Showing posts with label Barney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barney. Show all posts

Friday, June 12, 2009

Awake All Night

The quilt top is finished!  I still need to choose fabric for the backing.  Then I will begin looking for a quilter.  I think this calls for an experienced hand.

cropptI'm not sure about binding.  I think I have enough of the original flower print.  Or should I go for a solid color?  What do you think?  If solid, what color?


It appears that this top has passed the official UAPI (United Association of Pug Inspectors) inspection!  A few minutes after this picture, he had it on the floor being gathered up for a bed!



I used the trimmed triangles to make some pinwheel blocks.  They are small and there are 13 of them.  That will take some thinking to come up with a plan for them. 

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Another class project

That title might be a little misleading . . . it's not another class.  It's still the Creative Boxmaking class I've been taking.  But I couldn't say "Another Box" . . . well, it's not a box!

vasesIn fact, it's a Vase - two of them.  These vases are made using the same techniques as one would use to make a box, though.  Sue does a good job of making the class interesting by having us make something a bit unexpected!

tall-vase The tall vase was made by layering tissue paper with Gesso.  Basically the same process as I used on the outside of the first box.  This one gave me a chance to correct my mistakes the first time around, which was basically not using enough Gesso.  This is really a very messy process when done right - my lab assistant demonstrates just one of the issues below  - but it is really a pretty surface when completed.


(No, pugs do not come with white spotted muzzles!)


Here is a closeup of the other vase.  I made this one smaller (more like a basket) because I have these acorns and other seed pods that needed a home.  The outside surface of this "box" started out as a brown paper bag.

 lacingHere you can see that I punched holes and inserted eyelets (LOVE that Crop-A-Dile tool!!) and then laced the sides together using a coordinating yarn.  It would look cool with leather lacing, too.

I have the next box under construction now.  I might finish it before the last lesson comes out, but don't hold your breath!!   I am keeping pretty busy with all kinds of projects.  Plus, it is almost time for another Goal Review.  Yikes!  Six weeks already? 

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Where Have You Been?

As I checked my e-mail, I wondered . . . where is everyone?  It's been awhile since I heard from close friends, some family, even blog buddies.  Hmmm.  Blog - let me check that.  OMG!!  It's been two weeks since I posted anything!!  No wonder I'm not hearing from anyone . . . they are not hearing from me!  Well, we need to fix that!

So, you are asking yourself, why haven't you been seeing any posts from Liz?  Well, I have been pretty busy (more about that later), but right here is the main reason:

groggThis is Barney and he just turned five months old!  You'll notice he looks a bit groggy in this pic.  This is the only sitting still shot I've been able to get so far!  He has two states of existence - (1) moving and (2) grogging or asleep!

chewbone   santa-tired






That makes it hard for me to show you his wonderful, liquid eyes!  He does have such a cute little face.  It's been quite awhile since we had a puppy in this household, and we are all having quite a time making the adjustment!  Jake, included!  Most of the time he tries to ignore the squirt, but he has been quite patient about sharing a water bowl and the occasional lap.  We make sure he gets his own "special" times, 'cause I think losing the lap would be pushing the limits!!

threebears   And, yes, there is room for two on this particular lap.  This is the only photo we have that shows the contrast in size between the two pugglies.  Jake is exactly twice Barney's weight - something that is definitely noticeable when I have them both aboard!

Fiber?  Crafts?  Why, yes, I do still have time for that!  In fact, I have a couple of finished projects to share with you in the next few days.  Stay tuned.