Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label flowers. Show all posts

Thursday, 12 March 2009

Lake Garden photo outing, new lens and old pic


old pic
Glenelg Wharf

new lens
Guitar model in B&W

Miniature Guitar

Lake Garden photo outing


I see you shooting me shooting you


Chuck Taylor

Aku nmpk ade 'nate' kat situ

Water drops on a yellow flower

"Ina kne marah kat dapur"

oh yeah, i know, i've been quite actively posting pics to flickr recently. i guess i'm a bit motivated by some of my close photog buddies. hehe. good for me tho, i need to work my ass off to really really improve my photography skills (and obviously to finish going through my collection before tons of other photos to be taken -_-"). to be honest, i dont really think that i'm up to the standards of those who really had the passion in photography out there. i do see improvements, even if its tiny, hey, its a start right? ;P

i want to make a photo collage on my bedroom wall. this idea had been around in my head for quite some time, its just that i dont think i have enough suitable photos to start with. any ideas for a photo collage? theme? substance? subject? anything that any of you can throw me with. hehe. i dont want to create the random uncreative collage like some people ;P

oh, my 1st ever job interview sudah berlaluuuu~ haha. it was really really tiring to be honest. the interview lasted for the whole day, 8-5pm. one group interview, 3 individual interviews. 11 candidates, 2 groups. i'm the only freshie in my group plak tu. haih. haha. its not too bad, not too bad. i can say it was kinda 'ok'. but then, ok doesnt mean impressive. but it was a good experience, a good chance for me to meet new ppl. "networking is the most important thing when u work" quoted from one of the interviewers ;P i'm hoping for the best, for me to get through. hehe. pray for me!


some people just took me easily. some treated me like i have no feelings, no emotions. some just dont give a shit if i feel offended by their remarks. i just dunno whats wrong with these people.

then again, maybe its just me?

give me a chance.

Wednesday, 3 December 2008

botanic gardens - various

Thorns - thorns of a plant in the Botanic Gardens (again, i dont know the name of the plant). an attempt to do a selective focusing of a repetitive pattern.

  • Camera: Canon EOS 30D
  • Shutter: 1/3000
  • Aperture: f2.0
  • ISO: 100
  • Focal length: 50 mm
  • Mode: Aperture Priority
  • Post-processing: B&W, contrast boost, cropped, lens vignette - Adobe Lightroom 2
Paklan antiquetted - newly experimented preset in Adobe Lightroom 2, just to get the jizz of creating a vintage/antique look.

  • Camera: Canon EOS 30D
  • Shutter: 1/1000
  • Aperture: f2.5
  • ISO: 100
  • Focal length: 50 mm
  • Mode: Aperture Priority
  • Post-processing: Aged Photo Preset, lens vignette, cropped - Adobe Lightroom 2
Arch of loneliness - one of the two large archways in the Botanic Gardens. as i took this picture during spring, you can see that it's full of leaves and during autumn/winter, it's left with just the vines - which i think made it look even prettier with the barren look.

  • Camera: Canon EOS 30D
  • Shutter: 1/45
  • Aperture: f5.6
  • ISO: 100
  • Focal length: 50 mm
  • Mode: Aperture Priority
  • Post-processing: B&W, contrast boost, saturation and exposure enhancement - Adobe Lightroom 2
Tiny flowers - ok, ignore the naming part. these tiny little flowers look so cute i cant resist to take a picture of them (damn, that sounds pansy, hahahahaha). anyway, Lightroom did a very good job with it's built in creative preset to produce this picture (with high green contrast).

  • Camera: Canon EOS 30D
  • Shutter: 1/2000
  • Aperture: f1.8
  • ISO: 100
  • Focal length: 50 mm
  • Mode: Aperture Priority
  • Post-processing: Direct Positive Preset, lens vignette, saturation and exposure enhancement - Adobe Lightroom 2
it's time again. i felt so awkward and out of place - i dont feel right. too many questions left unanswered in my life recently - this has not happened before. prior to (insert the reality here). i've been too sensitive, grumpy and fragile. i'm mad at everyone, mad at the world as edwan may say to me. so, here's a general apology to everyone affected: i'm truly sorry from the bottom of my heart. i dont intend to bring any harm and cause any damage to any of you.

i'm glad that i finally ended university for good. not to mention, with considerable achievements. congratulations to me then...haha just pray that nothing will be further changed. i'm content with what i've accomplished :) next: aerospace engineer. uhh, this happened so quick i freaked out :|

no rush, i'm not gonna be working until after january 2009 maybe...

haha, i guess i'll be blogging as much as photography then :)

p/s: visit my flickr page for more accurate colours of the photos i uploaded here. it seems that the colours reproduced by picasa are not accurate enough...


I've been roaming around
Always looking down at all I see
Painted faces, fill the places I cant reach

You know that I could use somebody
You know that I could use somebody

Someone like you, And all you know, And how you speak
Countless lovers under cover of the street

You know that I could use somebody
You know that I could use somebody
Someone like you...

Kings of Leon - Use Somebody

Monday, 24 November 2008

botanic gardens - flowers galore (updated)

Nyphamaea caerulea - "Blue Lotus of Egypt"

  • Camera: Canon EOS 30D
  • Shutter: 1/2000
  • Aperture: f1.8
  • ISO: 100
  • Focal length: 50 mm
  • Mode: Aperture Priority
  • Post-processing: Lens vignette, saturation and details enhancement - Adobe Camera Raw
the above picture was taken at the Amazon Waterlily Pavilion of the Adelaide Botanic Gardens. attempted to capture a symmetry-ish picture, tapi takdela skema sgt kan. aaa, i suck at flowers, so i dont really know what to write bout this. haha. to appreciate this: it's quite a nice looking flower ;P

Pink flower with a yellow centre surrounded by 5 red spots (haha, i didnt pay attention to the flower labelling back then, so sape2 yg tau, sile inform ;P)

  • Camera: Canon EOS 30D
  • Shutter: 1/90
  • Aperture: f9.5
  • ISO: 100
  • Focal length: 50 mm
  • Mode: Aperture Priority
  • Post-processing: Lens vignette, saturation and details enhancement - Adobe Lightroom 2 (yay! damn awesome software!)
ok, i didnt pay attention to the labels given for these flowers. the first flower pun i stumbled upon the label in one of the pics i took. hence the scientific name written in the caption. and the second one, I DONT KNOW. so anyone, please tell me if u know. haha. so, these are among the flowers in the botanic gardens of Adelaide. there were more interesting flowers over there and also from other occasions, but i'm so lazy to browse through all of my pics (now almost reached 8000+ excluding last year's collection of another 4000+), so i'll just upload the recent ones i took. aaa, people, please give me some support! why am i soooo lazy...... :|

suddenly i felt like playing boardgames plak. i wanna play Monopoly and also the utmost urge of playing Cluedo! what am i gonna do until the grad day! aaaaaaaaaaa...


up till now, i still cant accept the reality. i kept running, trying to defy my own belief. i wear facades, to avoid people from questioning me of my own reality...

...i think i'm getting tired...things happen, unpredictable things happened. to whom it may concern: i'm sorry for everything. i'll try to stay strong. i'll try to hold on. change is inexorable. but only time will decide, time will choose the change.

memories last forever...time will choose...