Monday: NF Inspiring Photography- Catching light 
Tuesday:  NF Blo-Ma    
 Wednesday:  NF Digital Art Meme, DAM
      All.starts around 10.00h Stockholm time and please don´t confuse them as there are 2 of them and with NF Digital Art Meme on Bildverkstan
Be sure you link to the right one. One of each is always visible on the front page. Just scroll down to find yours.
Showing posts with label costa rica. Show all posts
Showing posts with label costa rica. Show all posts


NF Winged 119 Skipper in Costa Rica

Torsdagar  - Thursdays 
NF Winged 119
Welcome to a new Winged Edition. Winter is still here on the northern hemisphere. Not much winged ones except for birds. But maybe you still have unpublished ones.  So, go for a photohunt. Or search your files. If you live in the south you might go outdoors. :)

This is a meme, or meeting place, for everything with wings. I´d like to see flying creatures from all over the world. The purpose with memes is to visit other participants and to have fun.  This meme is small, surely you have time to visit and comment each others posts. Let me see you around. But as you know I am a busy woman but I always returns a visit.

Click to enlarge

 © NF Photo 110207, Costa Rica

As usual I don´t know the ID of  this butterfly but from its looks it seem to belong to the Hesperiidae family. We have similar ones to form and shape but a bit different in coloring.
Seems like I don´t get thumbnails today either. A link list will have to do. :(

I have seen lately blogs that ONLY allow GOOGLE+ responses. If that is the case on your blog I can´t comment to your entry. I will give you a comment to your entry at your comment here on my blog.  
You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not the URL to your blog, It´s a courtesy to you visitors, they find your post immediately.
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NF Winged 117 A hard life

Torsdagar  - Thursdays 
NF Winged 117
Welcome to a new Winged Edition. Winter is still here on the northern hemisphere. Not much winged ones except for birds. But maybe you still have unpublished ones.  So, go for a photohunt. Or search your files. If you live in the south you might go outdoors. :)

This is a meme, or meeting place, for everything with wings. I´d like to see flying creatures from all over the world. The purpose with memes is to visit other participants and to have fun.  This meme is small, surely you have time to visit and comment each others posts. Let me see you around. But as you know I am a busy woman but I always returns a visit.

Click to enlarge
A hard life
© NF Photo 110131 CostaRica 

We always think of butterflies as being there to please us. Having a great life visiting flowers and display their beauty. Truth is they have a hard life as this image shows. They are prey to birds and other large insects.

I have seen lately blogs that ONLY allow GOOGLE+ responses. If that is the case on your blog I can´t comment to your entry. I will give you a comment to your entry at your comment here on my blog.  
You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not the URL to your blog, It´s a courtesy to you visitors, they find your post immediately.
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NF Winged 115 Merry Christmas butterfly

Torsdagar  - Thursdays 
NF Winged 115
Welcome to a new Winged Edition. Summer is almost over. So are the winged ones. But there are still a lot of creatures with wings. So, go for a photohunt. Or search your files.

This is a meme, or meeting place, for everything with wings. I´d like to see flying creatures from all over the world. The purpose with memes is to visit other participants and to have fun.  This meme is small, surely you have time to visit and comment each others posts. Let me see you around. But as you know I am a busy woman but I always returns a visit.

Click to enlarge

 © NF Photo CostaRica 110207

Today I give you a butterfly that seems to belong in a Chrstmas tree. :)
"Light in darkness" meme
Next week is Christmas week and then it is New Year. There will probably not be that many participants so for each week there will be only ONE MEME themed Light in darkness. You can still post the usual themes but angled towards light and the upcoming feasts. Wishing you a great time with family and friends.

I have seen lately blogs that ONLY allow GOOGLE+ responses. If that is the case on your blog I can´t comment to your entry. I will give you a comment to your entry at your comment here on my blog.  
You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not the URL to your blog, It´s a courtesy to you visitors, they find your post immediately.
Regler finns i sidlisten. - For rules see the sidebar. 
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NF Winged 112 Night moth

Torsdagar  - Thursdays 
NF Winged 112
Welcome to a new Winged Edition. Summer is almost over. So are the winged ones. But there are still a few of creatures with wings. So, go for a photohunt. Or search your files.

This is a meme, or meeting place, for everything with wings. I´d like to see flying creatures from all over the world. The purpose with memes is to visit other participants and to have fun.  This meme is small, surely you have time to visit and comment each others posts. Let me see you around. But as you know I am a busy woman but I always returns a visit.

Click to enlarge

 © NF Photo 110210, CostaRica

This is some butterflies I found below the nightlight outside my room in a Lodge in Costa Rica when I was there. I think the antennas looks rather cool!

You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not the URL to your blog, It´s a courtesy to you visitors, they find your post immediately.
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NF Abstract 8 Heliconia Forest

NF Abstract on Wednesday

NF Abstract 8
NF Abstract, a meme for abstract photo art and creative work. I start this meme as I hope to challenge myself in my photography and artwork. To me, so far, it is all about photography and manipulation of my shots in a, hopefully, creative way. Lately I have started to also create the images, not just document what I find. Now I want to proceed. And I hope some of you want to share that process with me.

