Tuesday, 8 April 2008

A quick update in dot points

Sorry that I haven't really updated since Lily's birthday. Things have been a little hectic around here and blogging seems to have taken a backseat on my priority list. So, I thought that I would just do a quick update post in order to bring things up to date.
  • My brother got engaged to his long time girlfriend - a long awaited event that left everyone in the family smiling.
  • I made a couple of dolls that I am unreasonably proud of (using patterns that some very kind bloggers supply for free online). [Another post with photos to follow]
  • I got a horrible gastro virus that left me vomiting for a day and then recovering for a couple.
  • We went to Questacon and discovered the wonders of Mini-Q and bought an annual membership so that we can take Lily along whenever we want to.
  • P. took every morning off work last week so that I could try to get some more of my PhD done.
  • Then P. got the same gastro virus (minus the vomit, thank goodness).
  • We bought some purple potatoes at the Farmers Markets, which I think are the coolest things ever. [Another post with photos to follow]
  • I have been getting right into the garden and tackling the jungle of weeds that grew while Lily was too little to hang out with me in the dirt. [Again, a post and photos will follow - unfortunately I didn't take a before photo so you will never know what an achievement the after actually is!]
  • P.'s sister gave birth to a baby girl and so we have a brand new (and very gorgeous) member of the family. She makes Lily look simply enormous!
  • Now I am coming down with a cold. Yay.
  • We are heading up to Sydney this weekend for my brother's engagement party and so that I can have a meeting with my supervisors... yikes!
OK, must now try to work through my cold. Boo hoo.

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