Showing posts with label puppets. Show all posts
Showing posts with label puppets. Show all posts

Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Day with Puppets

Yesterday was doll club and, as always, it was a lot of fun! This month I demonstrated how I made my soft sculptured hand puppets. It was so much fun to share what I had made with everyone and even more fun to see what they could do with my pattern and instructions. It was an exhausting day for me (I am still fighting off the cough), but well worth every bit of energy spent!

I'll give you a little bit of background first. One of the church youth groups in my small town asked if I could make some puppets for their after school activities. I'd never done puppets, but I was willing to try. I ended up making seven different puppets that everyone has been very happy with. This first picture is my original puppets which (sort of) match the characters in a book of skits the church group has.

Back to doll club: There were twelve "students" and they all completed AWESOME HEADS!! I can't believe that these great characters all came from my pattern! Oh, we had some struggles and a few people had to re-do or re-think; but the beauty of these puppets is that they are such great individual characters. I know I would not have had as much fun if they had all come out the same. Take a look at these!

Aren't they awesome?

Hmmm. That's ten heads - and we had twelve students. OK, guys. Who sneaked out early? We need to see your heads, too!