
Showing posts from February, 2013

One windy afternoon

One windy afternoon at Sakuragicho Station in Yokohama, the clouds started to pour when, amidst the hustle and bustle of people going on and off the trains, 2 lovely ladies approaching a young mother strolling her baby aimlessly around to comfort him from crying. Tess: Hello there! How are you? Are you waiting for someone? *smiling eyes* N: Oh hello *startled* yes I'm waiting for my friend. I'm very good, thank you. Maria: Is this your son? Look at him, so cute! How old is he? N: Yeah, he's 9 months old. Thank you! Er how can I help you? Maria: Ah well, we're from Philipines, and we would love to share something with you. Here's a magazine, you can read it whenever later. N: Ah ok (looks at the title: Awake) so what is this magazine about? Tess: Do you notice that the world is full of violence? That people suffer everywhere? N: Yes.. Tess: Do you know why? N: Well because people don't put the right things at the right places? For example the poor ...