Showing posts with label film. Show all posts
Showing posts with label film. Show all posts

Sunday 13 July 2014

Claire's Book Stand II (II)

The idea of Claire's Book Stand had been to have a gathering in a small park, but the weather brought rain. Instead, then, the prints, books, and magazines were shown at the Freunde von Freunden apartment – with tea and fruit being served in the kitchen. Of this afternoon, I most remember the words and the light: conversations with Claire, Jordan, and Anne, and the spare between-the-rains-light, turning the place into a stage against the windows. The visual conversations, too, between the magic photographs by Mary, Anne, Jordan, and many others.

Sunday 6 July 2014

Claire's Book Stand II (I)

A Sunday in late June. Claire Cotrell's Book Stand II. Went home with Anne's book and a head full of ideas.
Merci, Claire! (Her summer print shop has great work by Mary and Brian, too. And by Sanne and Camille.)

Saturday 6 April 2013

london VII (rochelle canteen)

london VII (rochelle canteen) london VII (rochelle canteen) london VII (rochelle canteen) london VII (rochelle canteen) london VII (rochelle canteen)
i arrived early for lunch at the canteen, as i had to catch a flight back to berlin in the afternoon. a beautiful calmness to the place, then the bustle of friends coming to share a meal as i was leaving. 

today's a happy day: i cleared the planters of my sidewalk garden of old leaves and barren branches, dried tips. the lavender surrendered to the fierce berlin frosts, the roses holding out, showing red shoots. we are ready for spring. yes, we are.

Friday 29 March 2013

london VI (caffeine and carbs)

london VI (caffeine and carbs) london VI (caffeine and carbs)

the light that morning!

jo has a kitchen with a window over the sink, facing the garden. i could stand there for hours, just looking out.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

berlin III (reading)

berlin III (reading) berlin III (reading) berlin III (reading)

i really liked the the do you read me?! reading room on potsdamer strasse. flowers and ceramics by brutto gusto.

berlin II (reading)

berlin II (reading) berlin II (reading) berlin II (reading)

looking forward to planting the seeds i brought home from the launch!

(at do you read me?! reading room on potsdamer strasse for the launch of the plant journal, issue 4.)

berlin I (reading)

berlin I (reading) berlin I (reading) berlin I (reading) berlin I (reading)

at do you read me?! reading room on potsdamer strasse for the launch of the plant journal, issue 4.

Sunday 24 March 2013

london II (dairy)

Mons Cheesemongers Mons Cheesemongers Mons Cheesemongers
Mons Cheesemongers

at borough market, we treated ourselves to some perfect jura (the swiss version of a comté) at mons cheesemongers, and were mighty impressed by the selection on offer. highly recommended!

more about them here.

Saturday 23 March 2013

london I

london I
london I

a weekend in london. two highlights: borough market, and shoreditch. more to come.

how are you all? my life is more off- than online these days, but in a good way. hope you'll bear with me. and happy weekend!

(top photo taken by jo, bff!)

Sunday 10 February 2013

the land IV

the land IV

longing for spring, but loving the stark lines against the grey skies.

Thursday 7 February 2013

places I

places I

places i have a fondness for, here and elsewhere.

(last summer, at 'das lokal', with sylee.)

Saturday 2 February 2013

a hint

more pale tulips
pale tulips

taken almost three years ago, french tulips: crisp heads on slender stems.

a hint of spring in the air and what do i do? wonder how to guard the first green tips showing in the planters outside from the next snow (berlin, after all).

Tuesday 29 January 2013

the land III

the land III

still winter.
the paper brought tips
on getting your garden
ready for spring.
a little premature
it seems.

the land II

the land II

and hints of
if only

Sunday 27 January 2013

morning II (postscript)

morning II

the one that didn't make it onto the blog
made 'explore' on flickr.
oh, ok.

happy sunday!

postscript to the postscript: the pictured spread is from
'the weekender' magazine.

