
Showing posts with the label Prattles and Rambles

An Update (?)

Assalamualaikum!      Suffice to say that my sem break is so far so good. Alhamdulillah, today we are finally done with our FE (Field Experience) aka Forever Extraterrestrial har har har okay fine tak kelakar. Now it is time for the COWs and Report which, I uh will, ahem, get done with asap. Ahem lagi. Seems that my friends are having fun with FE. Happy for you guiseeeee! Really. At first, I'm quite, envious. I mean, why does everyone seems like they're having loads of fun in their FE while we're here were just like T____T  Well, on a brighter note, I managed to finish reading two books during FE! Yeay me! Will have to write a review of one of the books. I personally think that book is sooo touching tsk tsk. I totally would put it on my books-to-recommend list.      Regarding FE, well, like a friend of mine said, won't say that I was having fun but also, didn't say it is not useful. But you know, I remember sitting in in the class with them, observ...

Semester 2

Assalamualaikum.      So how is it going? Hope everything is working well for you people. It's the final week before sem break and I couldn't be more excited to go home weeheu! But then, only by Monday will I be home as we're gonna go to Selancar for a programme first. Hihi. Sem break's not gonna be any leisure. I see lotsa work coming. It's always busy after sem break as everything is on due and I haven't even done any of my presentation. So far we're only done with a test, PELT test. Lot more coming after sem break. Ahuhm, I couldn't be more happy >.<'      I realized that I haven't write anything much now. As I talked with my fellow 'blogger' she said it's probably because we're getting busier. Well, I sure hope that's the case because I don't ever want to lose the will to write. Truth to be told, I can feel that my desire to write or more precisely, to ramble on things, have gone. Not entirely but probably ...

Hiding Away

Don't run away, don't drift away, don't hide away. Hilary Duff, Hide Away. Assalamualaikum.      I don't even know how the subject got into the surface but when we were chatting the other day, this one friend of mine, N, mentioned that she loved reading my blog. It's good to know that I do have readers. Hew hew. And it is interesting to know what the readers actually thought of your writing.      I rarely update my blog nowadays. Not as frequent as I used to. Why? I don't know. I do have things to write about. Sad. Happy. Things in between. Random stuff. You know, when you blog, you're actually unleashing the other side of you. The part of you that you never realized you have before.The alter ego? Well, probably. I used to be able to write what I feel. Used to. Sometimes I am amazed by how my writing can actually understands my thoughts better than my verbal words. The thing is, it doesn't work that way anymore. I tried to write. I typed, hesitated, r...

The End ?

She sat down and wondered,  "Where have all those thoughts and so-called words of mavericks gone to?" The end. ?

Cuti is Holiday

Assalamualaikum ;)      Yesss, sem break is a bliss! But if you only spend your day doing nothing but the same thing over and over again, yeah, it could be boring.  Heck, I actually have no idea on what to blog about. Might as well get myself outta here. Till then! ;) Dangg! You cheated me onto checking your blog for no post?  Oh by the way, have a happy sem break! :D

Random Thoughts Speaking

One of the moments when random thoughts speaking,  one of those days of indecipherable feelings. There're too much things running on my mind. Thought that if I can get my fingers on that keyboard, I'd be able to sort out some stuff. Sort out the same o same o problems that never seems to have solutions no matter how many times I talked about it. My mind is like a talking brain, only that all these thoughts have no voice. They speak, but they don't make a sound. As I moved on, I realized that the battle was always about the inner part.  You can fake smiles, you can laugh all loud, but you can't lie to yourself. As you go on, that walls of protection you're building protecting your heart, are gonna be needing more. More strength. More protection. More happiness. More awesomeness. Against lies, against pain, against agony, against failure, against fake smiles, against injustice, against vices. These are what we need to be protected from, for us to be able to survive ...

Weird Dream

Just now I had a dream. A very weird dream. I dream of him. I dreamed that I found this beautiful place. And I was walking round of it, looking at the beautiful gardens and such, not realizing that it's actually a house.  And I saw him. Taylor Lautner. LOL :P The details are sketchy though.  Oh this random post, I'm actually trying to get my counselling done.  Fisrt thing to submit next morning. Jyeahhh. Typical Ain Romeli, up awake for assignment. Last minute =.=" Let's fight against PROCRASTINATION!

People and Procrastination

Assalamualaikum :)      Ho yeahhhh! It has been quite a while since I last posted something. Oh to be precise, rambling bout something. See what's up? Ah hum, got here at about 6 pm. That my dear friends, was one indescribable bus trip. There was not a minute that I didn't feel dizzy @.x but Alhamdulillah, I survived that gruelling -+8 hour journey. Safe and sound here I am :)  Just got back from my mid sem break. Oh why that it is only for a week? And that doesn't even feel like a week. More like just one day =.=" So here I am. With lotsa lotsa lotsa things waiting. And as always, procrastinating. Oh that is one bad habit that is so hard to break. I remember procrastinating during foundation and well, I kinda got lucky. I mean, my marks aren't that good but they are good enough for procrastinated work. Haha :D      Anyway I remember it was a writing subject assignment. And I remember that I did tried to start on the assignment the minute...

