Showing posts with label Scandinavian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scandinavian. Show all posts

New, new, new...

Happy New Year my Obsessive ones! A bit late I know but I literally haven't stopped...well maybe for a bit of tweeting and Instagramming...

Hope you all had a fantastic Christmas and a great New Year. 2012, whatever happened to 2011!? Not a great year to be honest and I was glad to see the back of it. It was a fantastic year for my design work ( apart from being blatantly ripped off! )  but not the best year health wise. I did manage to give up smoking ( after a cancer scare but all was OK thankfully ) and I'm still not smoking nearly nine months later. I really never thought I would ever give up and I smoked a lot! Believe when I say that if I can do it then anyone can!

As you can see from above I do have a few new pieces of gorgeousness. 2011 was a great year for bargains including the unit which, as you may have read before, I managed to get for £37.70! It really has become a very usual piece of furniture. The Jielde lamp was another bargain at £119 instead of the usual £350 plus. I've also started to collect pepper mills manufactured by Dansk and designed by Jens Quistgaard. I'm sure you will be seeing more designs as soon as I can get my hands on them, at the right price of course. To top it all off, David bought me the superb Scandinavian furniture book for Christmas. Furniture porn at it's best.

The last new thing around here is the slightly different look to the blog. The banner may be a tad SHOUTY but I love the Graphique Pro font so I just had to use it. Hope you like it.

Hope you all have a fantabulous 2012....


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