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Showing posts with the label links

Everyone, Go and Get Schooled at the Intergalactic Academy (This is Not a Drill)

I know we like to believe we hold the keys to the city of invention, and we are the ultimate force that defies physics and logic on a hourly basis, but here's the thing: you, especially if you're treading water in a whole new genre pool, have no idea what you're getting into. Just as fantasy-paranormal writers have cardinal rules outlining the behaviour of nasties, the weapons available to fighters against nasties, and the general course of worldbuilding, science fiction, the new shabang, has rules of its very own. And the thing is, well, it overlaps with science sometimes. I know, I needed to sit down after that too.  But you can't well go treading through space the internet, searching for reason amidst technical terms and mathematical equations and theories with really long words/phrases and maths . For God's sake, man, we're writers, not physicists! And if you get lost, well, in space no one can hear you scream. So, as a YA writer in need of some ...

Atticus Told Me (Or, A Great Big List of Links)

Harper Lee said something like "Atticus told me to delete the adjectives and I'd have the facts", but we can't always rely on our characters to lead us down the right path. That's where the beauty of our community really comes through. Whether it be writing bloggers like me, or authors divulging lessons they've learned along the way, we have a plethora of different sources to turn to. So, I thought I'd compile a list of some of the posts and such that I've found helpful lately. I'll add more to it as time goes on, and hopefully, you find these interesting at least. WRITING Click : What Veronica Roth learned about explanations from Project Runway. Click : Maggie Stiefvater gives us ten writers dissecting their earlier drafts and final drafts. Click : Nick Mamatas on 10 pieces of advice writers need to stop giving the aspiring. Click : Has Word affected the way we work? An article at the Guardian. C lick : A post at Omnivoracious abou...