
Showing posts from December, 2011

It's just an iPod

So my iPod has mysteriously died recently and apparently it can be resuscitated. With a condition: it needs to be reset to factory settings. All data needs to be wiped out. Just like when I first bought it 2 years ago. Ah sedihnye!! My whole life was there. My timeline, milestones, future plans, past future plans, future past plans, berangans, passwords and PINs, account numbers, good stuff I stole from places, ideas I discussed with people, history, everything. It's like I made a copy of me and put it in my iPod. I wonder if I can say I love my iPod more than my fon safely without my fon having to die. Maybe it's time to start anew. Haih. New year's coming anyway. I remember early this year I wrote in a post, "can't wait to call it a year!" and now we're almost calling it a year. Hehe. And I also remember I wrote in a post early year 2010 to see if that year I've got lucky enough to get my finger ringed. And it happened, even though I don't ...


It's -1 degree celcius here. Memang tak berani nak keluar sangat dah baru2 ni. Kalau tak pegi ofis duduk dalam hotel je. Beli makanan pun delivery je. Sian org yg deliver food tu datang hantar makanan muke dah biru2. Selalunye balik drpd ofis kul 4 pagi sorang2. My other team member dah balik montreal sejak last week lg. Time ni suhu dah 2 to -1 degree celcius. Perjalanan dari building ke guard house selalunye ambik masa 7 minit. So kire2 setiap hari mcm 14 minit je la tahan sejuk kat luar, utk perjalanan pegi balik building-guard house. Selain tu stay indoor je, i.e. dlm teksi, dlm building, dlm hotel. So dlm 24 jam, lebih kurang 20 minit je exposed to suhu sejuk i.e. 0 celcius and below. Tapi ironiknye bekalan untuk mengharungi suhu sejuk yg 20minit ni lg lama drpd bekalan utk the rest 23 hours and 40 mins. Kat guard house, I told the guard, "chuzhu qie" sambil tunjuk gesture pegang telefon. Maknenye saye suruh pak guard tu call kan cab. Chuzhu qie (pronounce chu ju c...

sudah 26!

wah makin menjadi2 tulis blog. alhamdulillah saye sudah menjelang 26 tahun 2 hari as we speak. i had a nice time alone in the hotel room celebrating my birthday with my husband on the other end of the skype line. since korea is 1 hour ahead of me, we celebrated it at 11+pm, which is technically not 29 november yet. hehe nevermind la, tapi ok takdela celebrate ape pun, if it had not been my birthday we would still be skyping anyway. my dear family and closed friends said their prayers and wishes through facebook and text messages and whatsapp and gtalk. paling terharu ialah text msg dari papa :") terime kasih sume! then again, as cliche as it sounds, what's with birthdays kan. everybody gets one every year. hehe. untuk tahun ini, disebabkan saye telah kehilangan henfon sebanyak 2 kali dalam sebulan, saye pun menghadiahkan diri saye sendiri sebuah fon baru, alhamdulillah duit claim mase zhuhai trip haritu gets cleared at the right time :) so far henfon ni ok la, no problem. ...

shanghai at noon

tak sangke shanghai mcm bes2. orang2 die ade jugak yang boleh cakap english, agak senang la. depan hotel ni pun ade banyak kedai. ade family mart, ade pizza hut, ade kfc. at least boleh beli fries ngan mozarella pizza. saye bawak satu botol sos cili life. memang perut melayu kene makan ngan bende pedas. saye memang berperut melayu. tak boleh la nak masuk makanan oriental seperti chinese food, korean, japanese. ok memang tak adventurous. berbanding ngan suami saye die boleh menelan oyster besar dalam sekelip mata. sea cucumber pun die boleh. all the viscous food die memang boleh makan. paling viscous yg saye boleh terima ialah mee bandung ngan bihun kungfu je. peh lapar pulak ckp pasal bihun kungfu. berdekatan dengan hotel ni ade arabian restaurant. shanghai habibi. ade jugak google restaurant halal disekitar tapi tak jumpe plak, pastu hud pun google kan terus jumpe. siap ade delivery, memang senang la. tapi saye bajet sure mahal harga. skrg suhu tgh 15c. mlm2 boleh sampai 4c. kal...