
Showing posts with label mia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label mia. Show all posts

12 July 2010

I am still here!

I am still here. I dont have any pictures. I am having trouble downloading my pics on the computer. The camera and the program is new so I have not figure it out. I did it once and I will again. I do have some finishes for exchanges and I received some too. I went to see Mary Poppins in NYC on June 23 with my friend. We had a blast and I am telling everyone I saw Nicholas Cage, The Rock and Johnny Depp.

The reason for me missing in action was due to my lyphomedema in my leg. It has acted up when I was in Texas in January and I developed a wound then. It has not healed yet. This last month it has been staying the same with no improvements. A few days before I went to NYC, it was just getting worse. I knew it and doctor did too but I still went. My friend have brought the ticket a few months ago and the only way I was not going if I was in the hospital. I paid for it when I got back because the leg was showing signs of infection. The doctor put me on antibotics and I made myself to rest my leg more. Thank goodness for the laptop because it saved my sanity since I couldnt stitch the last 2 weeks. The leg is on the road of mending now and I just have to be more strict with myself for doing activities. I did started going for physical therapy but I dont know how it is going to help. All they are doing is doing a soft muscle regimen. The therapist just puts her hands in front and back of my legs and moves them in a ciracular motion so lightly that I cant feel it. I just dont get it but I am going and maybe I will see an improvement.

My dad had knee surgery for a torn cartilage on June 10. It was a one day surgery and he was home about 1pm. He did laundry that afternoon because he was feeling good. The next day he felt it. He thought he will be home for 3 weeks. When he went for check up a few days after the surgery, he found out he wont be back to work into August. He is going for physical therapy too. He is doing good and going fishing tomorrow.

I will have pictures up in a couple days hopefully. I will refigure how to do this.
Have a good day.

Many hugs,