Frequency: Rare
No. appearing: 6-60
Armor class: 7
Move: 9
Hit dice: 1-6 hit points
% in lair: 50%
Treasure type: by individual, in lair, k, b
No. of attacks: 2
Damage/attacks: by weapon, or 1-4
Special attacks: +2 with bow or sling, +3 with hurled stone
Special defenses: Save at 4 levels higher
Magic resistance: save at 4 levels higher
Intelligence: Average, but cunning
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Size: S (2 1/2'-3 1/2' tall)
Psionic ability: nil

Inbred, stubborn, and hostile, Rockchuckers are the trash of the halfling world. Willfully ignorant and deliberately difficult, any interaction with them is a trial. Either greatly overweight, or rail thin, Rockchuckers are too lazy to develop their skill with the bow or sling like other halflings. They are, however, deadly with hurled stones which they choose with care from streams.
When hurling stones, Rockchuckers get two attacks per round, and will always target unhelmited characters first.
A natural twenty indicates a successful head shot, and the victim must save vs petrifacation or be, "Brained". This indicates double damage plus the victim is stunned for 1d6 rounds.
Travellers wishing to visit a halfling town may often have to pass through Rockchucker territory to get there. Rockchuckers rarely are active bandits, but anyone who fails to show the proper respect, or offer the proper "gifts" may find themselves running from a barrage of rocks.
Semi-nomadic, Rockchuckers prefer to live along streams, forrest paths, and known game trails. They dwell in small, roofed carts and rickety wagons which they refer to as, "Trailers".
Generally living together in extended, and intertwined family groups, Rockchuckers occasionally gather together in larger numbers for important events. When a large number of trailers is brought together, the event is known as a , "Park".