I'll give you a little bit of background first. One of the church youth groups in my small town asked if I could make some puppets for their after school activities. I'd never done puppets, but I was willing to try. I ended up making seven different puppets that everyone has been very happy with. This first picture is my original puppets which (sort of) match the characters in a book of skits the church group has.
Back to doll club: There were twelve "students" and they all completed AWESOME HEADS!! I can't believe that these great characters all came from my pattern! Oh, we had some struggles and a few people had to re-do or re-think; but the beauty of these puppets is that they are such great individual characters. I know I would not have had as much fun if they had all come out the same. Take a look at these!
Aren't they awesome?
Hmmm. That's ten heads - and we had twelve students. OK, guys. Who sneaked out early? We need to see your heads, too!