Showing posts with label fyp. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fyp. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

fyp chaiy0k!!! tadaaa~

hasil seni tgn kidal ini d harap mampu bg smgt utkku stragel 4 da sp0oky final year pr0ject..huhu..biao ku sedar diri cket bahawa byk benda lg yg kne wat utk fyp ini..aduyaiii..x byk ms daa utk setelkan sume task yg d perlukan.."kamu perlu banyakkan rajen utk phm dan analyse pr0ject ni b4 seminar 1..klu x..u r in a big trouble..", kata sv ku padaku ketika sesi diskusi dgn bliao..omaig0d!!! siyes cuak bile rajen yg byk itu kucurahkan pd bnde2 yg x bpe b'faedah utk fyp..cnthnye melukis katun ini yg sah2 x bole cite nnt prizeng fyp progress utk seminar 1 dpn sv n external lecturer..maybe our presentation will b nxt wik..walopon ku sedar bahawa "Al-waajibaat aktharu min al-auqaat......" "Kewajipan itu lebih banyak daripada masa......" alahaiii..tapi ku maseh lupe diri juge..huhu..

d samping itu..katun2 ini d lukes skdr utk hiasan notis board yg daa msuk 3 bln kosong tnpa ape2 lis mreke ini mampu m'ceriakan notis board ku dgn info2 yg begune..hehe

FYP : to-do-list

- brief research
-writing proposal
-submit proposal

- expert interview
- literature review
- problem refinement
- identify scope of study
- objective refinement

- 1st seminar presentation
- identify requirements
- procure equipments
- literature review
- refinements on problems
- refine scope and objectives


- SE aspects
- process flow
- Flowchart
- GUI layout

-Dev starts

- Product complete
- 80% functioning
- database running
- product refinement
- debugging

- 2nd seminar presentation
- 100& functioning
- deploy for testing
- gather testing result
- analysis
- charting
- tabling
- graphing
- interpreting results
- concluding

** All the best to all final year students!!!h0pefully we could c0mplete dis fyp thoroughly in the end of our semester...insyaAllah..ameeenn...