"Linnea Borealis or Twinflower is the national flower of Sweden. Named after Linnaeus (the Swedish 'father of taxonomy'), Linnéa is a very delicate wild plant - just about 1 in. high - growing in the deep shadow of Northern spruce forests. The plant has two flowers on top of each very thin stem. Foliage is in the form of creeping runners growing in deep moss. The flowers are pink, bell-like, very fragrant and grow in pairs."
People are always surprised when I tell my name is the name of a flower. They are also surprised when I say it is a Swedish name. Many folks say it sounds Hawaiian. At that point I tell them about Carl Von Linnaeus who found the flower. The definition and the picture above comes from the website I have listed above. I wanted to see a picture of the Linnea flower and this is one of the websites that came up when I did a search. Now my daughter and my granddaughter can see what the flower looks like since they both have Linnea for a middle name. One time I had a patient I was working with who knew exactly where my name came from when I told her my name. She was a retired botanist, so of course she recognized the name being a plant person.
I have accumulated several things with embroidery or drawings of the Linnea flower, but I wanted to see an actual picture. So there you are!
The above is another website with more information about the Linnea flower.
With in that website is a link to learn more about Carl Von Linnaeus.
His father's name was Nils.
Very interesting since my son's name is Nils.
That's a very interesting post, Linnea! Learned something new, and I think it's a beautiful name.
Very interesting. I teach Biology and have often wondered when I teach about Carrolus Linnaeus if his first name had been altered to "fit" binominal nomenclature. Appears from your links that it was. So interesting!
how fun! the flower is very pretty!
What a beautiful and delicate flower. I had never heard of it before, and so nice to see a picture. It is so small, but so very lovely. Thanks for sharing, it gives your name new meaning. Hugs, Marty
Linnea, this is really a good meme. I usually only participate in A Simple Woman's Daybook on Mondays which I dearly love doing. But this one I would consider as well. Sometimes you can write something that you would like to share again and what a perfect way to do it.
Your post is very interesting and I think your name is very pretty. Sorry I haven't commented in a while. We have had two weeks worth of company and are remodeling our kitchen. I have had time to post here and there but the commenting has been minimal. I always enjoy your blog though.
Bonnie :-)
How interesting!
I have never seen a Linnea flower.
It's beuatiful and your name as well.
Have a blessed Sunday.
~Melissa :)
Hello Linnea...
My friend, I'm so very pleased that you decided to participate in "Sunday Favorites"...and thank you so very much for the very sweet "mention" at the beginning of your blog!!! Sure do appreciate that!!!
What a perfect post to re-share with all of us! Ohhh...I think that Linnea is a beautiful name...it not only sounds pretty but to be named after a flower...so special!!! I had never heard of the Linnea flower before or seen a picture of it...so very interesting!!! I really enjoyed this post, my friend!!!
Also, just wanted to thank you for the really nice compliments that you left on my Tea Rose bedroom...you made me smile!!! Thanks Darlin'!!!
Warmest wishes,
Great story... funny thing, I know a girl named Linnea and she's married to a man named Nils. They live in GA.
It is beautiful, Linnea! I always thought that your name was rather unique and that maybe it was a family name. Great repost!
Linnea how great this is to be named for a flower...thanks for the information on it..thanks for coming by...and Yes I won that new blog dress like 2 months ago...I just love it as its so me..Old haha!! May you have a great day my friend...hugs and smiles Gl♥ria
What a lovely name! I figured it came from Linnaeus; an interesting character, that man was!
I love finding out what names mean.
Thanks for sharing...
(whose "real" name is Catherine)
What a dainty lttle flower! I wondered about your name, thinking it was pretty but not sure where it originated from. Now I know, thanks! Went to Dollar Tree yesterday and saw some cool stuff!
That is so amazing that so many of your family names tie back to him. Very cool! Makes you wonder if you guys aren't secretly related lol
I Linnea, what an interesting and informative post this is. I'm so glad that you decided to re-post it. How neat to have such a special history behind your name!
Well, I learned a lot and I must tell youthat I have always loved your name. It is not one you hear a lot (Unlike mine!) and it is so, so pretty, so sweet, feminine and playful too...
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