Earth laughs in flowers.--Ralph Waldo Emerson
Peace is not a season, it is a way of life.-Unknown
Bees are not as busy at we think they are. They just can't buzz any slower.--unknown
The sea is as near as we come to another world.-Anne Stevenson

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Blue Monday and Met Monday----sort of----

Hello everyone! I am doing a double post again
for double the pleasure.
That sort of reminds me of that Doublemint commercial.
Anyway, thank you to Sally over at Smiling Sally for hosting the BLUEs for us.

And thank you to Susan at Between Naps on the Porch for hosting the METs for us.

Have you noticed several of our hosts have names that start with "S"?

Now why is that?

After the Easter clean up I had all the clean dishes
all over the dining room table.
I should have taken a picture of that, oh well.
But here is the look after I put the stuff away.
My plates, bowls and cups you can see here.
Notice I have the cups hanging from hooks to save shelf space.
The dishes have BLUE.

We used these Princess House plates for dessert.
See, I have put them away too.
My what a good girl I am.
Now I need a pie to stick in my thumb,
like that nursery rhyme. Heehee.

The wine glasses get put away here.
See our method of saving shelf space.
It really helps to have some of the wineglasses hang from the stem.

Otherwise that upper space is wasted space!

The gravy boat that was used for extra ham glaze.
It gets put away here next to my wedding cake top
which has BLUE!

This gravy boat was one we got on my birthday outing.
We found it at a thrift shop for cheap.

I also have some BLUE wine glasses.
Only 5 though. And 2 water goblets.
They were wedding gifts, but we did not end up with very many.
The towels I used to dry the dishes.
Also full of BLUE.
So that was a mini-met in the kitchen/dining room.
Going from messy Easter meal dishes,
to clean and put away again until next time.
Here is another Metamorphis I am working on.
This messy corner in the family room.
I was getting annoyed with this mess.
Can't find what I want.
This is the bookcase in the messy corner.
A yucky messy place.
And on the floor beside the chair.
More yucky messy stuff.

This messy place is in the sewing/office room.
Actually it was worse before I took the picture.
There was a lot more papers and junk on the floor.
Yucky messy me.
Also, by the time I took this picture, I had actually straightened
the bookshelf some.
It is actually neater here than it was.
If you can imagine such a thing.
That laundry basket there is full of fabric.
This is the worst.
I have not tackled this part yet.
I can't even get into the closet!!
Oh me, oh my!

The ultimate goal it to totally clean out this closet and redo
the storage set up in there.
But I needed to do the other straightening and cleaning before
I can even get into the closet.
The closet was never painted white like the rest of the room
which is making it a very dark spooky place.
No wonder I don't want to go in there.
Notice also we have taken the door off.
Gives me more usuable wall space.
But my cutting table is now blocking the doorway.
Half of the room has been painted yellow
which is the color I want in here.
It is kind of a dark room so the yellow should make it cheery in there.

This is a Metamorphis in progress.
So far I have gotten this corner in the family room
cleaned and straigthened.
Doesn't that look so much better?

Now I need to get back into the sewing/office room
and continue where I left off.
I need to keep going so I can make it a room
that is fun to sew and craft in.
This is also the room I blog in too.
The corner where the computer is located
is already yellow.
So I get to look at the cheery yellow while blogging.
And that mess in the pictures is behind me.
I can't see it while I blog.
If I can't see it, does that mean the mess is not there?
Happy Monday everyone!


abeachcottage said...

hello, just popping by for susan's event

my study is the same, I loved that you called it a met in progress, kind of gave me the inspiration to get started...

happy met monday!


SmilingSally said...

Your blues are so pretty, and you've organized your china so well. It's easier to blog with the mess behind! LOL Thanks for sharing. Happy Blue Monday.

Kammy said...

Hi Linnea,

I know whatcha mean about messy
office/craft areas..I am always
picking mine up...I will have to
post some of mine in the future.
I see that you like to sew (me too)
I will have to see your other blog ! Don't you love Meta Monday
-and other "clubs" they motivate
me to do (yes really DO) stuff !


Elzie said...

So many lovely pictures. Just loved the one on the butterflie.
Hope you have a nice day.
Love Elzie

Colleen - the AmAzINg Mrs. B said...

Take you time - you are on the right path - it's overwhelming at first, but little bites will have it fixed in no time!

Love all the blue- your dishes are really pretty! Have a great Monday(oh and Tuesday, Wednesday and so on ) till your whole week is awesome!

Chandy said...

Linnea,gGood morning! Your blues look great! Greatpieces! Have a great Monday! Can't wait to see the transformation completed in that room.

bj said...

Oh, gosh are doing wonders with your transformation!
Good good luck on it!!
I love all your pretty blue dishes...and love the wine glasses hanging...neat idea..

ellen b said...

Linnea with your great organization of your dishes and glassware I'm sure you'll come up with some great ideas in your sewing/craft area, too! Good job on the bookcase :0)
Fun post...

Marty@A Stroll Thru Life said...

Oh I too have a couple of closets that look like that. I really need to tackle them. The bookcase looks great. I can't wait to see the finished projects. Hugs Marty

Knitty said...

Ugh, haven't we all been there with a mess to organize? Messes are a by product of creativity. Or at least that is my motto. ;)

Heather said...

pretty blue dishes! and the corner looks great!

Barb said...

Love your blue dishes!!

Happy Blue Monday.


Anne Fannie said...

Love all your blueness today!
Happy Blue Monday....

RobinfromCA said...

Wow! You've accomplished quite a bit! It's so annoying that piles multiply in the night when nobody is looking.

Happy Blue Monday
Robin@Miscellaneous Thoughts

jeanne said...

Linnea, your dishes are so pretty and look just as pretty in your cabinet. You were very efficient in putting your dishes away. Now as for your space for organization required. I have some of those too. Good luck. Smile.



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Quotes for Thought

There is a fountain of youth: it is your mind, your talents, the creativity you bring to your life and the lives of people you love. --Sophia Loren

Each day slowly shapes our lives, as dripping water shapes the stone.

Each day is God's gift to you, make it blossom and grow into a thing of beauty.

May I never miss a rainbow or a sunset because I am looking down.

The ordinary acts we practice every day at home are of more importance to the soul than their simplicity might suggest. -Thomas Moore

A kind heart is a fountain of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles.-Washington Irving

It doesn't take monumental feats to make the world a better place. It can be as simple as letting someone go ahead of you in a grocery line.-Barbara Johnson