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Showing posts with the label query

It Starts With a Q-U and It Makes Me Face-Palm (Or, They Shoot Writers, Don't They?)

I'm warning you in advance: this post includes a damn lot of face-palming gifs. Prepare to be face-palmed. Face-palm. So, I know what you're thinking: Q word? What are you talking about, Nina? The only word you deal with is the R-word. Revision . That's why I'm here, that's why we're all here. Ah, you are quite correct, faithful reader. But now, here comes my end-of-school-holidays news. I finished . Well , I finished in the uncommon sense of the word. The whole it's never really finished even when it gets on the shelf sense. But in regard to plot, character, pacing, blah - Yeah, I'm finished. As far as you're concerned, and as far as my search browser as of Wednesday is concerned: Yeah, I'm finished. So, do we have any bets on the dreaded Q-U word? Oh yeah. QUERY . Oh, it makes you shiver in fear, in anticipation, doesn't it? Even if we're stuck in the perpetual cycle of idea-writing-editing-drop-repeat or we're editors forever, w...