Showing posts with label go check these guys out right now. Show all posts
Showing posts with label go check these guys out right now. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


One of my very favorite kinds of recognition is from other artists. Especially ones I admire. This morning I found that Leen Christens, who I recently "discovered" through Illustration Friday, left me a wonderful award at her blog.

Apparently, the way this works is that now I have to list 15 of my favorite "lovely" blogs. This is actually a great way to introduce those who are interested to several fantastic artists, so I have no problem with taking a little time to do so! Go check out Leen's blog as well as Jenny's, Enchanted Moon Illustration, who gave this award to Leen before she passed it on!
She has a list of very talented artists, too. I could spend all day looking from list to list if only I didn't have to work! Arg...

So here's my list to pass on, just in case you haven't already checked out my reading list over there. You don't have to pass it on if you don't want to. And if I didn't mention you, don't worry, I still love you, but it would take all day to post all my favorites!

Diana Evans

Abigail Halpin - Illustration

Bella Sinclair Doodlespot

Beth's Artworx

cori dantini makes...

dori the giant

Ice-Cream Monster Toon Cafe

kathy hare illustration

Lisa Snellings

Rebekah Leigh


Shirley's Illustrations

The Crooked Stamper

Woodstock Lily

white octopus illustration
