Showing posts with label award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label award. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

I am "stylish"

...well, apparently my blog is, anyway!

Thanks to Sandy, at sandygrafik. Her blog is truly lovely, and her art is to die for! I just love her girls.

As these types of awards go, it works like this: I have to list 7 facts about myself and then name 10 blogs I think are stylish.
Since I haven't done anything like this in a while it sounds like fun! Ready?

Facts first:

1) I have lived in Washington state my whole life except for two years I lived just outside of Frankfurt, Germany in the 80's.

2) If someone gave me a free vacation anywhere in the world I would go here:

or here:

3) I am, more often than not, a lucid dreamer. And I always dream in color.

4) This would be my dream job:

or this:

5) My dream car is this one:

6) I am not afraid of snakes.

7) If I could have dinner with one celebrity of my choice it would be this guy:

Now for my list.
I love these blogs, they are stylish, sweet, sassy and just plain cool. (If I've named you, you don't have to play...I just want people to know how cool you are!)

Abigail Halpin Illustration
Amanda Raquel Worr
Ces and her dishes
Cori Dantini makes...
white octopus illustration
ugly yellow
Shirley's Illustrations
Melissa Liban Illustrations
Krista Hamrick Illustration
Jeannie Lynn Paske's Obsolete World

Some of these are old friends and some of them are new obsessions. Go check them out!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


One of my very favorite kinds of recognition is from other artists. Especially ones I admire. This morning I found that Leen Christens, who I recently "discovered" through Illustration Friday, left me a wonderful award at her blog.

Apparently, the way this works is that now I have to list 15 of my favorite "lovely" blogs. This is actually a great way to introduce those who are interested to several fantastic artists, so I have no problem with taking a little time to do so! Go check out Leen's blog as well as Jenny's, Enchanted Moon Illustration, who gave this award to Leen before she passed it on!
She has a list of very talented artists, too. I could spend all day looking from list to list if only I didn't have to work! Arg...

So here's my list to pass on, just in case you haven't already checked out my reading list over there. You don't have to pass it on if you don't want to. And if I didn't mention you, don't worry, I still love you, but it would take all day to post all my favorites!

Diana Evans

Abigail Halpin - Illustration

Bella Sinclair Doodlespot

Beth's Artworx

cori dantini makes...

dori the giant

Ice-Cream Monster Toon Cafe

kathy hare illustration

Lisa Snellings

Rebekah Leigh


Shirley's Illustrations

The Crooked Stamper

Woodstock Lily

white octopus illustration


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Award and a contest!

If you have not checked out Shirley at Shirley's Illustrations, go do it now! She is a fabulous artist and her little critters never fail to make me smile.

Shirley has graciously given me an award! I say "gracious" with a laugh, because it's the "Bald Faced Liar Creative Writer" award! Ha!

As most blog awards go, I am supposed to:

1) Thank the person who nominated you (Thanks Shirley!) and link to their blog. (check)
2) Copy the logo and place it on your blog.(check)
3) Tell 6 outrageous lies and at least one outrageous truth about yourself. (check, see below)
4) Nominate seven other "creative writers" and post links to their blogs. (check, ditto)
5) Leave comments for them to let them know you nominated them! (on my way!)

So I'm going to nominate the following:
Michel at Facts Are Strictly Optional
Otin at Wizard of Otin
Spuds at Carrying a Cat by the Tail
The Pseudonymous High School Teacher
"Middle-aged Woman" at Unmitigated and the Zombie News Network
Captain Dumbass at Us and Them (and the Zombie News Network again!)
and I'm gonna cheat by adding "anyone else who wants to play"!
(Disclaimer: If you really don't want to do this, that's fine, too. I know people are busy. But you all are some of my favorite liars storytellers, so I just thought I'd pass on the love!)

Alright. Now for a rousing game of "Truth? or Lie?"

Which of the following are actual true facts about me? Hint: there are three. And the contest part? The first person who responds with all three correct actual true facts about me wins a print of any one of my drawings (from this blog, Etsy or Zazzle) that they want! Yea! (Family doesn't count!)

Here goes!
1:  I once won a backstage pass to an Oingo Boingo concert and had my picture taken with Danny Elfman.
2:  I got to be part of a crowd scene at the Rocking Horse Bar in Spokane during the filming of "Vision  Quest".  Madonna sang "Crazy For You".
3:  I lived in Frankfurt, Germany for two years, by myself, and worked at a Burger King.
4:  I had to be air-lifted off a mountain after a skiing accident that broke both my ankles.
5:  I am a direct descendant of Erik the Red.
6:  I once got arrested for public intoxication outside of a Journey concert.
7:  I'm a speed reader. I once read War and Peace in 20 minutes.
8:  I'm color blind.
9:  I'm a "night owl", get bad sunburns when I'm exposed to too much sun and am severely allergic to garlic. I think this means I'm half vampire.

I am going to be out of town for a few days, but will be checking I will post the answers once someone guesses the correct ones, or on Sunday if no one has by then.  At that point, whoever was closest, wins.

How's that sound?

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


My dad sends me lots of pictures. He likes to take pictures, always has, and I occasionally post a couple here and there. Over the past week or so he's been sending me a lot, but they are not of the beach or the grandkids. He has been scanning in a bunch of old photos dating back from the 30's through the 80's, of family and friends. I love seeing these old pictures, even if they are of relatives, and other people, I never met. I really love this one of my Great-Aunt Neva ("Nene") and my grandmother (middle and right) with an unknown friend of theirs. Looks like it dates to the 30's sometime, judging by the clothes. I love the hats!

He also sent me these of himself and my mom that I think date around the time they got married, it looks like. My dad looks like he's got that James Dean cool thing down, and my mom was so cute!

Then he sends pictures like this.

Can you tell I was a little shy as a kid? That's my grandmother again, my dad's mom, Marion.
Thanks, dad!


And now for something completely different... I got my first bloggy award!

From Pastor Sharon. She rocks walks Dances with God! She is one cool pastor and I would totally go to her church if only she would move here and start one!

This award was apparently started by Bookin' With Bingo. What a great way to share some of your favorite blogs! Pastor Sharon got one and is passing it along in true blogger fashion. I will pass it on as well, and maybe introduce one or two of you to some new and different blogs. I am so lame, I rarely take time to comment on their blogs, but I do read them, and about 473 (well, okay, maybe not quite) others, nearly every day.

B for Beautiful: I give this one to Beth Niquette who does wonderful, fanciful drawings and cloud "paintings", and truly has a gift for seeing fabulously unique things in our ordinary world!

I for Informative: I give to Michel at Facts Are Strictly Optional, because I learn something from her everyday. Things like how wonderful Little Debbie products are, or that there is such a thing as Bacon flavored vodka! Sometimes (frequently) I become informed just by reading the comments other people leave. Most important, though, I've learned that I do not, under any circumstances, ever want to work for the Government and live in Sudan. Thanks, Michel!

N for Neighborly: I give this one to Janie at Midlife Slices. She was one of the very first people in the blog-o-sphere to truly befriend me. Janie, seriously, you are welcome at my house for margaritas any time!

G for Gorgeous: goes to Jason at The Jason Show. He has wonderful stories of family life, great pictures, funny stuff, sad stuff. He knows how to make fun of himself while providing valuable lessons of tolerance in a not-so-tolerant world.

O for Outstanding: goes to Eileen at Sane Without Drugs. She is crazy and makes me laugh, but also makes me think about stuff. I love her photos of her flowers and cats (and everything else). Just one thing...will someone please rescue poor Fluffy?!

Now go check 'em out! I love you guys!