
Showing posts from November, 2012

Housewifery Week 1

It has been over a week since I started this lucrative job as a domestic engineer; or some people may refer as housewife. Cey domestic engineer, name nak glemer je. And I'm still adapting to the whole concept of housewifery. Ceh padahal apo la yg susah sgt :p tapi sebenarnye busy jugak. The one who keeps me busy :D I actually learned and still learning how to cook. The mentor is my husband alhamdulillah he is a good cook and a rajin one too. My first dish was a sambal sotong and it was so delicious (testified by the mentor himself) mcm makanan kat rumah yg mama/bibik penah masak hehe, I can't believe these hands of mine are capable of making such food cey. Dulu dengar perkataan tumis je dah terbayang susahnye. Ngan bawang putih n merah n cili n whatnots. Not to mention the thought of being splashed by minyak panas lg.. Hihi now not anymore cecece. Hopefully balik malaysia nanti saye akan terus menjadi rajin masak. Motivated by the first successful attempt, I tried to m...