanks to the one who has created this.

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Thursday, July 5, 2012

Changi Airport -15 June 2012

The only picture I took in Changi Airport. Curious why I'm too lazy to take more pictures. Does it mean there will be second trip to SG. next year? Huhu... Was on my way to exit from Terminal 1. Err... just a random picture. Nothing special.

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Sunday, July 1, 2012

Withdrawal Symptom

Two weeks passed and by today it should be lessen but somehow my withdrawal symptom is getting worst...err... percentage level is increasing. If there is a tool to measure the level, I assumed mine would be at the last or critical level. Aaa!~ I don't know this is how hard it could hit me ㅠㅠ.  어떻게 내게 이럴 수 있죠? ㅠㅠ

No matter how hard 오빠들 especially 오빠얌 hit me, I'm glad I've found all of you 3 years ago. Thanks to the 막내 앤디 오빠 for this. The years waiting to see all six of you perform together on stage is priceless. You are the 1st group that captured my heart and bring me into this K-world though sometimes I regret to be in this K-world. Too addictive ㅋㅋㅋ.

Dear Oppayam @오빠얌 ^^~

You make me craving for Yam Ice Cream these days!! Aish... ㅋㅋㅋㅋI admire and jealous of you because you are sooo~ great at taking photos and good with Japanese language??! 왜 왜 왜... ㅋㅋㅋ

Tiba-tiba mood swing. Mati idea pulak nak tulis apa lagi. Hehe... 안녕~

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Monday, June 25, 2012

Jalan-jalan Singapore

Telah berjaya membawa diri berjalan-jalan ke Singapore pada 15 & 16 Jun 2012 yang lepas. Sebenarnya tak banyak sangat tempat yang dituju sebab 1 hari dah guna untuk benda lain. 

Untuk selamat, saya guna 1 line je. Dari Changi Airport, saya tukar ke MRT purple line dekat Outram Park Station (kalau tak silap) sebab nak ke Chinatown beli souvenirs. Tapi sebelum tu dari airport kena guna MRT green line tukar dekat Tanah Merah Station... Hish!~~ Tak ingat dah pasal MRT tukar-tukar ni tapi tak payah risau. Tak susah sangat nak guna MRT cuma part yang susah ialah part nak keluar dari station. Banyak sangat exit. -_-;

Sebenarnya trip ni lebih nak mencabar diri sendiri sebenarnya dan saya belajar sumthing yang sangat berguna untuk trip-trip yang akan datang (insyaAllah). Kekeke... rasa nak gelak dengan diri yang bijaksana sangat. 

Gambar pun tak banyak sebenarnya. Malas. Ada 4-5 keping je kut. Huahua....

Sky train dari Terminal 1 nak ke Terminal 2.
Yeay! Berjaya sampai ke Chinatown selepas duk belek internet macamana nak ke sini.

Tak ramai orang sangat

Salah satu masjid yang ada dekat area Chinatown. Sederet dengan masjid ni ada restoran nasi beriani ke apa entah. Nama restoran tu Taj. Mula-mula nak makan McDonald je tapi sebab teringat dah 2-3 hari tak berapa lalu makan nasi, paksa kan diri juga makan nasi dekat Taj ni. Harga bolehlah tapi tolong jangan convert duit Malaysia. Huhu....

Tak tau apa motif ambil gambar bangunan ni. Huhu...
Let's go!~

Macam nak sambut CNY pulak

Salah naik train so tengah tunggu train nak ke Dhoby Ghaut. 
Dekat Dhoby Ghaut Station. Gila jakun. Bertingkat-tingkat dia punya interchange station ni. Memang boleh sesat. 
Kawan baru!!~ Hehe... Oh, masa ni dah sampai Airport Senai sebab ada sorang nak balik Sabah bah!~
Tu je gambar yang ada. 16 haribulan punya agenda adalah secret recipes. Annyeong!~ ^_^

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Selamat Hari Raya

Breakfast hari ini... Ketupat & serunding. Puasa pun belum lagi dah feeling-feeling hari raya. Jemput makan semua ^_^

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Monday, May 28, 2012

I Like Jjajangmyeon

Random post of the day. Dekat rumah sejak kebelakangan ni ada udang. Hairan, lalu saya b'tanya kepada emak udang murah ke? Ayam pun ada jugak tapi sebab nak menunggu ayam tu lembut lambat, maka saya guna udang untuk memasak Jjajangmyeon. Resepi asal guna benda yang tak halal tu. Err... Banyak je benda yang dah ditukar ikut bahan yang ada dekat rumah.

