
Showing posts from February, 2012

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So I came to a conclusion that bloggers are lonely. Not the kind of depressed and dangerous loner, but just innocent and harmless jela. They just need to share something. Haha it still sounds sad either way. Ok please slap me if I'm wrong. But it kinda happened to me. When I was single, I blogged. I got married, husband was away the whole time, I blogged. Now that husband came back a month ago, I never blogged dah (not to mention I gained 4 kg in just a month). And now, despite the fact that I dread working (at night), I'm still in the office. Alone, and while running the autotune for the motion system, I blog. Point proven for loner blogger. So much for quitting eh. This month is crazy. I was assigned to handle this engine project, not remembering that I'm not as light and energetic as before, I just nodded to JP agreeing to do this. Skrg terimalah padahnye. For the past 7 months, I've gained 10 kg. The doctor told me not to exceed another 2kg for the next 2 months...