Showing posts with label Cake. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cake. Show all posts

Monday, September 29, 2008


Another Bday.. another cake shopping. The Bday party is in Hawally and I arrived early at C&B, Janel was quite late that's why I just busy myself with my cam, the sales lady says its not allowed.. (damned policy) I got few shots anyway. When Janel arrived, we choosed "the cake" which for me was very hard since... I think all of them are yum yum! After choosing the ultimate one, we headed to a nearby dessert shop since were both hungry besides the party will not start immediately, we ordered a choco hazelnut latte then we went to the party.

Its Dariel's Bday. Actually its a surprise bday party which Joyce organized for him. First time to witness one and its actually cool.. though I dont want to have one since I dont like surprises. The party went well and its really fun. Janel leave early since he still have his duty at 8pm at the airport, I stayed for some time.
Julius did'nt come for some reason and we meet at the Avenues coz I need to shop for some stuffs since my fridge is empty, he's hungry so I joined him at the food court, incidentally some of our friends are also there so we joined them. Although I'm still full, but it will be boring if I just stare at them while they're all eating so I ordered a vanilla strawbery smoothie.. Oh God forgive me for I have sin....
After that Julius and I went to the grocery. Its almost 12 midnight and I thought that all the food and dinner and everything was finished but somebody called Julius..................... I SAID NOOOOOOOO!
Vince and Pearl also at the Avenues that night and they're having late dinner at CHILIS. Pearl called Julius and invited us........................ PLS NO! Hehe!
So to cut the story short we joined them. The couple offered us another meal, but I gladly declined, anyhow a cold ice tea wont hurt right?

Dunno exactly.. but surely looks yummy fruit tart.. zoom
Valentines? hehe!

Chinese foods.. the spicy chicken wings.. terrific!

Dariel and Joyce

Dariels friends

Julius and Vince

Pearl and of course the always present.