An Update (?)
Assalamualaikum! Suffice to say that my sem break is so far so good. Alhamdulillah, today we are finally done with our FE (Field Experience) aka Forever Extraterrestrial har har har okay fine tak kelakar. Now it is time for the COWs and Report which, I uh will, ahem, get done with asap. Ahem lagi. Seems that my friends are having fun with FE. Happy for you guiseeeee! Really. At first, I'm quite, envious. I mean, why does everyone seems like they're having loads of fun in their FE while we're here were just like T____T Well, on a brighter note, I managed to finish reading two books during FE! Yeay me! Will have to write a review of one of the books. I personally think that book is sooo touching tsk tsk. I totally would put it on my books-to-recommend list. Regarding FE, well, like a friend of mine said, won't say that I was having fun but also, didn't say it is not useful. But you know, I remember sitting in in the class with them, observ...