Showing posts with label pet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pet. Show all posts

Monday, February 14, 2011

Purring cats on a lazy Sunday~

The weather's getting hotter day by day. Not much things to do except hanging around, laying low.

It would be great if we could grab a stick of Paddle Pop's rainbow ice cream~

Or go to the mall catching up on movies and eating JCo donuts~

Oh, work starts tomorrow. Happy Maulidur Rasul everybody~!

Till then,


Friday, January 28, 2011

Auburn's Perfect Two and the fluffy kittens

Kindly put this song on play first before reading


When her siblings left the house, Smelly was devastated. Everything that she does seems so incomplete. At night she'd be dreaming that she still could play hide and seek with her loved ones.

At night she cried herself to sleep. "Where, oh where, are thou, my brothers and sisters?"

And so she began a journey. Travelling ups and downs, lefts and rights for a sign of someone whom she could share her longing for happiness.

Until one day, she found a prince charming, with cherry blossom red nose and aqua blue eyes. His hair is strawberry blonde, flowing rythimicly with every step he took to come close to her.

The prince, named Popo, spoke "Who are you?"

"I am Che Uchu Che Embong, young lad~" said Smelly, trying to impress that dazzling someone with her own silky silver hair and auburn eyes.

"Would you like to play with me, Ms Uchu?"

Smelly was shocked. "Really? You want to play with me? Are you sure?"

"Yep, because I don't have anyone to play with except my mother, Queen Nunu. I feel you could be my new playmate."

"certainly, sire~"

They talked and they played, laughing and giggling and biting and head-butting each other.

But Popo had a very weird secret. Every time when he just finished playing, he would sleep. And nobody could ever wake him up no matter what they do.

Smelly just watched as Popo slept.

Smelly smiled. She walked outside to the open world. Now she was back at playing with herself again. But this time she was happy, because even though she met a new friend who would sleep whenever and wherever he feels like sleeping, now Smelly was no longer alone.

The end~

Till then,


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Anak kucing yang berlari dengan perut memanglah lambat bergerak~

Tapi bile dah pandai guna kaki, riuhlah rumah.

Ini gambar time diorang about a month, sekarang dah bertambah besar lagi dah. Dah masuk dua bulan.

Innocent je muke, almaklum perut dok cecah tanah lagi~

Dulu berenam. Oleh dek Si Sleepyhead terkena sakit kepala, mak dah bagi dua ekor kat orang sebab takut berjangkit. So sekarang tinggal empat je lagi kat rumah. Ucu (Singkatan untuk Bucuk sebab mulut die oren, haha!), Alien, Si Sedih and Sleepyhead.

Ucu. Paling tembam antara semua, tapi tembam bulu. Haha!

Alien. Sian die paling kurus, tapi paling cepat blajar makan and my feveret sebab bulu dia cantik~

Sleepyhead. Paling gelap antara semua and suka tidur. Tengok kepala die, entah kene ape ntah~ Sian~~~

Ini aku panggil Si Sedih, sebab mata die sentiasa sedih! paling curious ngan orang~

So minggu ni memang nak clear dah la kat umah tu. My friends are coming over to take them away. Hopefully they'll be in good hands with los of love from their new owners.

Benci tengok Ucu! Tembam!

Saje je selitkan Putra dan Mushroom dalam ni. Dah besar dah dua-dua ekor.

I wooouve my meal bowl~

Mushroom yang sentiasa menceriakan hari-hari mak di rumah~ Tengok lemak excessive tepi pinggang die, sedap dicubit!!!

Balik Puchong memang tak bosan. Ade je bising-bising baby-baby kecik ni, meow-meow nak keluar sangkar. Dah layan sekali, tak bergerak ke mana dah. Pasni rindula kat diorang neyh~ Hueemm~ Okies, nak tidoq!

Till then,


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Putra, Putih and Bobby

Aku memang gila kucing. Ntahla, memang kucing ni, macam, bestlah! Haha~ tensen-tensen ade diorang ni tenang la sket rasenye.

Put-Put. Tak malu, keje nak makan je skang~ tunggula ko, nanti leher dah takde cam Bobby baru padan muker~!

Si Puteh. konon putih, tapi kaler macam horlick ais je~

Si gendut. Bobby. Same je lah~

Sile angkat kucing anda, lepas tu picit sekuat hati! Eeeiiiish!!

Haha. Gilerlah, rindunye kucing-kucing aku ni. Nak balik weekend ni, pastu sepak perut diorang light-light. Huargh!!!

Selamat malam!

Till then,


Saturday, May 8, 2010


...and their ability to put a smile on your face...

We're so lucky to have them!

Till then,


Monday, February 8, 2010

Seyes takleh lawan die punyer penangan~!!!

Pas dating kat tempat X dengan X, aku tak pulang ke rumah. Sanggup aku balik semula ke Putra Perdana sebab nak nengok anak Bobby yang betol2 kali ni baka Bobby.

Mak aiii~!!! Evil giler comel die~!

Cube teker bape umo die? Tiga minggu! Gemok nak mampos,tapi yang paling best bulu die macam kapas~ Lembuuut aje (Buat suara penjual kopok lekor di Taman Maju) Besar kan? tengok die ngan Putih tu~

Telinge pon tak terbukak lagi die ni, tapi buas die memang takleh blah.

He's affectionate... But only to my dad. Kalo lepas je kat tengah2 umah, di emesti cari kaki ayah aku, then kelengkoi kat situ. Tolonglah buat camtu kat aku, best sikit~

Ni kirenye baru seminggu dapat bukak mate. I think he's experiencing seeing the world, that's why sangat nakal.

Wanna know his name? Putra. Sempena namer Putra Perdana tempat baru family aku berpindah. But I wanna call him Michael~ Huhu~ rasenye mane lagi hot?

Tengokla video ni, time Putih and baby baru datang. Bobby sangat lonely kot dua minggu tak jumpe mane2 family die, tapi Putih is extremely tired after 5 hours ride. Jangan lupe tengok perabih, ade baby kecik kat 30 min terakhir!

Okieslah, tak sabar nak nunggu minggu depan balik Puchong, nak main ngan MICHAEL (Bukan Putra)!!!

Till then,


Wednesday, December 30, 2009

So long and goodbye, Junior~


You know the reason of my previous post?

It's funny, he was only a cat but losing him is like I'm letting go of my baby brother.

I mean, we don't usually get over-dramatic over some animal, but... Yeah, I miss him so much. I promised him I'd take care of him myself if I get a house someday, and was thinking of bringing him over here next year when I've settled down. But I guess he just couldn't wait.

The only lapcat in the house, we called him from Jun-Jun, Draling, Mr Cool, macam-macamlah! Sebab Junior nih sopan sangat. Tak garang lansung~! And he likes being touched~

A year ago, when he first arrived to home

Junior died of poisoning. IDk which neighbor letak racun tikus, cos apparently there are rats around the neighborhood. My family told me banyak tikus mati kat kawasan perumahan kami. Jun-Jun, being a kid, played with the poisoned tikus he found menggelupor on the road.

Jun-Jun playing with Rikku~

It's been a month++ now but everytime my head get a glimpse of thoughts about him, I feel like a sharp knife running down my bones.

And it took me this long to post about his departure. How hard can it be right? (Choked)

I guess it's time...

We will...

...always... you~

So long to the sweetest baby... Rest in peace, sweetheart~
