Showing posts with label dadah. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dadah. Show all posts

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Aku, PETRONAS dan dadah

This is, like, super big news and it's weird news so I'm writing it down.

Like what you've known, I will probably be working in KLCC next month. Gotta do the shitty papers and medical check-up.

Guess what? Medical check-up aku tak lepas beb!!! Tau kenapa?


Seriously, this is no freaking joke. Due to the H1n1 FLU, I got fever and cough and flu and all the shitty stuff. So kena la minum ubat batuk. Sebab ubat batuk tu la sangkut, huhu~

Honestly dude, if I do drug takkanlah I am this 'sihat' kot, 92KG~

Huaaa~!!! Taklehla aku balik Trolak awal lagi, rindunyalah kat diorang~!!!

Oh ya, sekarang ni konvo dah lepas. Nanti KALAU AKU RAJIN, aku poskan pasal konvo. Tengah sedikit tensi sebab kena buang masa balik buat medical check-up lagi sekali.

Ermmm.... You all yang baca pasal ni, wish me luck okay? Hopefully I'll pass this second time.

Till then,


Ps - Hopefully it's not because of my smoking, theehee~ Adam, don't get mad at me if it's true, dear~