Wednesday, November 06, 2019


Zeppo wanted to be petted on Monday. Came up to us on the sofa, patted my arm, and luxuriated under my hand. Purring like a diesel, stayed calm a long time before the tail started thumping and he had to clamp on to my hand. I stopped and drew away, no harm done. He just gets too excited, but we're learning to read each other, and trust each other. This morning we tried to feed both cats, and he nosed into Eleanor's food, she ran off, so I picked up both dishes. (Zeppo had already eaten earlier, so) A little while later, he reaches a paw up to my arm, patting me, as if to say "ok, I'm done bugging her..."

I brought the bowl into Eleanor in the music room, then put a dish down for Zeppo. Both cats ate.

I love that he comes to us for stuff. That he seeks us out, finds comfort in us.

He sits close to Dylan.


Catalyst said...

Yes, sometimes they just get so excited from an abundance of attention. Good kitty.

Zhoen said...

It's vital to know when a kitty is just overwhelmed, and stop play.