Ah!~ Sekarang memang suka makan Jjajangmyeon. Selagi sos dia tak habis.... selagi tu saya boleh makan Jjajangmyeon ikut suka hati. Hehe... Ada 2 pack lagi dalam freezer. Cukup buat stock sampai dapat pergi Korea rasanya.

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Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Banana Uyu @ 바나나 우유

First time minum 바나나 우 유 ^_^
Boleh tahan jugak harga dia sekotak RM 2.80. 
Kira sama harga dekat Korea 1000 won kalau tak silap.

Mula-mula minum rasa macam ubat pun ada.
Nak kata sedap gila tu tak kut.
Kira okaylah rasa susu ni.

Jemput minum.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

[Lyric] SHINHWA-Venus

눈부신 너의 모습 날 멈추게 해

The way you dazzle makes me stop in my tracks

머리부터 발끝까지 모두 완벽한 걸

From head to toe, everything about you is perfect

아무 말 없이 스치던 널 첨 본 순간

The moment I first saw you when you passed me by without a word

You light up light up light up light up

You light up light up light up light up

꿈만 같았어 (dreamer dreamer)

Like a dream (dreamer dreamer)

실크 빛 너의 드레스 (angel angel)

The silky light of your dress (angel angel)

숨결이 느껴져 (closer closer)

I feel your breath (closer closer)

너를 부르고 있어

I’m calling out for you

You’re ma luv uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! Venus

You’re ma luv uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! Venus

얼어붙어 버린 내 몸을 녹여

You melt my frozen body

널 잡고 잡고 싶은걸 (just say your love)

I want to catch catch hold of you (just say your love)

널 잡고 잡고 싶은 맘 (just say your love)

My heart wants to catch catch hold of you (just say your love)

You’re ma luv uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! Venus

You’re ma luv uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! Venus

뛰는 가슴은 지금 널 향하고

My beating heart is now heading towards you

널 갖고 갖고 싶은걸 (just say your love)

I want to have have you (just say your love)

널 갖고 갖고 싶은 맘 (just say your love)

My heart wants to have have you (just say your love)

환상적인 너의 아름다움

Your beauty is magical

You’re a goddess heaven sent fallin’ down

You’re a goddess heaven sent fallin’ down

너무 차원이 달라 비교조차도

You’re on such a different level

저주받을 범죄일지도 몰라

Even drawing comparisons may be a sin that deserves damnation

자꾸 너와 같은 곳엔 destiny

Always being at the same place with you is destiny

너의 그림자만 봐도 난 널 느껴

Just by looking at your shadow I can feel you

이젠 너를 놓칠까 봐 미칠 것 같아

Losing sight of you now I’m going crazy

You light up light up light up light up

You light up light up light up light up

둘만의 시간 (dreamer~dreamer~)

The time that belongs to just the two of us (dreamer~ dreamer~)

그 환상 속에서 (angel~ angel~)

In that fantasy (angel~ angel~)

멈춰선 my Venus (closer~closer~)

Coming to a stop my Venus (closer~ closer~)

너를 원하고 있어

I want you

You’re ma luv uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! Venus

You’re ma luv uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! Venus

얼어붙어 버린 내 몸을 녹여

You melt my frozen body

널 잡고 잡고 싶은걸 (just say your love)

I want to catch catch hold of you (just say your love)

널 잡고 잡고 싶은 맘 (just say your love)

My heart wants to catch catch hold of you (just say your love)

You’re ma luv uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! Venus

You’re ma luv uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! Venus

뛰는 가슴은 지금 널 향하고

My beating heart is now heading towards you

널 갖고 갖고 싶은걸 (just say your love)

I want to have have you (just say your love)

널 갖고 갖고 싶은 맘 (just say your love)

My heart wants to have have you (just say your love)

