
Showing posts from January, 2011


Retweeted from IslamicThinking. "It's not the mountains ahead to climb that wear you out. It's the pebbles in your shoes." The lesson: change your shoes.


ok takperlu tibe2 rasa conscious nak cek saman kat myeg bile tgh banyak kerja. (fuh nasib baik no outstanding summons found) ((okkk lagi la takperlu tulis kat blog pun kot!)) p.s. one of my close friends zati just got married this morning! barakallahu lakuma wa baraka alaikuma wa jama'a baina kuma fi khayr :)


dear 2011, i just can't wait to call it a year. sincerely, the girl who just started her year. well, stephen covey kata kene begin something with the end in mind kan. so there. happy new year 2011!


salam while its still 1.5.11, i would like to invite you guys to commemorate what actually happened 500 years ago (year 1511) when our prestigious islamic empire centered in melaka fell into the hands of the invaders. let's learn the lessons and see what could have been done if we were to live in the era. and let's make sure those mistakes ain't repeating themselves this time around. well 500 years later at least i hope my future generation would come up with similar event entitled, "the highs of malay islamic empire in the early decades of 21st century" or something like that. details are above. see you there! p.s. poster tak hi-res so tak sharp langsung. haih ntah sape la designer die