Showing posts with label Dealership. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dealership. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

I often come across photos that I add to posts with similar items... but this time I'll just post the new stuff and links to where they would go

All those labels under these posts, and in the long column (about 1000) are there to help me, and you, find the stuff you are looking for. They sure help me find the things I recall having posted before, so I can add photos like these to the posts I want them in, or want to let you know where you can find similar things.

photos from

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Another dealership with an unsold musclecar, this time an '87 GNX, last one was a '69 Daytona for the GNX with 136 miles. The Los Angeles dealership bought it from GM, tried once or twice to make a killing by auctioning it off, and never succeeded. They eventually decided to keep it as an investment they can one day cash in. for the 1969 Charger Daytona that kept getting shifted between two dealerships but never sold from it's Virgina home... til in 2004 someone recalled they had a gold mine stuffed away in the attic of the dealership and it went to Mecum auctions. I read about it in a magazine, but can't recall much about it.

tipped to the GNX from Jalopnik

Saturday, February 6, 2010

A sample of the cool stuff Nik has at Blog Dos Carros Antigos, go look through his blog, it's excellent!

Above, a Mopar dealership in 1971 check in about every week, Nik frequently posts cool new stuff that always gets me wondering how he finds such cool things!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Compare prices before buying from a dealership... they mostly stay in business from repairs, and selling parts

I went to the Pontiac dealership and got a price quote for the brake shoes for the drum brakes on the rear of my 2000 Grand Am
Part number 19152644, shoe kit, $114.48, $123.35 after taxes

So I go to Autozone.
Part number #199277 720 , $21.99. $23.69 out the door.

It may be that the dealership brake shoes are better quality, longer lasting, and impressive materials... but when I can get 4 sets for less than one from the dealership, and those 4 sets will last twice as long as the longest lasting set the dealership will have... the choice comes down to dollars.

What really makes it all clear?
the same parts from an online outlet for $67.65, about half the dealerships charge. What rip off artists!