신비로운 your eyes 눈부신 this night

Mysterious are your eyes, dazzling is this night

아주 먼 곳으로 데려갈게 손 끝에 닿을 때

I’ll bring you to a faraway place when our fingertips touch

E-R-I-C I got to love you no one else above you

E-R-I-C I got to love you no one else above you

24/7 always thinkin’ of you날개를 펼쳐

24/7 always thinkin’ of you spread your wings

구름위로 더 높이 날아가 higher baby,

Let’s fly higher than the clouds higher baby,

Let’s fly, touch the sky, no doubt that you’re one of a kind,

Let’s fly, touch the sky, no doubt that you’re one of a kind,

Now let’s ride to the moon we can own the night

Now let’s ride to the moon we can own the night

네 맘을 다 비워버리고I’ll blow your mind

Empty your heart I’ll blow your mind

You’re ma luv uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! Venus

You’re ma luv uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! uh! Venus

얼어붙어 버린 내 몸을 녹여

You melt my frozen body

널 잡고 잡고 싶은걸 (just say your love)

I want to catch catch hold of you (just say your love)

널 잡고 잡고 싶은 맘 (just say your love)

My heart wants to catch catch hold of you (just say your love)

Unlike other girls you’re outta this world

Unlike other girls you’re outta this world

천사들도 다 무릎 꿇을걸 꿈속에만 일어나는 법

Even angels kneel before you, this can only happen in a dream

눈앞에 여신이 이뤄주는 것

A goddess has appeared before my eyes

These stars all dance around you all night I’m crazy bout you

These stars all dance around you all night I’m crazy bout you

Don’t ever never leave us you’re my love my love Venus

Don’t ever never leave us you’re my love my love Venus

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Red Velvet Cake

Setelah mengidam berbulan-bulan mengalahkan ibu mengandung, akhirnya berjaya menikmati kek merah ini.  Comelkan cawan polkadot tu. Hihi...

Sebelum ni buat tanpa creame cheese frosting. Makanya keenakkan kek merah ini kuraang terasa. Saya rasa yang buat kek merah ini digilai ramai ialah frosting cheese tu sebenarnya. Err... tapi saya ada masalah dengan frosting ni sebab dia cair lah. Huu~

Sedap! Sedap! Tapi kalau moist sikit lagi sedap kut.

p/s: Going to make it in orange next time for all Orange Princesses @ Shinhwa Changjo out there ^^

Heart the red color


Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Vitamin S @ Shinhwa The Return Venus

Daebak sangat!!!~~
Vitamin S!!! Hari-hari balik kerja duk buat sesi ulang tayang ^_^
4 tahun tunggu nak tengok diorang perform as Shinhwa. 
Sebelum ni tak sempat sebab kenal diorang time diorang dah nak masuk military service.
Masa tu dapat tengok diorang perform secara solo je.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I went there today, alone.
 Met my friends who are working there after 2 years of leaving school (univ.)
Saw Catriona Ross.
Ate cheesecake made by Masterchef-I-forgot-his-name. 

More stories?

Sunday, February 12, 2012


Berpeluh! -_-"
Setelah bertahun-tahun tidak menganyam, hari ini kembali menganyam menggunakan reben. Jenuh juga hendak menyiapkan anyaman bersaiz A3 ni. Ada lagi satu kena siapkan, mujur yang itu saiznya kecil sahaja.

Projek simple je ^_^.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Lightless - Piano Version

Source: mizutonaikura

I can't go back to loving what we had before
I can't go back to thinking that we will have more
The darkness of my heart, it burns deep inside me
Can't do anything when you're the one who had to leave

Don't say goodbye
Our memories will fly, soaring in the sky
Can't bring them back
My days are black
It's not a lie, I'll wait here till you're by my side

I can't smile I can't find I can't stop x2 lightless

You don't know what you have done to me
I'm standing alone
With the words you said to me
I wonder if there is still hope

I'm watching as your image in the distance subsides (ah ah ah ah)
My reflection sitting here cries (ah ah ah ah)
In this moment I know that I have lost my light

I cannot move, my heart is paralyzed
I'm standing still and darkness covers both my eyes
I'm flying blind but baby why did you leave me
I can't find the light when I wonder what we could be

La la la la lightless x7
What should I do 

My empty heart is on the shelf
I sit here as days go by talking to myself
You took my light, nothing feels right
I know that you'll return, waiting for your reply

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Buai laju-laju sampai....

Sementara menunggu Maghrib, kerjanya membelek gambar-gambar di Seoul, Korea zaman tok kaduk dulu kala. HEHE.... Saja, rindu. Bila baca tweet sana sini, FB sana sini cakap hari ini cuaca -16 /-17 degree celcius, itu yang teringat balik tu.

