Showing posts with label Menya Ramen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Menya Ramen. Show all posts

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I could have sworn I did a review of this place, but I guess not.  I was attending a Kimono De Vancouver event at Sakura Days Japan Fair at Van Dusen Gardens (I have no idea why they have it there because they don't have any sakura least no that were in bloom anyway) and a group of us went to grab a bite to eat afterwards.  Menya just happend to be the place we chose, and I just happened to have my camera.  I've been to Menya any number of times, but don't remember ever taking any pictures. 

Gyoza, the golden match with any decent bowl of ramen.  Some people will order onigiri, or even a bowl of rice to go with their, I like gyoza...if I'm hungry enough.

I ordered the miso ramen, as usual, but this time I got extra tamago.  I love the half-boiled, semi-runny egg and it goes perfectly with the rich broth of miso ramen.  It will kill you if you eat this everyday, but hey, once in a while right?

Ramen salad....for those hot summer days where eating a steaming bowl of noodles is really just counter productive. 

Menya is a nice simple place, that's not overly fancy and certainly does not rely on the decor to bring in customers.  The service is as you would expect at any other Japanese restaurant, friendly, quick and efficient.  The prices are good and the ramen is awesome.  If this place was located in Richmond, I'd say it could give G-Men a run for it's money.  My only gripe is they close so damn early.

Menya Japanese Noodle on Urbanspoon

Saturday, February 6, 2010

G-men Ramen

The search for the perfect bowl of ramen ourside of Japan continues, but I'd have to say that G-men ramen has it pretty good. The current popular choice for ramen still seems to be Kintaro Ramen, but for me, Kintaro is an epic fail when it comes to ramen. Sure, the atmosphere is spot on - small, noisy, and steamed up windows, but the ramen is crap. For me, the broth has always been too bland, and the chashu is way, way to lean. And on top of that, every jackass who needs to show the world how trendy they are by going to an "authentic Japanese ramen shop", is lined up out the door of this place, only to be served sub-par ramen.

When go for ramen, it has to be fat and salty. When Kintaro opened shop in Richmond, it just added to it's failure as a ramen shop. Amazingly, the broth was tasty, but the noodles were overcooked and tasted worse than instant noodles. Subsequently, they closed.

Aji-Sen Ramen opened a few years ago in Parker Place and to be honest, it wasn't too bad, but their standards started to slide and it felt more like a really bad rendition of Hon's meets Ramen.

Next, Benkei Ramen on Robson opened, and also had some pretty damn good ramen in the beginning, but they are quite inconsistent. It's hit and miss with Benkei Ramen - sometimes the chashu is glorious, other times, they're just chopped up little bits that belong more in pork 'n beans than a decent bowl of ramen. And despite the sometimes-good ramen, I can't get past the aweful made-in-China swords hanging all over the place....this is just tacky. I still have to do a review on Menya Ramen, which is pretty damn awesome, but I'll have to leave that for another pics yet!
Nice, steamed up windows - very authentic.
Other strange decorations - also adds to the atmosphere.
A TV placing really, really old-school early 80's Japanese TV shows. This place really has the right feel. It's hard to describe, but for those of you who come from Japan, or have lived there before, you'll know what I'm talking about. This place has got that quirky, almost eccentric Japanese flavor of interior decoration that's very typical for a small eatery.

Shoyu ramen....
Miso/Chashu Ramen - my favourite. This ramen will always have you screaming for water afterwards, and if you're lucky, give you a bad case of "geri" - and it's just the way I like it. Some people have complained that the noodles taste like Nissin frozen ramen, but is that really a bad thing? Because I swear by Nissin frozen ramen. It was arguably the best ramen noodle available outside of Japan - even better than Kintaro....can you tell I'm not a big fan of Kintaro?
The chashu here is nice and fat, just the way I like it.

The gyoza here is pretty much run of the mill gyoza, nothing spectacular, but worth ordering. My take on this place is it's a definte hit. I go there all the time and I strongly recommend it to anyone else.....that is if you have the patience to navigate through that God-forsaken parking lot.

G-Men Ramen on Urbanspoon

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