Showing posts with label Frankie's Barbeque. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Frankie's Barbeque. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Frankie's Barbeque - Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal

After fighting a bout of stomach flu, I hadn't eaten anything for two and a half days.  Naturally, the first thing one should eat right after recovering from stomach flu, is hot dogs, first thing in the morning.  On the way to Nanaimo, I stopped in the Tsawwassen (yeah, try to pronounce that properly) Market Quay to find the source of the wonderfull aroma wafting our way in the car line up.  I thought it was toast, and it could have been toast, but the closest thing to breakfast was the hot dogs. 

The deal was two jumbo hot dogs for $6.00.  Not bad considering everything else in the stupid market was way overpriced (imagine movie theatre pricing on steroids).
Well, I was a little disappointed to say the least.  For about $3.00 per dog, I was expecting something close to what you get at Costco (which actually have really good hot dogs/smokies).  I was wrong.  What you have here, is something more like Ikea, bigger, but pretty much of the same quality (or lack of quality).  The sign Frankie's Barbeque should really be changed to Frankie's Steamer....because these dogs never saw the grill.  They were essentially raw and thrown into a pressure steamer which in turn made the buns soggy.  These meatsicles were jumbo alright, but they were not smokies, not even hot dogs....just your run of the mill nitratesicle in a soggy bun.  Suffice it to say, I ate them both (Hey, when you're hungry, even dog food looks good). 

Frankie's Barbecue Grill on Urbanspoon

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