Perasan kecil main buaian. Rasanya buaian ini untuk main secara berdiri ala-ala Princess' Man tu. Bukan duduk tapi sebelum ada yang jatuh tergolek gedebuk, baiklah bersuka secara sederhana sahaja.



Messenger Sling Bag

First trial of making messenger sling bag and it was successfully done without major headache. Hehe.... 

Now, I am planning to make the smaller version for myself . I'm more comfortable to wear a sling bag while going out for 'joli sakan' session with my friends. I learnt my lesson for not bringing bag/ handbag when I met my friend 2-3 weeks ago. I just simply stuffed everything in my 'big' pant pockets - money, camera and keys. After having our lunch at Maju Junction and while we were on our way to go to Ampang Point, then I realized that I have lost my money!! I only used RM5 out of RM50 -__-".

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Agree, no?

What do you think about this?
Agree, no?

The last picture is........TRUE!

Have a great Sunday everyone ^_^

Friday, January 27, 2012

How I Cut My Felt Fabric

Years ago, I had always sewn the paper (template) first on the fabric (felt) then I cut but now I staple it instead. Much easier and save more time. Errr...I'm too stingy to buy magic pen / air erasable marker though the price is not that expansive. Furthermore, I have been doing like this years, since I started making felt project in 2008. I had tried tracing the pattern once and it is good too, not that bad ^_^. 

Remember this? 

Last year I made hundredsssss of Pretty Posy Shawlclips. Yup... I cut all of the felt flowers using this method. Disaster! Hahaha...

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Custom Made Pencil Case - Ballerina

Hello everyone!~ 

How's your long weekend anyway? Had a great one I hoped. Mine was occupied with sewing project which I will share with you in another post, okey. *smile*

Today, I would like to share with you one of my custom made project requested by Miss Shazida (if I'm not mistaken) few weeks ago, Ballerina Pencil Case. She also bought Alice Curvy Clutch - Ballerina theme.

Thank you dear

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Setahun! - Winter Trip, South Korea

Sambungan cerita ini. Lama benar jadi pekasam.

Hari ini genap setahun kisah Mimpi. Setahun berlalu tapi ceritanya tak pernah luput dari memori.

Tahun ni katanya kurang snowing. Tapi tadi dekat twitter ada seorang dua yang tweet sekarang ni tengah snowing heavily. Err....

Ingat lagi, time ni saya dah selamat 'pengsan' dekat dalam bilik hotel. Cadangnya nak jumpa penpal dekat Myeongdong sekali tak jadi sebabnya tak berjaya cari jalan ke subway, Station Chungmuro. Padahal station tu dekat je dengan hotel. Kalau siang mungkin kami redah tapi ini malam, takutlah juga. Sudahlah malam, sejuk pula. Kesian penpal sebab dia dah tunggu dekat Myeongdong. Akhirnya memang balik bilik  tidur, charge bateri untuk hari esok. Serius tidur nyenyak habis, tak ada perasaan takut langsung. Huhu...Sudahlah bilik besar, katil queen tidur pula seorang. Golek sakan. Tapi....

Nak jadi cerita, tengah-tengah tidur terbangun sebab katil sejuk sangat. Selimut tebal pun tak jalan sebab kain cadar tu yang sejuk. Sudahlah kaki sakit sebab gigih berjalan, bila kena cadar sejuk... seolah-olah macam ngilu pula. Jadi tengah-tengah tidur tu boleh bangun pakai stokin dan turun tidur atas lantai sebab lantai panas. HAHAHA... Dah cuba kobek-kobek alat pemanas tu tapi tak berjaya naikkan suhu bilik. Itu yang pasrah tidur atas lantai. Mujur nyenyak juga tidurnya walaupun atas lantai. Kenangan~~ kenangan~~

Malam di Seoul

Putih... putih... Pagi di Seoul

Bilik yang lengkap dengan segala macam kemudahan.
Mesin basuh, peti ais, dapur, televisyen.

Campak-campak je semua atas kerusi.
Gambar ni diambil pagi hari nak balik Malaysia.

Gambar katil sejuk tak ada kah? Katil nan ado... Gambar pintu ada laa...

 Pintu yang tak pakai kad.Err... dia pakai apa entah. 
Macam guna sensor je kena letak dekat tempat bulat tu.

Selamat tinggal ^^