
Showing posts from March, 2013

Rights or tights

Hak hanya boleh diberikan kpd mereka yg sudah menjalankan tanggungjawab dan peranan mereka dengan baik dan sempurna. Peruntukan hak mestilah pula dihormati. Jangan asyik berhujah dengan hak kita yang itu dan yang ini. Tanyakan pada diri, sudahkah tanggungjawab dan peranan asasi kita sebagai hamba Allah dan khalifah terlaksana? Kalau belum, hak apa sebenarnya yang ada pada dirimu? Jangan lupa, kita manusia makhluk Allah yg perlu hidup secara berkelompok dan bersosial. Kita manusia lemah, amat saling bergantungan dan perlu-memerlukan. Selain hak individu, ada di sana hak kolektif (jamaie) yang menjadi milik komuniti di sekelilingmu. Bila bertembung antara hak individu kita dengan hak kolektif massa – ketahuilah, hak kolektiflah yang harus didahulu dan diutamakan. Demi sebuah ketenangan hidup yang penuh rasa hormat-menghormati, ayuh kita belajar dari kelompok manusia dulu – mendahulukan hak kolektif dibandingkan hak individu. - Dr Har. I read Dr Har's most recent blog entry rega...


You don't spend nearly an hour talking about something that may stir a situation leaving bad impression on anyone -if you're lucky (or yourselves if you are not), ONLY to ask for forgiveness and blessings from Allah at the end of the conversation. Doesn't sound right, does it? :P ++++ I was supposed to make another artwork but somehow this came out instead. Haha. Ok back to work.  +++  Edited* So some people didn't actually get the picture. And the message. He said the dialog box looks like a bird with those tangling lines. So I modified a bit.  Ceh perlulah. Banyaknyela mase ko ye kakmah. Anyway, the point is, I'm just curious that is it a norm, or is it OK, after nearly an hour spending talking and talking about something bad that can clearly cause a stir, that people always finish up with such line that goes around "Semoga Allah merahmati dan mengampunkan dosa kita..." ? Ok mungkin lah boleh kot. Tapi mcm lawak s...


You see sometimes being paranoid is golden. It helps us to solve something before it even started (if it hasn't started at all). Now isn't that genius? Especially if the thing that we're being paranoid about is something big, something matters. I don't know, maybe like, the akidah issue?

8hb Mac

Three years can either be too long or too short. Suddenly it's my 3rd year at CAE! ..And I'm somewhere across the continent enjoying my long leave :)) +++ So let say you've been working for a company for 5 years for example. Or studying in a university for that stretch of time. And if within the period, there's no one you could change, at least one you could influence towards becoming better, what that says about you? Isn't there someone seeing the Islam you're portraying? You've been attending a lot of majlis2 ilmu and yet there's not even a piece of reminder to share. Or the beauty of Islam to show. So what does that say about you. Unless the Islamic values you portray in the office is not outstanding enough where people can easily see. Or you don't even bring the values along and to work and you're just simply "one of them". Or you don't feel proud of how Islamic you have/might have been. This is the kind of question ...

Can't help it

Blessed are the ones who, despite the majority's scorn, strive against the tide just to seek victory for the deen, for the sake of Allah and Allah only. They are truly like the aromatherapy candles. The more they are burnt, the more they are fragrant. May the blessed ones win. ---- On another similar but kinda different note, The general election is coming in a couple of months. Or sooner, I don't know. I wish I could make it in time to cast my vote. If I do, it will be my second time voting. My vote should count. Who knows it could make a difference. Hehe. Honestly speaking, these days, with GE approaching and all, my Facebook feeds are not exactly the most interesting things to read. In fact I don't really look forward to at all. It's just full of information I never thought of knowing. Some are worth knowing/reading. Some are not. And I even get very, very anxious each time I click the Facebook icon that I may be fed with the information/status/comments/s...