Thursday, 17 April 2008

13 months

Dear Lily

On Monday you turned 13 months old.

In the last month you have been growing up so quickly. Your brain seems to be on overdrive at the moment as you strive to constantly learn new words and concepts. Yesterday you roared like a lion in your sleep, then woke up saying "Aye", proceeded to beat your chest like a gorilla, before sitting up and demanding "Shoes" so that you could immediately go outside! Your papa and I almost wet ourselves because we were laughing so much. Your mobility also just keeps getting more and more impressive. You can now run and climb everywhere and seem to do both all the time.

You have truly discovered the power of language and are very focused on acquiring new words to add to your collection. Your favourites at the moment are No, Duck and Shoes, but anything new gets a good workout too. This month you have learned Baby, Bear, Bike, Boy, Cat (pronounced Dat), Car, Chin, Doll, Eye, Hey, Knee, Lily, Meow, Milk, Nose, Out, Shoes, Teeth, Teddy, Wah wah wah and Yes (something that we have focused on to try to counteract your love of the word NO).

This month you started going along to Paint and Play on Wednesday mornings and you just love it. You run around chasing the older kids and getting into all of the toys and musical instruments. You also painted your first couple of pictures - in between trying to eat the paint. The first is currently being displayed on our fridge, while I have to admit that I actually left the second one behind... Sorry. I am sure that there will be many more to come.

Last weekend we went up to Sydney for Uncle Jono and Aunty Nat's engagement party. You had a great time at the party hanging out with all the guests who doted on you and running riot in the kitchen. Afterwards we took you along to the Australian Museum where we saw the Face to Face exhibit and then headed up to Kid's Zone where you were in heaven. There were mountains of animals (wooden and soft) for you to play with, mirrors to gaze at and lots of other children to steal toys from.

As always, it has been a pleasure watching you grow and learn little one. I can only hope that this parenting gig continues to be so much fun.


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