Say Something

Assalamualaikum!      Phew, it's been awhile eay? I've seen my fellow bloggers rarely update and was wondering why. Then I realized that I am no different. I honestly have no idea on what to blog about these days but I'm taking a break from my 'busy' life and decided that this blog needs a new post. So, hello there people! :D      How's degree? Fine. Everything is fine. So far so good. That's all I can answer every time people asked me. I am coping in with what am I supposed to cope up with. And I am trying to improve myself from time to time. Of course, I have problems too in my study but who would want to hear about endless assignments? Scary tests? Problems with presentations and hectic ride with the bus? We all have been through it or are going through it or had or maybe will. We all have our own problems to deal with, life to manage and headaches to cure right? But luckily I have that one person who'd listen to my craps till 3 in the morning. It...

Koko Cool

Assalamualaikum! Nothing compares, no worries or cares. Regrets and mistakes,  they're memories made. Someone Like You, Adele.      Yesterday we had our very first practice. Kesatria practice. Have I mentioned that we Degree students need to do koko? Not koko as in chocolate but koko as in kokorikulum. Yeah. And did I mention that we Education Faculty students HAVE TO do Kesatria Negara for our first sem? Kesat for short. Don't laugh. Hey don't laugh, it's my koko you know. Teehee. And did I mention that only UiTM has Kesat. Oh yeah. Don't let me start on the attire :|  Thirah said me look like a budak sekolah. Untunglaaa orang tu dapat pengecualian. Imagine the attires are like this! Tsugooiii nehh  (that would be  before you step on each other's shinigami outfit and fell, LOL)      The thing about Kesat is we have to learn marching. And boy, marching is not my forte I'm telling ya. Our koko happened to be on every Thursday, 5-7 p.m...

Whatever Happens

#nowplaying: My thoughts will echo your name, until I see you again. Taylor Swift, Enchanted. Here's what happen. I log on to my blog account. I stare at the new dashboard. I read yesterday's post back. I decided it was the most boring thing that I'd ever written. I click new post. I hesitated. I thought of some things that I should blog about. I blog a few lines, thinking the most interesting part of my day and tried to come up with cool words and thoughts. I read my post back. I decided it was too boring to post. I click close. I click new post. And here I am. Picture: Courtesy of Alif Naqiuddin Man, where have all my blogger's instinct and enthusiasm have all gone to? :| Today, I declare I'm sad. Sad that I've lost my blogging instinct enthusiasm. -We'll meet again blog, when I meet your lost love back somewhere in the back of my mind. #nowplaying: Please don't be in love with someone else, please don...

Seriously Unnecessary

Assalamualaikum! :)      It is one of the days where petty things start to violate your brain. You started worrying about unnecessary things. You started feeling insecure despite having those people who can protect you. You started feeling miserable despite all of those happy news. How irony could life get? This irony. You end up hating the one you love and you end up loving the one you hate. Ah, seems like we're a little bit off-track here. Pardon me. Ahem.      Anyway, the result is out. The course is it. The place that is it. Alhamdulillah. Looking at another side, it is the typical side of me, afraid of venturing into the future, afraid what it has to offer me for those offers could easily be bad, real bad. For that, I've been feeling kinda nervous+afraid rather than excited which sounds so wrong because at this point, I should be happy. Yeah, I know. But it's just that, the thought of being far from my family gets me kinda, uh, I don't know. Hope...

How Painful is Pain?

Assalamualaikum :( But it hurts so bad I can't take it any longer -Westlife-      Pain. Indeed it was and still is very painful. I wonder the pain of me keeping you could be compared to the pain of Juliet losing Romeo. Irony? Ah, I bet it is more than that. Define how much pain it is to compliment the word painful. Define the pain because for me it is unbearable. As much as it hurts to keep you, I bet it hurts more to let you go. I've tried and now I guess it is time. It's not that I did not try to heal the wound, I did but it hurts so bad I can't take it any longer. Painkillers and antibiotics are nothing but like dusts complimenting the sand.       With you around me, it feels right. But it is painful. With you around me, I am able to smile, but it is painful. For years we've been together, now for good sake, I have to let you go. I am sorry. Never did I wish for this, but it seems that the situation is compressing the atmosphere. This is the...


