
Showing posts from June, 2011

This is it, isn't it.

Err no it is not (yet) One year ago today I didn't expect myself to be busy handling wedding prep stress a year later. The wedding prep, not so much, the stress, yes, tell me about it. (Lol I didn't even see marriage coming masa tu. Let alone seeing myself in a wedding dress) One year ago today I just came back from Montreal where I spent a jolly good month by myself, kinda a gateway for me lah kononnye. Padahal kene kerja je (of course bukan holiday). But it was really good. I'm still amazed at how worry free I was by then. One year ago today... ok let's not talk about 365 days ago. Let's talk about something present. But alhamdulillah nevertheless. Allah has perfect plans for me :) I still vividly remember my mom's expression when my fiancé and his family drove off after our first family meeting at our house, her face was screaming in relief, "fuh alhamdulillah ade jugak org nak anak aku!" No I'm not kidding. And seeing my mom and dad happy, I wa...