Saturday, April 16, 2005


My friend did a list of 100 things about her. So I took up the dare and wrote 100 things about me right now. It's a loopy list, as lists often are.

100 things about me right now
1. People at work think I am obsessively neat and organized, which I am -there.
2. A clean tidy house is nice, but I can take it or leave it.
3. I mix reds and purples of all different shades in our furniture and rugs, and it still looks harmonious, which surprizes me.
4. I do not understand people who have to go find just the right color accent piece to fit in their homes. Or who think everything should match.
5. My hands look like I work with them and I am proud of that.
6. I have never had a manicure, and do not ever want one.
7. I am feeling the aches of living long enough.
8. I do not want to complain. But I do.
9. Cheerfulness is my unsuspected energy source. It becomes punchiness when I get tired.
10. Humor is my sword and shield.
11. I like shaving D's head.
12. I do not like being guessed much younger than I am, I prefer the respect over the flattery.
13. My cat may be the reincarnation of my childhood cat, both originally named Midnight. I feel honored that he came back to me. And that we renamed him Moby- which is better.
14. I am comforted by the idea of reincarnation.
15. I worry about having guests as much as I look forward to them. I do not want to be overbearing, nor neglectful.
16. I love having a massage.
17. Chiropractic care is a key element to my current comfort.
18. I still think about old loves fondly, and would like to know they are doing well without actually contacting them.
19. I still check the obits for the ex's name, but less frequently now.
20. I'd rather be too cold than too warm.
21. I have started using facial moisturizer.
22. I have much more grey hair than I let show, but one day I will.
23. I notice other women's grey hair much more.
24. I can still put in a foley under any conditions.
25. I notice other women's breasts more here in Boston, and I wonder why.
26. My spouse still looks familiar and right to me. I am immeasurably comforted by this.
27. I would like a real, purpose built, vibrator. You know.
28. I would like to make more pottery, but my back couldn't take it.
29. I would like to smoke pot once more, and I probably never will.
30. I like bells, and would like to have more of them.
31. I love having long hair, especially having D stroke it.
32. I like wearing D's old sweaters.
33. I can't think of a secret I have that no one knows.
34. I love to bellydance, even just around the house.
35. I want a red umbrella.
36. I do not brush my teeth, or floss, enough.
37. I do clean my ears and bellybutton enough.
38. I cry almost every episode of Joan Of Arcadia.
39. I talk to my Aunt Evelyn often, she died many years ago.
40. I do not talk to my parents. Or my brothers. And this is progress.
41. I like skipping down the street.
42. I am very open minded.
43. I think abortion is better than an abused child.
44. I think the gay rights movement is the best test of democracy.
45. I think marriage should be abolished as a legal state, replaced with only civil unions. Marriage would be purely a religious state, with no legal status. Spouses would be legally Engaged, with all the current legal benefits and responsibilities of marriage.
46. I think one room schoolhouses in storefront buildings, small classes from the neighborhood, each student with a laptop and a national curriculum, two main teachers and circuit teacher and guest speakers, self paced education, would vastly improve our education system. And stop jr. high misery. Desegregate the age groups.
47. I get a lot of crack pot ideas.
48. I like singing new words to songs to comment on what is going on around me.
49. I like playing with puppets.
50. I like guessing what Moby might be thinking.
51. I like Moby leaning on me.
52. I would like to make music videos for They Might Be Giants songs.
53. I like a lot more than I hate, and this is real progress.
54. I rescued a lamp from the trash room, and D fixed it, I am very happy about this.
55. I also rescued a tv cart.
56. I really want to do more yoga, and I don't know why it is so hard for me to keep at it.
57. I love a good pen.
58. I like the state quarters, especially Michigan, because I am relieved that my old home state didn't embarrass me by doing it badly.
59. I am greedy about tea.
60. I sometimes laugh at my patients, not in their face.
61. Sometimes my patients laugh at me, which is fair enough.
62. Best is when we laugh together.
63. I love when my patient makes me laugh.
64. Being made to laugh is glorious.
65. I only wear one pair of earrings these days, as they are non pareil. Pink glass, but wow. A gift. From D.
66. I am very funny when I am very tired.
67. I miss being in the OR.
68. I miss having friends just drop by.
69. I love Boston.
70. I still get occasional bad dreams about the ex.
71. I enjoy Japanese incense.
72. I am a snob about mediocre movies, but really bad ones I can respect, as well as excellent ones
73. I am suspicious of the judgment of people whose favorite movie is manipulative and mediocre.
74. I often pick up stuff with my bare feet at home.
75. I do not have a favorite anything, is depends on how I am feeling, although I can usually come up with a list.
76. Except for D who is my favorite.
77. I enjoy watching Moby drinking water out of a teapot left for the purpose.
78. I love cobalt blue mugs, but my best mug is red.
79. I enjoy working at a big famous hospital. But I am not impressed with the famous people who go there.
80. I enjoy counting and rolling coins.
81. I do not wear rings, my nails are very short, I do not know how other nurses wear rings and keep long nails without hurting themselves or their patients.
82. The new hair clips are wonderfully useful, even in my thin hair.
83. I enjoy traveling on trains.
84. I love sleeping.
85. Being able to afford small luxuries, like good sheets, is very satisfying to me.
86. Weird news is the only kind I follow daily.
87. I read the comics daily.
88. I wish our picture page, and my essay page were more widely read, but I worry that they might be more widely read, and trouble would follow.
89. I am deeply subversive, but only for good, not for evil.
90. I like penguins.
91. I miss Lava Hot Springs.
92. I think I could still field strip an M16, with some practice, I could still do it blindfolded.
93. I can throw accurately, but not powerfully.
94. Fun to me is singing to D's guitar playing.
95. I have developed a powerful voice from Sacred Harp singing.
96. I fantasize about my essays being published, though I know this is foolish.
97. I am slowly learning patience.
98. Walking is a meditative experience.
99. I want to make some real friends here. It is taking longer than I hoped.
100. I want all our friends to come visit, then move here.


moira said...

14. What is it about reincarnation that comforts you?
25. Are they more exposed, maybe?
27. I've had my eye on this, though not purpose built, and this.
33. C knows everything. He's the only one.
37. Inevitable result of working in the O.R.
38. Now I have to see.
88. What kind of trouble are you afraid of?
95. I love listening to you sing.

Anonymous said...

14. I like thinking people get a do over. Especially when the very young die.
25. I think the women here wear more provocative clothing generally, and I see them eye to chest height on the train. Not really sure.
27. Just don't want to wind up FBUA
33. OH, well, come to that, not everyone knows everything, but everything is known by someone. So, no real secrets.
37.Too True, also wearing a mask is why 36.
38. Bring out your handkerchiefs.
88. Just paranoid, spamming, intrusion, nothing concrete really.
95. Well, you can certainly hear me.

Carol said...

I find # 2 interesting ;)