The topic can, of course, be interpreted in many ways and you can use whatever means you want as long as the result is Abstract.
Please visit my entry and so many other participants you can. I´d like this to be a living meme not just another linky list. So far it is a small meme, surely you have the time to comment on others. Thank you for joining the fun.
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NF Photo 110131 Heliconia Forest
A shot from CostaRica 2 years ago.

   Comment form for visitors outside GOOGLE
You shall ad the link to your post in the linkylist. Not the URL to your blog, It´s a curtesy to you visitors, they don´t have to wonder about what you wanted to share. There is also people who post links to blogs that is closed. When you enter, make sure your link goes to a valid post everybody can vistit. I can´t even alert you when it is wrong. 
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Labels: NatureFootstep, nfphoto, foto, photography, natur, naturfoto, nature, fotoutmaning, photo challenge, Bildverkstan, photo manipulation, photo shop, art, konst, sweden, sverige, Monica Johansson, resor, travels, Katrineholm fotograf, bild, NF Meme, , , , ,
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NF Blo-Ma #30 CR flower

Every Tuesday

NF Blo-Ma #30
Välkommna till en ny utgåva av NF Blo-Ma. Memet för allting som har med blommor och macro foton att göra. Dvs ett meme för både och, där Blo står för blomma och Ma för macro. Ett tack till alla som var med förra veckan trots alla helgdagar. Önskar allea en god fortsättning. 

Welcome to a new edition of NF Blo-Ma.  A meme all about Flowers and Macro shots. The name might need an explanation for international players. Blo comes from the swedish word for flower, blomma and Ma is for macro. English translation would be Flo-Ma but that does not sound so good in Swedish so Blo-Ma it is. Thanks everyone who joined last week despite the fact it was all holidays. Wishing everyone a Happy New Year. .

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I remember this little flower from CostaRica. It was the second last day on my trip. I sat down to have breakfast in a sunny spot and saw this one beside me. Thought at first it was Forgetmenot. But it isn´t.
You are always welcome to visit NatureFootstep.  :)
Look for rules in the sidebar. - Regler finns i sidlisten.
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NF Winged #63 Unknown from CostaRica

Torsdagar  - Thursdays 

NF Winged #63

Memet för allting med vingar. -  Everything with wings.
Välkommen till NF Winged. Sommaren var kort. Eller hur? Men än finns det vingar ute och flyger.  Det här är memet för alla era små och stora vingade vänner. Meningen med memes är ju att man ska få besök och även besöka andra. Vi är inte så många, nog kan ni ta er tid att göra några få kommentarer?

Welcome to a new Winged Edition. The summer was short but there are still wings flying around outdoors. And on the other side of the globe summer is approaching. :) I hope you will join in.  This is a meme, or meeting place, for everything with wings. I´d like to see flying creatures from all over the world. The purpose with memes is to visit other participants and to have fun.  This meme is small, surely you have time to visit and comment each others posts. Let me see you around.

Click to enlarge

NF Photo 110211, CostaRica
 I was really looking for a buttterfly fromCostaRica when I came across this shot. I don´t know about you, but to me it looks like an insect with wings. I guess it tries to look like a leaf or something. Head, legs and shadow tells me so. I just had to show you. :)

N O T E !
I´ll be off to Morocco the next two weeks. As I have 4 memes I will probably just mess things up if I try to put all of them on schedule. But I decided to keep them open until I am back. That way you can always scroll down to the meme of your choise and post your shots every week if you like. All 4 memes is visible on the first page at all times. I might be able to connect and check on you, but as I hear power and Internet connection is not reliable in Morocco. We are advised to bring candles. :)
Have fun till I´m back!
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NF Winged #60 Moth in CostaRica

Torsdagar  - Thursdays 

NF Winged #60

Memet för allting med vingar. -  Everything with wings.
Välkommen till NF Winged. Sommaren var kort. Eller hur? Men än finns det vingar ute och flyger. Om inta annat så finns ju fåglar och arkiv att gräva i.  Det här är memet för alla era små och stora vingade vänner. Meningen med memes är ju att man ska få besök och även besöka andra. Vi är inte så många, nog kan ni ta er tid att göra några få kommentarer?

Welcome to a new Winged Edition. The summer was short but there are still wings flying around outdoors. There are still birds and your archive to dig in. And on the other side of the globe summer is approaching. :) I hope you will join in.  This is a meme, or meeting place, for everything with wings. I´d like to see flying creatures from all over the world. The purpose with memes is to visit other participants and to have fun.  This meme is small, surely you have time to visit and comment each others posts. Let me see you around.

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NF Photo 110210 in Rancho Naturalista, CostaRica
 They say that CR has about 12,000 species of moths, so, to get an ID of this one, forget it! But it is nice, it was sitting on the wall outside my hotel room that morning.
 Linking up with Shadow Shot Sunday
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