Tangan pegang pipi. Rasa sakit gigi.  Oh my.  Can't sleep =.=" Saya takde gigi lagi tapi saya tetap comelll :D

Foggy Future

Assalamualaikum!      Fuyohhhh. It's been ages since I'm in the mood to blog. I took a few days off internet and I finished watching two seasons of himym, finished reading Adrian Mole's diary and halfway doing a so called 'revision'. Well, now we know how well our life is without Facebook. Well at least I do. Hahahahaha :D  Yeah, that site has sure taken a lot of my time, realize it or not. But still, we need it, haih. It's weekend yawww! It's time to take some fresh air and go out and have fun. Too many things happened lately, bad things mainly but still, what a life would be without challenges aite? ;)      So anyway, what's up? Well, let's see. UPU will be announced this 15th July 2011 which is on Friday, and I heard that the registration date was either 3/4th September 2011. Oh, so when is Raya again? Ah, 30th August? So to be precise we're leaving on uhm, on the 5th Raya? So let me get this straight, we got months of holiday but only a...


It is heartbroken-annoying-indecipherable-unbelievable to see that the people you trust with your secrets break the trust given. No matter what the excuses are, the act is still, UNACCEPTABLE.      I never really know that I resent it so much until I actually talked about it to someone. And man, then I realized that I am angry. Not just average angry or ah-just-let-it-go angry but that oh-crap-what-did-you-just-do-I-could-never-ever-take-this angry. And I just realized that, all this while, whatever this particular person done, I didn't really said anything because I thought that this friendship is worth hanging onto. Well what do you know, I was wrong. Maybe this sounds pathetic but I don't care. Remind me again why I was so secretive way back then? Right, because some people just can't let those secrets stay locked in their mouth.       Take the advice, never EVER tell other's secrets to other people no matter what the excuses are. Not even for see...


Assalamualaikum ;) Entri ditaip dalam Bahasa Malaysia kerana kemalasan menaip in English.      Semalas mana pun saya, salam tetap kena bagi, heeeee. Hari ni rasa malas. Cheit, sebenarnya dah memang selalu malas, saje je bagi hari spesifik untuk hari ini. Sejak cuti ni and officially jobless balik, kemalasan semakin menjadi-jadi. Malasnya saya sampai tahap nak reply text malas, nak jawab phone calls pun malas apatah lagi nak return phone calls, kalau bateri dah kosong, nak charge phone pun malas. Phone, sila jalan sendiri and sendiri cas boleh tak? Kalau bukan sebab phone rumah tak jadi and takut nanti parents call in case of anything, memang lifeless dah phone pinjaman tu, haha. Haih, bukak Facebook and blogger pastu taip entri tah pape ni rajin pulak ea? =.=" Okay, sambung list kemalasan,  nak drive hantar adik pergi mana-mana pun malas, nak keluar pun malas, nak pergi shopping pun malas, nak makan minum pun malas. Oh, drive pergi balik KT tempoh hari rajin pu...


Let's say hello to June for it will bring me a blast! Probably same as May and probably more! :D HELLO JUNE! Sooooo looking forward for 8+. We're gonna have funnnnnn! Oh yeah baby!      My UiTM friends are coming over this June. A bummer since two of us can't make it but hey, still, we're gonna have fun! Wahahaha, Kuantan and KT, meet Besut :)  Ah, I haven't had the chance to update my May story.       Why do I feel necessary to write everything on blog? Ah well, because when I thought about it back, I feel sorry for myself for not remembering my school days, the amazing days especially. Now I wish that I've started blogging when I was still in school. Haha. So that when people start talking about our good old days I won't be having my forehead crinkled so hard just to remember everything. So I will write anything that I feel worth remembering. At least they stay written :) Hello June, make me happy. I just need one wish from someo...


For translation, ask Google :P Assalamualaikum!      Salam sejahtera buat teman-teman yang membaca. Apakah influenza yang melanda saya sehingga saya berubah arus angin menulis dalam Bahasa Melayu Malaysia yang sangat skema? Baiklah, keesokan hari, saya ada temuduga MeDSI dan saya telah mendapat tahu bahawa di dalam sesi temuduga tersebut, calon dikehendaki berbahasa Malaysia dan juga Inggeris. Maka, ini adalah satu latihan buat saya agar saya dapat berbahasa baku Malaysia dengan sehabis baik esok. ................................................................................................. *Pandang bawah, tangan ke belakang, kuis kaki kat tanah ..................................................................................................      Okay stop stop stop! I never really realized that my Bahasa Malaysia sucks when it comes to using it for conversations. I mean, using the standard baku one for formal conversations. All my life, ...


Assalamualaikum! Alhamdulillah, I passed the MeDSI test. The interview is in about a week's time.      I know at this point of life where people are still uncertain of their future, I should be grateful for at least getting a chance to try for my future but still, is being happy reasonable when you see your dear beloved friends not getting the same chance when as a matter of fact they worked hard too? When people asked me, yes of course I would say, Alhamdulillah. I do appreciate this. I am more than thankful, I am, I seriously am but still, I can't bear seeing the others not getting the same chance as I am especially the one that we shared the dream together since high school. Is this it? :/      I believe that Allah has planned the best for His every servant but to see my beloved friends giving up or having their minds bugged by negative thoughts along the way is not something pleasant. I am not the kind of person who knows how to console peop...