Sunday, January 12, 2014

One Word -- Explore

Many artists and crafters (and others I’m sure, but these are the ones I see) like to select one word as a touchstone for the year.  I like the idea, but it can be tricky to find a word that can apply to a whole year.  I mean, I have an attention span of about 5 minutes, so a year is FOR.EV.ER!

Nevertheless, I gave it some thought.  Based on my decision to reduce my stash, I considered words like “Green” or “Recycle.”  They don’t seem inspiring, though.  I ‘tried on’ some generic words – Dream, Create, Focus, Love – nothing rings my bell.

Then I received an ad for the 2014 Art Journal Caravan and the right word came to me.


I had to join the Caravan right then and there!  If you’re not familiar with AJC, it’s a combination online class, journaling group, and community hosted by Tangie Baxter at (SBG).  She provides journaling prompts, collage elements, and guidance for a year of creative experiences.


This is the first journal page I created.  I chose this word because I want 2014 to be a year of exploring new experiences, learning new skills, and exploring new ways to do ‘old’ things – like using up a stash!  This can apply to many aspects of my life, not just the creativity.

This week, my explorations led me into the mechanics of navigating the SBG forums and uploading pictures, as well as an introduction into digital journaling.  Well, visual journaling anyway, since blogging is definitely a form of journaling!  At first it was quite a maze, but I am finding my way and can’t wait to continue.

naturedoesnothurry-orig 865X577

Today’s page.  A reminder to take a breath and enjoy the journey.

Page credits

Explore:  map fragment, hot air balloon, book courtesy of; all other elements, courtesy of tangie baxter

Nature does not hurry: Snowflake background = rubber stamp on painted paper; Quote, gold splatter, foreground tree = tangiebaxter, Art Journal Caravan January ’14 Collection; Background trees = Death to Stock Photos, Cozy collection; Bird silhouettes = courtesy of vectorolie/

Thursday, January 9, 2014

It’s All About the Stash

Favorite Fabric Swap


Lately, I’ve been thinking about my stash a lot.  I’m not the only one.  I’ve seen a lot of blogger’s take the Fabriholic’s Pledge.  As near as I can figure it, Jess started the FAA with her post here.

Jess posted a photo of her, ahem, stash as evidence that she needs to go on a fabric “diet.”  Oh boy, I would love to have my stash fit in one bookshelf!


In fact, I’d love to have my stash fit in one picture!!



And let’s not even get started on the laces, ribbons, and beads!

I was tempted to take the pledge to not purchase any new fabric this year, but then Reality raised it’s charming little head and, er, laughed at me!  We all know there’s no way I can NOT buy fabric for six months.  But, I do need to get a handle on this problem.

So, I’m thinking of doing an experiment.  Let’s see how long I can go without buying any fabric, and just shop my stash for whatever projects I do this year.  Of course, I’m thinking of excuses already . . . Block-of-the-Month kits shouldn’t count . . . I have to order the Hoffman Challenge fabric . . . and so on.  Maybe the experiment should also include how creative my excuses can be!

What do you think?  Is there any hope for me?  Maybe we can set up a pool and take bets!



P.S. Full Disclosure:  I had this post ready a couple days ago, but remembered I needed a backing for a quilt.  Soooo, this post got held until after I bought fabric!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

A Start to Winter


I mean the Winter Botanical Garden, of course.  Winter in the real world started some time ago!  I wanted there to be snow for this piece, which meant I needed something for snow to sit on.  My shrine is based on a photo I found and I assembled it from some hand-dyed fabric in my stash.  It is fused into place and ready for some thread sketching for details.

If I had a nice shrine like this in my garden, I wouldn’t mind the snow as much.  OK, that’s not true – I like to see the snow fall, but hate having it on the ground! 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year–New Finish

Starting out 2014 right, I spent the afternoon finishing up the third Botanical garden piece.


For the Autumn version, I placed a “harvest” moon in the sky.  I also quilted the background with random leaves.  They don’t show very well in this photo.


There.  You can see one of them here.  You can also see my marking lines before I removed them.  I loooove my Frixion pen!  Just apply heat and poof! . . . no markings!


But, back to Autumn.  Here I have appliqued all the leaves and added the border and it’s waiting for the flowers.  There was a lot of handwork to be done at this point. 


In fact, it took all day to get the handwork done.  It doesn’t show that well in this photo, but I did some simple embroidery stitches in some of the leaves and stems to liven things up.  I like the way it looks (in person at least) and will have to go back to do some on Spring and Summer.


Speaking of Summer – I don’t think I ever showed you the finished Summer piece (above).PA260006a

And, just to refresh your memory, here is Spring.  Yes, I do think I’ll be adding a little embroidery to these.  But first – Winter!  I have some ideas on preparing the background for winter, so it shouldn’t take me long to do that one.  I’m on a roll – best to keep going while there’s still some steam up!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

It’s the Weekend Before Christmas




. . . and there is always a lot to be done.  There’s decorating and wrapping, baking and cleaning, cards and carols.  Seems like there’s never enough time to do it all.







Or – if you are not inclined to fuss over Christmas (or you are one of the few who have everything all ready done . . .the rest of us hate you!), there are always plenty of unfinished projects and chores. 


So, what did I do this weekend?

None of the above!!!


I made a table runner!  It’s not what I planned to do this weekend, but there it is – pieced, quilted, and bound!  And on the table.  This is notable because (1) I never use tablecloths or runners, and (2) I NEVER complete a project of any size in one time slice!


You see, there were these extra papers from the block-of-the-month kit.  The next thing I knew I was pulling fabrics and cutting and stitching.  It was like someone else was directing my actions – saying, “Don’t think, just do.” 


I must admit, it looks pretty good on the table.  And on the positive side – there’s three fabrics removed from the stash!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Catching Up

My Design wall has been quite a mess lately.  This week I spent a little time clearing some of the clutter, and I thought you’d like to see what I’m working on now.


I finished another Botanical Garden panel.  This one is Summer.  I tried out my new couching foot for some of the stems (upper right corner) and I really love the way it works!  There may have to be more of that in future!  If you need a refresher on the flowers in this piece, click on SSunday in the word cloud to the right.  The summer flowers ran from July 28 to September 1.


This is the center of Moxie Girl – a block-of-the-month I’ve been working hard to catch up on.  The smaller rosettes are pinned and being appliqued now.  There are a couple of borders to add before I’m caught up, but it’s getting there.  And, oh my, it’s looking sooooo good!


This is what I cropped out of the main photo.  My supervisor is the reason I am close to being caught up.  You can see how hard he works to keep me on track!

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Progress Report

Thought I’d pop in and show you some in-progress pictures.  Although I haven’t been around blogville recently, I have been doing stitchy things.  More specifically – quilty stitchy things!

I finished the last two Disney Princesses:


So there are now six blocks ready to go. 


They do make a pretty display, don’t they?  Now I can concentrate on the alternate blocks.


This is one block partially finished.  There’s some applique to come. . . and five more blocks!

Another quilt I’ve been working on is called Moxie Girl:


The hexagon flower at top is being appliqued to the block shown at center.  The bottom hexies are about half the size of the top and will go on the sashing corner posts. 

That’s a lot of applique!  I guess you know what I’ll be doing for the next few weeks!