Sunday, March 13, 2016


He's keeping his eye on her, you never know.

Mild, but with dark clouds promising rain. Still fatigued from the past week. Wanting to do, with no energy to do with. Damn time change. Oh, and happy π Day. Not going to have pie, but then, we wouldn't. The appeal of sugary desserts has left this household. With the odd exception of chocolate for me. Breads and cakes and pies, meh, not so much. Funny how it loses it's appeal when not eaten regularly. Never as good as when we were kids.

I think that is the real lesson of Eden. Toyland. Those who had fine childhoods and hard adulthoods want the times back when they were young. My childhood sucked sufficiently that I don't look to the past for joy or comfort. Nostalgia, pain about the past. The past hurts, and I don't miss it. The past wasn't easier, childhood was, so I'm told. Or some people re-tell it so it was an Eden, even if it clearly wasn't.

Still working on this theory.

Reminded by polish chick of our househunting. For those of you who have recently (less than 4 years) visited, this is the start of the process. Labels of House the Home (also see below) link to other posts about our hegira*.

Dylan got snagged to cover an evening shift, to cover a sick colleague. I sat in bed to read, and witnessed Eleanor's workaround to my attempts to stop her getting behind the blinds. I'd noticed the crumpling, but hadn't seen her doing it. I could stop her this time, but what's the point, really?

Ah, cats.

*A word I learned from Shelby Foote, and his books about the American Civil War. As well as the story of Jael and her tent peg.


Catalyst said...

Sorry I missed a cupla posts. Your house looks good, though you're gonna have to do something about that one downspout.

Cats will find their way behind the blinds so you might as well just let 'em.

the polish chick said...

hey! thanks for the link! much appreciated.

i'd say my childhood was great, but not perfect, and i'm also well aware of my tendency to edit out the nasties from most memories, which, i suppose, is one way to function in this world. still, i wish the need for sweets would go away, because i'm very bad at saying no to it.

happy pi day!

Zhoen said...

I am well trained to cite my sources.

Forgetting is important, it just ran against my nature. I think I'd be much happier if I could forget a bit.

Zhoen said...

Missed posts!!!??? What am I going to do about you? Homework, young man, lots of extra homework.

We got a twisty downspout extension today, hopefully that will work.

We do keep her out when it's cold, I stack various pillows against the blinds at night. Lots of street and safety lights from the apartment, and it's our bedroom too. And I open it during the day, so she can sit and look out. Which apparently, is still not enough.

Phil Plasma said...

What does D do that requires an evening shift?

I had a pretty good childhood and look back at it with fondness, but I don't do so very often. I'm pretty happy with how things are now, for the most part and tend to spend more time in the now, or looking forward as compared to looking back.

Lucy said...

I found that Jael and the tent peg story all by myself during RE lessons, which we then called scripture, when I used to leaf through the OT on the quiet for my own amusement. As may be seen from this, I had an old fashioned childhood which had its moments.

In fact I have to work quite hard to remember and stay with the good bits of the past, even the better bits of a life without too much pain or hardship; I could almost wish for a bit more untainted nostalgia sometimes. But I seem to have a character which always tends to dwell on the uncomfortable bits. I don't like this about myself, it seems to be rather a waste of a life, when more and more of that life is going to be in the past, to linger on the bitter and sour elements. Also, so much memory is lost anyway, quite beyond my control.

So when an unbidden and vivid feeling from the past does come over me I try now to stay with it, cherish it and not qualify it negatively. I don't know if that's what nostalgia is, allowing oneself to be possessed by that involuntary, sensory recall for a moment, or if it's dishonesty about memory.

Zhoen said...

The library, tech lab and desk.

Sounds a very good plan. Maybe life and memory are more Rocky Road than we generally imagine. Which is to say, good and bad and mixed together with awful fake marshmallows.