Showing posts with label bandung. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bandung. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

waw dah lama kita tak bersua ya?

assalamualaikum, peace be upon you my sisters and brothers. ecehh

new update: i'm now doing my clinical works in Bandung, heyyy. got my first patient for removable denture today. my first time for everything. it is quite stressful due to many factors, direct and indirect. tapi nampak macam cerah je masa depan ni, so i'm not going to give up just yet. *eventhough i went home early today, a sign of giving up* i needed the time out, so that i can bounce back up again tomorrow, insyaAllah. thank goodness even though my doctor and senior don't think it's an easy case to handle, but the patient trusts in me and that's all that matters, actually. yeah, there were moments when i pictured myself just crying it out while talking to my mom, but i'm not going to do that just yet. don't want my mum to feel bad about it. *since i'd once said to my mom, this is her choice, not mine (yes i felt bad saying that)* i know momma's choice is the best, insyaAllah. takpe, dunia belum berakhir. buat apa nak risau. yang penting buat mak rasa gembira dapat pahala bro, one step closer to heaven woot2. which brings us to the second topic

gua homesick broooo. haha. its going to be my first time untuk 3 bulan straight tak balik rumah rasanya. tambah dengan stress, and my father's 60th birthday coming soon, it hurts so much not to be home and see my family. time-time ni lah rasa cam "oh kan best kalau belajar kat malaysia, dekat dengan rumah sikit" dah nina, enough is enough. dah nak masuk 4 tahun kat luar negara, takkan tak dapat terima hakikat lagi yang awak bukan belajar kat malaysia. tinggal setahun lebih je lagi, so shut up, tighten up, and go all out. dulu nak sangat menjelajah kan? kuikuikui.

last update: please please please try to watch walking dead, the new series about world infested by zombies and this group of people trying to survive from being eaten/bitten alive. the 2nd season just started. and the 1st season is only of 6 episodes. its a good show. or i might be too obsessed with the zombie concept due to this one experience of playing Left for Dead, sampai tak nak balik rumah. haha. noob nina.

ok la tu je. curhat again later. dedaa.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

June-August updates.

Early June - finals exams and finishing lab. bye semester 6~

Mid June - family reunion in Port Dickson. hope that i can make it. its going to be a great weekend!

Late June - KKN(kerja kuliah nyata) or field work in Garut. for a month. with 21 (+ 2 house resident) other people. in a house with 2 rooms and 2 toilets. oh no! i'm so getting equipped with sleeping bag,camping bag and lots of wet wipes. huhu. its gonna be adventure tho, and the place is beautifully picturesque. i'm up for it!

Late July - end of KKN, moving closer to main campus, and waiting news if minor thesis titles are accepted and if we can go home for the 2 week holidays

Early August - start of new semester (7th), (it was supposed to be in september dammit!) and, atleast a new home! weee :) plus the preparation programme for clinicals. can't wait to have patients. hopefully we (my classmates and me) can all finish our requirements and minor thesis early and graduate at the same time. amin! pray for us! and also, Ramadhan, or the fasting month for muslims. It also seems like i have to celebrate my 1st of Syawal or Hari Raya Aidilfitri in Indonesia... for the first time. i'm so not going to listen to those nostalgic songs. lol. deleting it soon. haha.